The goal of this article is to study results and examples concerning finitely presented covers of finitely generated amenable groups. We collect examples of groups $G$ with the following properties: (i) $G$ is finitely generated, (ii) $G$ is amenable
, e.g. of intermediate growth, (iii) any finitely presented group $E$ with a quotient isomorphic to $G$ contains non-abelian free subgroups, or the stronger (iii) any finitely presented group with a quotient isomorphic to $G$ is large.
We show that topological amenability of an action of a countable discrete group on a compact space is equivalent to the existence of an invariant mean for the action. We prove also that this is equivalent to vanishing of bounded cohomology for a clas
s of Banach G-modules associated to the action, as well as to vanishing of a specific cohomology class. In the case when the compact space is a point our result reduces to a classic theorem of B.E. Johnson characterising amenability of groups. In the case when the compact space is the Stone-v{C}ech compactification of the group we obtain a cohomological characterisation of exactness for the group, answering a question of Higson.
We study lattice embeddings for the class of countable groups $Gamma$ defined by the property that the largest amenable uniformly recurrent subgroup $A_Gamma$ is continuous. When $A_Gamma$ comes from an extremely proximal action and the envelope of $
A_Gamma$ is co-amenable in $Gamma$, we obtain restrictions on the locally compact groups $G$ that contain a copy of $Gamma$ as a lattice, notably regarding normal subgroups of $G$, product decompositions of $G$, and more generally dense mappings from $G$ to a product of locally compact groups.
We define a notion of uniform density on translation bounded measures in unimodular amenable locally compact Hausdorff groups, which is based on a group invariant introduced by Leptin in 1966. We show that this density notion coincides with the well-
known Banach density. We use Leptin densities for a new geometric proof of the model set density formula, which expresses the density of a uniform regular model set in terms of the volume of its window, and for a proof of uniform mean almost periodicity of such model sets.