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A blind method to detrend instrumental systematics in exoplanetary light-curves

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 نشر من قبل Giuseppe Morello
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Giuseppe Morello

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The study of the atmospheres of transiting exoplanets requires a photometric precision, and repeatability, of one part in $sim 10^4$. This is beyond the original calibration plans of current observatories, hence the necessity to disentangle the instrumental systematics from the astrophysical signals in raw datasets. Most methods used in the literature are based on an approximate instrument model. The choice of parameters of the model and their functional forms can sometimes be subjective, causing controversies in the literature. Recently, Morello et al. (2014, 2015) have developed a non-parametric detrending method that gave coherent and repeatable results when applied to Spitzer/IRAC datasets that were debated in the literature. Said method is based on Independent Component Analysis (ICA) of individual pixel time-series, hereafter pixel-ICA. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the limits and advantages of pixel-ICA on a series of simulated datasets with different instrument properties, and a range of jitter timescales and shapes, non-stationarity, sudden change points, etc. The performances of pixel-ICA are compared against the ones of other methods, in particular polynomial centroid division (PCD), and pixel-level decorrelation (PLD) method (Deming et al. 2014). We find that in simulated cases pixel-ICA performs as well or better than other methods, and it also guarantees a higher degree of objectivity, because of its purely statistical foundation with no prior information on the instrument systematics. The results of this paper, together with previous analyses of Spitzer/IRAC datasets, suggest that photometric precision and repeatability of one part in $10^4$ can be achieved with current infrared space instruments.

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In a companion paper we have reported a $>5sigma$ detection of degree scale $B $-mode polarization at 150 GHz by the BICEP2 experiment. Here we provide a detailed study of potential instrumental systematic contamination to that measurement. We focus extensively on spurious polarization that can potentially arise from beam imperfections. We present a heuristic classification of beam imperfections according to their symmetries and uniformities, and discuss how resulting contamination adds or cancels in maps that combine observations made at multiple orientations of the telescope about its boresight axis. We introduce a technique, which we call deprojection, for filtering the leading order beam-induced contamination from time ordered data, and show that it removes power from BICEP2s $BB$ spectrum consistent with predictions using high signal-to-noise beam shape measurements. We detail the simulation pipeline that we use to directly simulate instrumental systematics and the calibration data used as input to that pipeline. Finally, we present the constraints on $BB$ contamination from individual sources of potential systematics. We find that systematics contribute $BB$ power that is a factor $sim10times$ below BICEP2s 3-year statistical uncertainty, and negligible compared to the observed $BB$ signal. The contribution to the best-fit tensor/scalar ratio is at a level equivalent to $r=(3-6)times10^{-3}$.
$bf{Context}$. We investigate the validity of the claim that invokes two extreme exoplanetary system candidates around the pulsating B-type subdwarfs KIC 10001893 and KIC 5807616 from the primary $it{Kepler}$ field. $bf{Aims}$. Our goal was to find characteristics and the source of weak signals that are observed in these subdwarf light curves. $bf{Methods}$. To achieve this, we analyzed short- and long-cadence $it{Kepler}$ data of the two stars by means of a Fourier transform and compared the results to Fourier transforms of simulated light curves to which we added exoplanetary signals. The long-cadence data of KIC 10001893 were extracted from CCD images of a nearby star, KIC 10001898, using a point spread function reduction technique. $bf{Results}$. It appears that the amplitudes of the Fourier transform signals that were found in the low-frequency region depend on the methods that are used to extract and prepare $it{Kepler}$ data. We demonstrate that using a comparison star for space telescope data can significantly reduce artifacts. Our simulations also show that a weak signal of constant amplitude and frequency, added to a stellar light curve, conserves its frequency in Fourier transform amplitude spectra to within 0.03 $mu$Hz. $bf{Conclusions}$. Based on our simulations, we conclude that the two low-frequency Fourier transform signals found in KIC 5807616 are likely the combined frequencies of the lower amplitude pulsating modes of the star. In the case of KIC 10001893, the signal amplitudes that are visible in the light curve depend on the data set and reduction methods. The strongest signal decreases significantly in amplitude when KIC 10001898 is used as a comparison star. Finally, we recommend that the signal detection threshold is increased to 5 $sigma$ (or higher) for a Fourier transform analysis of $it{Kepler}$ data in low-frequency regions.
83 - A. Petralia , G. Micela 2020
Instrumental data are affected by systematic effects that dominate the errors and can be relevant when searching for small signals. This is the case of the K2 mission, a follow up of the Kepler mission, that, after a failure on two reaction wheels, h as lost its stability properties rising strongly the systematics in the light curves and reducing its photometric precision. In this work, we have developed a general method to remove time related systematics from a set of light curves, that has been applied to K2 data. The method uses the Principal Component Analysis to retrieve the correlation between the light curves due to the systematics and to remove its effect without knowing any information other than the data itself. We have applied the method to all the K2 campaigns available at the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes, and we have tested the effectiveness of the procedure and its capability in preserving the astrophysical signal on a few transits and on eclipsing binaries. One product of this work is the identification of stable sources along the ecliptic plane that can be used as photometric calibrators for the upcoming Atmospheric Remote-sensing Exoplanet Large-survey mission.
400 - Rachel Mandelbaum 2015
We present a pedagogical review of the weak gravitational lensing measurement process and its connection to major scientific questions such as dark matter and dark energy. Then we describe common ways of parametrizing systematic errors and understand ing how they affect weak lensing measurements. Finally, we discuss several instrumental systematics and how they fit into this context, and conclude with some future perspective on how progress can be made in understanding the impact of instrumental systematics on weak lensing measurements.
A profound shift in the study of cosmology came with the discovery of thousands of exoplanets and the possibility of the existence of billions of them in our Galaxy. The biggest goal in these searches is whether there are other life-harbouring planet s. However, the question which of these detected planets are habitable, potentially-habitable, or maybe even inhabited, is still not answered. Some potentially habitable exoplanets have been hypothesized, but since Earth is the only known habitable planet, measures of habitability are necessarily determined with Earth as the reference. Several recent works introduced new habitability metrics based on optimization methods. Classification of potentially habitable exoplanets using supervised learning is another emerging area of study. However, both modeling and supervised learning approaches suffer from drawbacks. We propose an anomaly detection method, the Multi-Stage Memetic Algorithm (MSMA), to detect anomalies and extend it to an unsupervised clustering algorithm MSMVMCA to use it to detect potentially habitable exoplanets as anomalies. The algorithm is based on the postulate that Earth is an anomaly, with the possibility of existence of few other anomalies among thousands of data points. We describe an MSMA-based clustering approach with a novel distance function to detect habitable candidates as anomalies (including Earth). The results are cross-matched with the habitable exoplanet catalog (PHL-HEC) of the Planetary Habitability Laboratory (PHL) with both optimistic and conservative lists of potentially habitable exoplanets.
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