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Numerical studies of various Neel-VBS transitions in SU(N) anti-ferromagnets

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 نشر من قبل Ribhu Kaul
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this manuscript we review recent developments in the numerical simulations of bipartite SU(N) spin models by quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods. We provide an account of a large family of newly discovered sign-problem free spin models which can be simulated in their ground states on large lattices, containing O(10^5) spins, using the stochastic series expansion method with efficient loop algorithms. One of the most important applications so far of these Hamiltonians are to unbiased studies of quantum criticality between Neel and valence bond phases in two dimensions -- a summary of this body of work is provided. The article concludes with an overview of the current status of and outlook for future studies of the designer Hamiltonians.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present results for the phase diagram of an SU($N$) generalization of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a bipartite three-dimensional anisotropic cubic (tetragonal) lattice as a function of $N$ and the lattice anisotropy $gamma$. In the isotropic $gamma=1$ cubic limit, we find a transition from N{e}el to valence bond solid (VBS) between N=9 and N=10. We follow the N{e}el-VBS transition to the limiting cases of $gamma ll 1 $ (weakly coupled layers) and $gamma gg 1$ (weakly coupled chains). Throughout the phase diagram we find a direct first-order transition from N{e}el at small-$N$ to VBS at large-$N$. In the three-dimensional models studied here, we find no evidence for either an intervening spin-liquid photon phase or a continuous transition, even close to the limit $gamma ll 1$ where the isolated layers undergo continuous N{e}el-VBS transitions.
The DMRG method is applied to integrable models of antiferromagnetic spin chains for fundamental and higher representations of SU(2), SU(3), and SU(4). From the low energy spectrum and the entanglement entropy, we compute the central charge and the primary field scaling dimensions. These parameters allow us to identify uniquely the Wess-Zumino-Witten models capturing the low energy sectors of the models we consider.
We consider the easy-plane limit of bipartite SU($N$) Heisenberg Hamiltonians which have a fundamental representation on one sublattice and the conjugate to fundamental on the other sublattice. For $N=2$ the easy plane limit of the SU(2) Heisenberg m odel is the well known quantum XY model of a lattice superfluid. We introduce a logical method to generalize the quantum XY model to arbitrary $N$, which keeps the Hamiltonian sign-free. We show that these quantum Hamiltonians have a world-line representation as the statistical mechanics of certain tightly packed loop models of $N$-colors in which neighboring loops are disallowed from having the same color. In this loop representation we design an efficient Monte Carlo cluster algorithm for our model. We present extensive numerical results for these models on the two dimensional square lattice, where we find the nearest neighbor model has superfluid order for $Nleq 5$ and valence-bond order for $N> 5$. By introducing SU($N$) easy-plane symmetric four-spin couplings we are able to tune across the superfluid-VBS phase boundary for all $Nleq 5$. We present clear evidence that this quantum phase transition is first order for $N=2$ and $N=5$, suggesting that easy-plane deconfined criticality runs away generically to a first order transition for small-$N$.
We study two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets with additional multi-spin interactions which can drive the system into a valence-bond solid state. For standard SU(2) spins, we consider both four- and six-spin interactions. We find continuous qu antum phase transitions with the same critical exponents. Extending the symmetry to SU(N), we also find continuous transitions for N=3 and 4. In addition, we also study quantitatively the cross-over of the order-parameter symmetry from Z4 deep inside the valence-bond-solid phase to U(1) as the phase transition is approached.
The Hubbard model on a two-leg ladder structure has been studied by a combination of series expansions at T=0 and the density-matrix renormalization group. We report results for the ground state energy $E_0$ and spin-gap $Delta_s$ at half-filling, as well as dispersion curves for one and two-hole excitations. For small $U$ both $E_0$ and $Delta_s$ show a dramatic drop near $t/t_{perp}sim 0.5$, which becomes more gradual for larger $U$. This represents a crossover from a band insulator phase to a strongly correlated spin liquid. The lowest-lying two-hole state rapidly becomes strongly bound as $t/t_{perp}$ increases, indicating the possibility that phase separation may occur. The various features are collected in a phase diagram for the model.
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