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Quantum Lattice Boltzmann is a quantum walk

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 نشر من قبل Francois Fillion-Gourdeau
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Numerical methods for the 1-D Dirac equation based on operator splitting and on the quantum lattice Boltzmann (QLB) schemes are reviewed. It is shown that these discretizations fall within the class of quantum walks, i.e. discrete maps for complex fields, whose continuum limit delivers Dirac-like relativistic quantum wave equations. The correspondence between the quantum walk dynamics and these numerical schemes is given explicitly, allowing a connection between quantum computations, numerical analysis and lattice Boltzmann methods. The QLB method is then extended to the Dirac equation in curved spaces and it is demonstrated that the quantum walk structure is preserved. Finally, it is argued that the existence of this link between the discretized Dirac equation and quantum walks may be employed to simulate relativistic quantum dynamics on quantum computers.

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142 - Y.M.Min , K.Wang 2016
In this paper, we study the quantum walk on the 2D Penrose Lattice, which is intermediate between periodic and disordered structure. Quantum walk on Penrose Lattice is less efficient in transport comparing to the regular lattices. By calculating the final remaining probability on the initial nodes and estimating the low bound. Our results show that the broken of translational symmetry induces both the localized states and degeneracy of eigenstates at $E=0$, this two differences from regular lattices influence efficiency of quantum walk. Also, we observe the transition from inefficient to efficient transport after introducing the near hopping terms, which suggests that we can adjust the hopping strength and achieve a phase transition progress.
The study of quantum walks has been shown to have a wide range of applications in areas such as artificial intelligence, the study of biological processes, and quantum transport. The quantum stochastic walk, which allows for incoherent movement of th e walker, and therefore, directionality, is a generalization on the fully coherent quantum walk. While a quantum stochastic walk can always be described in Lindblad formalism, this does not mean that it can be microscopically derived in the standard weak-coupling limit under the Born-Markov approximation. This restricts the class of quantum stochastic walks that can be experimentally realized in a simple manner. To circumvent this restriction, we introduce a technique to simulate open system evolution on a fully coherent quantum computer, using a quantum trajectories style approach. We apply this technique to a broad class of quantum stochastic walks, and show that they can be simulated with minimal experimental resources. Our work opens the path towards the experimental realization of quantum stochastic walks on large graphs with existing quantum technologies.
We design a quantum probing protocol using Quantum Walks to investigate the Quantum Information spreading pattern. We employ Quantum Fisher Information, as a figure of merit, to quantify extractable information about an unknown parameter encoded with in the Quantum Walk evolution. Although the approach is universal, we focus on the coherent static and dynamic disorder to investigate anomalous and classical transport as well as Anderson localization. Our results show that a Quantum Walk can be considered as a readout device of information about defects and perturbations occurring in complex networks, both classical and quantum.
We address the scattering of a quantum particle by a one-dimensional barrier potential over a set of discrete positions. We formalize the problem as a continuous-time quantum walk on a lattice with an impurity, and use the quantum Fisher information as a mean to quantify the maximal possible accuracy in the estimation of the height of the barrier. We introduce suitable initial states of the walker and derive the reflection and transmission probabilities of the scattered state. We show that while the quantum Fisher information is affected by the width and central momentum of the initial wave packet, this dependency is weaker for the quantum signal-to-noise ratio. We also show that a dichotomic position measurement provides a nearly optimal detection scheme.
Symmetrically evolving discrete quantum walk results in dynamic localization with zero mean displacement when the standard evolution operations are replaced by a temporal disorder evolution operation. In this work we show that the quantum ratchet act ion, that is, a directed transport in standard or disordered discrete-time quantum walk can be realized by introducing a pawl like effect realized by using a fixed coin operation at marked positions that is, different from the ones used for evolution at other positions. We also show that the combination of standard and disordered evolution operations can be optimized to get the mean displacement of order $propto$ t (number of walk steps). This model of quantum ratchet in quantum walk is defined using only a set of entangling unitary operators resulting in the coherent quantum transport.
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