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Constant-intensity waves and their modulation instability in non-Hermitian potentials

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 نشر من قبل Stefan Rotter
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In all of the diverse areas of science where waves play an important role, one of the most fundamental solutions of the corresponding wave equation is a stationary wave with constant intensity. The most familiar example is that of a plane wave propagating in free space. In the presence of any Hermitian potential, a waves constant intensity is, however, immediately destroyed due to scattering. Here we show that this fundamental restriction is conveniently lifted when working with non-Hermitian potentials. In particular, we present a whole new class of waves that have constant intensity in the presence of linear as well as of nonlinear inhomogeneous media with gain and loss. These solutions allow us to study, for the first time, the fundamental phenomenon of modulation instability in an inhomogeneous environment. Our results pose a new challenge for the experiments on non-Hermitian scattering that have recently been put forward.

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When waves impinge on a disordered material they are back-scattered and form a highly complex interference pattern. Suppressing any such distortions in the free propagation of a wave is a challenging task with many applications in a number of differe nt disciplines. In a recent theoretical proposal, it was pointed out that both perfect transmission through disorder as well as a complete suppression of any variation in a wave intensity can be achieved by adding a continuous gain-loss distribution to the disorder. Here we show that this abstract concept can be implemented in a realistic acoustic system. Our prototype consists of an acoustic waveguide containing several inclusions that scatter the incoming wave in a passive configuration and provide the gain or loss when being actively controlled. Our measurements on this non-Hermitian acoustic metamaterial demonstrate unambiguously the creation of a reflectionless scattering wave state that features a unique form of discrete constant-amplitude pressure waves. In addition to demonstrating that gain-loss additions can turn localised systems into transparent ones, we expect our proof-of-principle demonstration to trigger interesting new developments not only in sound engineering, but also in other related fields such as in non-Hermitian photonics.
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We derive analytical expressions for the coherence in the onset of modulation instability, in excellent agreement with thorough numerical simulations. As usual, we start by a linear perturbation analysis, where broadband noise is added to a continuou s wave (CW) pump; then, we investigate the effect of adding a deterministic seed to the CW pump, a case of singular interest as it is commonly encountered in parametric amplification schemes. Results for the dependence of coherence on parameters such as fiber type, pump power, propagated distance, seed signal-to-noise ratio are presented. Finally, we show the importance of including higher-order linear and nonlinear dispersion when dealing with generation in longer wavelength regions (mid IR). We believe these results to be of relevance when applied to the analysis of the coherence properties of supercontinua generated from CW pumps.
Eigenspectra of a spinless quantum particle trapped inside a rigid, rectangular, two-dimensional (2D) box subject to diverse inner potential distributions are investigated under hermitian, as well as non-hermitian antiunitary $mathcal{PT}$ (composite parity and time-reversal) symmetric regimes. Four sectors or stripes inscribed in the rigid box comprising contiguously conjoined parallel rectangular segments with one side equaling the entire width of the box are studied. The stripes encompass piecewise constant potentials whose exact, complete energy eigenspectrum is obtained employing matrix mechanics. Various striped potential compositions, viz. real valued ones in the hermitian regime as well as complex, non-hermitian but $mathcal{PT}$ symmetric ones are considered separately and in conjunction, unraveling among typical lowest lying eigenvalues, retention and breakdown scenarios engendered by the $mathcal{PT}$ symmetry, bearing upon the strength of non-hermitian sectors. Some states exhibit a remarkable crossover of symmetry `making and `breaking: while a broken $mathcal{PT}$ gets reinstated for an energy level, higher levels may couple to continue with symmetry breaking. Further, for a charged quantum particle a $mathcal{PT}$ symmetric electric field, furnished with a striped potential backdrop, also reveals peculiar retention and breakdown $mathcal{PT}$ scenarios. Depictions of prominent probability redistributions relating to various potential distributions both under norm-conserving unitary regime for hermitian Hamiltonians and non-conserving ones post $mathcal{PT}$ breakdown are presented.
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