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Decomposition of Electromagnetic Q and P Media

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 نشر من قبل Ismo Lindell
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Two previously studied classes of electromagnetic media, labeled as those of Q media and P media, are decomposed according to the natural decomposition introduced by Hehl and Obukhov. Six special cases based on either non-existence or sole existence of the three Hehl-Obukhov components, are defined for both medium classes.

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Almost a hundred years ago, two different expressions were proposed for the energy--momentum tensor of an electromagnetic wave in a dielectric. Minkowskis tensor predicted an increase in the linear momentum of the wave on entering a dielectric medium , whereas Abrahams tensor predicted its decrease. Theoretical arguments were advanced in favour of both sides, and experiments proved incapable of distinguishing between the two. Yet more forms were proposed, each with their advocates who considered the form that they were proposing to be the one true tensor. This paper reviews the debate and its eventual conclusion: that no electromagnetic wave energy--momentum tensor is complete on its own. When the appropriate accompanying energy--momentum tensor for the material medium is also considered, experimental predictions of all the various proposed tensors will always be the same, and the preferred form is therefore effectively a matter of personal choice.
A low loss propagating electromagnetic wave is shown to exist at a gradual interface between two lossy conductive media. The electromagnetic frequency range of this phenomenon may span from UV optics to RF range. In particular, it is demonstrated tha t such a surface wave may be guided by a seafloor-seawater interface and it may be used in radio communication and imaging underwater. Similar surface waves may also be guided by various tissue boundaries inside a human body. For example, such surface wave solutions may exist at planar interfaces between skull bones and grey matter inside a human head at 6 GHz.
The spatial distribution of charge and magnetization within the proton is encoded in the elastic form factors. These have been precisely measured in elastic electron scattering, and the combination of proton and neutron form factors allows for the se paration of the up- and down-quark contributions. In this work, we extract the proton and neutron form factors from worlds data with an emphasis on precise new data covering the low-momentum region, which is sensitive to the large-scale structure of the nucleon. From these, we separate the up- and down-quark contributions to the proton form factors. We combine cross section and polarization measurements of elastic electron-proton scattering to separate the proton form factors and two-photon exchange (TPE) contributions. We combine the proton form factors with parameterization of the neutron form factor data and uncertainties to separate the up- and down-quark contributions to the protons charge and magnetic form factors. The extracted TPE corrections are compared to previous phenomenological extractions, TPE calculations, and direct measurements from the comparison of electron and positron scattering. The flavor-separated form factors are extracted and compared to models of the nucleon structure. With the inclusion of the precise new data, the extracted TPE contributions show a clear change ofsign at low $Q^2$, necessary to explain the high-$Q^2$ form factor discrepancy while being consistent with the known $Q^2 to 0$ limit. We find that the new Mainz data yield a significantly different result for the proton magnetic form factor and its flavor-separated contributions. We also observe that the RMS radius of both the up- and down-quark distributions are smaller than the RMS charge radius of the proton.
121 - Weilong She 2011
In this paper the macroscopic condition for dissipationless current in conductors is investigated and a set of improved electromagnetic equations are proposed. With these equations we show that the dissipation is particularly relative to free volume charges in conductors that originate from self-Hall-effect. The steadily normal current coexists with free volume charges and the steadily superconducting current doesnt. Zero Hall coefficient is a candidate condition for nonexistence of free volume charges in conductors and a possible mechanism is exciton conduction or electron-hole pairing.
57 - Lin Zhu , Xudong Luo , Hongru Ma 2016
Complementary media (CM) interacting with arbitrarily situated obstacles are usually less discussed. In this paper, an analytical framework based on multiple scattering theory is established for analyzing such a mismatched case. As examples, CM-based devices, i.e., a superlens and superscatterer, are discussed. From an analysis, the cancellation mechanism of the mismatched CM is studied. In addition, numerical results are provided for illustration. Moreover, further study shows that such cancellation effects might rely on specific conditions. Actually, the conclusions are not restricted to any specific frequencies; they could be extended to many other areas including applications to active cloaking, antennas, and wireless power transfer.
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