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A second mapping method in generalized discrete singular convolution algorithm: regularizing singularities for one electron system

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 نشر من قبل Kaige Hu
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A second mapping method is introduced in the generalized discrete singular convolution algorithm. The mapping approaches are adopted to regularize singularities for one electron system. The applications of the two mapping methods are generalized from the radial hydrogen problem to the one-dimensional hydrogen problem. Three mapping functions are chosen: the square-root mapping function, the cube-root mapping function, and the logarithm mapping function. However, the present mapping approaches fail in both the two-dimensional and three-dimensional hydrogen problems, because the wavefunctions of s-states at the nuclei are not correct.

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اقرأ أيضاً

In this paper, authors focus effort on improving the conventional discrete velocity method (DVM) into a multiscale scheme in finite volume framework for gas flow in all flow regimes. Unlike the typical multiscale kinetic methods unified gas-kinetic s cheme (UGKS) and discrete unified gas-kinetic scheme (DUGKS), which concentrate on the evolution of the distribution function at the cell interface, in the present scheme the flux for macroscopic variables is split into the equilibrium part and the nonequilibrium part, and the nonequilibrium flux is calculated by integrating the discrete distribution function at the cell center, which overcomes the excess numerical dissipation of the conventional DVM in the continuum flow regime. Afterwards, the macroscopic variables are finally updated by simply integrating the discrete distribution function at the cell center, or by a blend of the increments based on the macroscopic and the microscopic systems, and the multiscale property is achieved. Several test cases, involving unsteady, steady, high speed, low speed gas flows in all flow regimes, have been performed, demonstrating the good performance of the multiscale DVM from free molecule to continuum Navier-Stokes solutions and the multiscale property of the scheme is proved.
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We have carried out an analysis of singularities in Kohn variational calculations for low energy e^{+}-H_{2} elastic scattering. Provided that a sufficiently accurate trial wavefunction is used, we argue that our implementation of the Kohn variationa l principle necessarily gives rise to singularities which are not spurious. We propose two approaches for optimizing a free parameter of the trial wavefunction in order to avoid anomalous behaviour in scattering phase shift calculations, the first of which is based on the existence of such singularities. The second approach is a more conventional optimization of the generalized Kohn method. Close agreement is observed between the results of the two optimization schemes; further, they give results which are seen to be effectively equivalent to those obtained with the complex Kohn method. The advantage of the first optimization scheme is that it does not require an explicit solution of the Kohn equations to be found. We give examples of anomalies which cannot be avoided using either optimization scheme but show that it is possible to avoid these anomalies by considering variations in the nonlinear parameters of the trial function.
119 - H. A. Erbay , S. Erbay , A. Erkip 2019
Numerical approximation of a general class of nonlinear unidirectional wave equations with a convolution-type nonlocality in space is considered. A semi-discrete numerical method based on both a uniform space discretization and the discrete convoluti on operator is introduced to solve the Cauchy problem. The method is proved to be uniformly convergent as the mesh size goes to zero. The order of convergence for the discretization error is linear or quadratic depending on the smoothness of the convolution kernel. The discrete problem defined on the whole spatial domain is then truncated to a finite domain. Restricting the problem to a finite domain introduces a localization error and it is proved that this localization error stays below a given threshold if the finite domain is large enough. For two particular kernel functions, the numerical examples concerning solitary wave solutions illustrate the expected accuracy of the method. Our class of nonlocal wave equations includes the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation as a special case and the present work is inspired by the previous work of Bona, Pritchard and Scott on numerical solution of the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation.
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