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Negative Magnetoresistance in Amorphous Indium Oxide Wires

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 نشر من قبل Sreemanta Mitra
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study magneto-transport properties of several amorphous Indium oxide nanowires of different widths. The wires show superconducting transition at zero magnetic field, but, there exist a finite resistance at the lowest temperature. The $R(T)$ broadening was explained by available phase slip models. At low field, and far below the superconducting critical temperature, the wires with diameter equal to or less than 100 nm, show negative magnetoresistance (nMR). The magnitude of nMR and the crossover field are found to be dependent on both temperature and the cross-sectional area. We find that this intriguing behavior originates from the interplay between two field dependent contributions.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We study the low temperature magneto-transport properties of several highly disordered amorphous Indium oxide(a:InO) samples. Simultaneously fabricated devices comprising a 2-dimensional (2D) film and 10 $mu$m long wires of different widths were meas ured to investigate the effect of size as we approach the 1D limit, which is around 4 times the correlation length, and happens to be around 100 nm for a:InO. The film and the wires showed magnetic field ({it B}) induced superconductor to insulator transition (SIT). In the superconducting side, the resistance increased with decrease in wire width, whereas, an opposite trend is observed in the insulating side. We find that this effect can be explained in light of charge-vortex duality picture of the SIT. Resistance of the 2D film follows an activated behavior over the temperature ($T$), whereas, the wires show a crossover from the high-$T$ activated to a $T$-independent behavior. At high temperature regime the wires resistance follow the films until they deviate and became independent of $T$. We find that temperature at which this deviation occurs evolve with magnetic field and the width of the wire, which show the effect of finite size on the transport.
144 - O. Cohen , M. Ovadia , 2011
Current-voltage characteristics in the insulator bordering superconductivity in disordered thin films exhibit current jumps of several orders of magnitude due to the development of a thermally bistable electronic state at very low temperatures. In th is high-resolution study we find that the jumps can be composed of many (up to 100) smaller jumps that appear to be random. This indicates that inhomogeneity develops near the transition to the insulator and that the current breakdown proceed via percolative paths spanning from one electrode to the other.
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Magnetoresistive properties of granular Bi-based HTSC with trapped magnetic fields are investigated in the temperature region near superconducting transition . The effect of trapped field and transport current values and orientations on the field dep endence of magnetoresistance is studied. It is found that for the magnetic field parallel and the current perpendicular to trapping inducing field the field dependence of magnetoresistance is nonmonotonic and magnetoresistance turns out to be negative for small fields. The magnetoresistance sign inversion field increases roughly linear with the trapped magnetic field and slightly decrease with transport current. The results are explained in the framework of model of magnetic flux trapping in granules or superconducting loops embedded in weak links matrix.
57 - S. J. May , A. J. Blattner , 2004
The magnetotransport properties of an In0.95Mn0.05As thin film grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy were measured. Resistivity was measured over the temperature range of 5 to 300 K. The resistivity decreased with increasing temperature from 90 ohm-cm to 0.05 ohm-cm. The field dependence of the low temperature magnetoresistance was measured. A negative magnetoresistance was observed below 17 K with a hysteresis in the magnetoresistance observed at 5 K. The magnetoresistance as a function of applied field was described by the Khosla-Fischer model for spin scattering of carriers in an impurity band.
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