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Computing the Rank Profile Matrix

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 نشر من قبل Jean-Guillaume Dumas
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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The row (resp. column) rank profile of a matrix describes the staircase shape of its row (resp. column) echelon form. In an ISSAC13 paper, we proposed a recursive Gaussian elimination that can compute simultaneously the row and column rank profiles of a matrix as well as those of all of its leading sub-matrices, in the same time as state of the art Gaussian elimination algorithms. Here we first study the conditions making a Gaus-sian elimination algorithm reveal this information. Therefore, we propose the definition of a new matrix invariant, the rank profile matrix, summarizing all information on the row and column rank profiles of all the leading sub-matrices. We also explore the conditions for a Gaussian elimination algorithm to compute all or part of this invariant, through the corresponding PLUQ decomposition. As a consequence, we show that the classical iterative CUP decomposition algorithm can actually be adapted to compute the rank profile matrix. Used, in a Crout variant, as a base-case to our ISSAC13 implementation, it delivers a significant improvement in efficiency. Second, the row (resp. column) echelon form of a matrix are usually computed via different dedicated triangular decompositions. We show here that, from some PLUQ decompositions, it is possible to recover the row and column echelon forms of a matrix and of any of its leading sub-matrices thanks to an elementary post-processing algorithm.

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The row (resp. column) rank profile of a matrix describes the stair-case shape of its row (resp. column) echelon form. We here propose a new matrix invariant, the rank profile matrix, summarizing all information on the row and column rank profiles of all the leading sub-matrices. We show that this normal form exists and is unique over any ring, provided that the notion of McCoys rank is used, in the presence of zero divisors. We then explore the conditions for a Gaussian elimination algorithm to compute all or part of this invariant, through the corresponding PLUQ decomposition. This enlarges the set of known Elimination variants that compute row or column rank profiles. As a consequence a new Crout base case variant significantly improves the practical efficiency of previously known implementations over a finite field. With matrices of very small rank, we also generalize the techniques of Storjohann and Yang to the computation of the rank profile matrix, achieving an $(r^omega+mn)^{1+o(1)}$ time complexity for an $m times n$ matrix of rank $r$, where $omega$ is the exponent of matrix multiplication. Finally, by give connections to the Bruhat decomposition, and several of its variants and generalizations. Thus, our algorithmic improvements for the PLUQ factorization, and their implementations, directly apply to these decompositions. In particular, we show how a PLUQ decomposition revealing the rank profile matrix also reveals both a row and a column echelon form of the input matrix or of any of its leading sub-matrices, by a simple post-processing made of row and column permutations.
We present a novel recursive algorithm for reducing a symmetric matrix to a triangular factorization which reveals the rank profile matrix. That is, the algorithm computes a factorization $mathbf{P}^Tmathbf{A}mathbf{P} = mathbf{L}mathbf{D}mathbf{L}^T $ where $mathbf{P}$ is a permutation matrix, $mathbf{L}$ is lower triangular with a unit diagonal and $mathbf{D}$ is symmetric block diagonal with $1{times}1$ and $2{times}2$ antidiagonal blocks. The novel algorithm requires $O(n^2r^{omega-2})$ arithmetic operations. Furthermore, experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm can even be slightly more than twice as fast as the state of the art unsymmetric Gaussian elimination in most cases, that is it achieves approximately the same computational speed. By adapting the pivoting strategy developed in the unsymmetric case, we show how to recover the rank profile matrix from the permutation matrix and the support of the block-diagonal matrix. There is an obstruction in characteristic $2$ for revealing the rank profile matrix which requires to relax the shape of the block diagonal by allowing the 2-dimensional blocks to have a non-zero bottom-right coefficient. This relaxed decomposition can then be transformed into a standard $mathbf{P}mathbf{L}mathbf{D}mathbf{L}^Tmathbf{P}^T$ decomposition at a negligible cost.
58 - Clement Pernet 2016
The class of quasiseparable matrices is defined by a pair of bounds, called the quasiseparable orders, on the ranks of the maximal sub-matrices entirely located in their strictly lower and upper triangular parts. These arise naturally in applications , as e.g. the inverse of band matrices, and are widely used for they admit structured representations allowing to compute with them in time linear in the dimension and quadratic with the quasiseparable order. We show, in this paper, the connection between the notion of quasisepa-rability and the rank profile matrix invariant, presented in [Dumas & al. ISSAC15]. This allows us to propose an algorithm computing the quasiseparable orders (rL, rU) in time O(n^2 s^($omega$--2)) where s = max(rL, rU) and $omega$ the exponent of matrix multiplication. We then present two new structured representations, a binary tree of PLUQ decompositions, and the Bruhat generator, using respectively O(ns log n/s) and O(ns) field elements instead of O(ns^2) for the previously known generators. We present algorithms computing these representations in time O(n^2 s^($omega$--2)). These representations allow a matrix-vector product in time linear in the size of their representation. Lastly we show how to multiply two such structured matrices in time O(n^2 s^($omega$--2)).
162 - Pierre Lairez 2019
Let $Ssubset R^n$ be a compact basic semi-algebraic set defined as the real solution set of multivariate polynomial inequalities with rational coefficients. We design an algorithm which takes as input a polynomial system defining $S$ and an integer $ pgeq 0$ and returns the $n$-dimensional volume of $S$ at absolute precision $2^{-p}$.Our algorithm relies on the relationship between volumes of semi-algebraic sets and periods of rational integrals. It makes use of algorithms computing the Picard-Fuchs differential equation of appropriate periods, properties of critical points, and high-precision numerical integration of differential equations.The algorithm runs in essentially linear time with respect to~$p$. This improves upon the previous exponential bounds obtained by Monte-Carlo or moment-based methods. Assuming a conjecture of Dimca, the arithmetic cost of the algebraic subroutines for computing Picard-Fuchs equations and critical points is singly exponential in $n$ and polynomial in the maximum degree of the input.
We present a deterministic algorithm which computes the multilinear factors of multivariate lacunary polynomials over number fields. Its complexity is polynomial in $ell^n$ where $ell$ is the lacunary size of the input polynomial and $n$ its number o f variables, that is in particular polynomial in the logarithm of its degree. We also provide a randomized algorithm for the same problem of complexity polynomial in $ell$ and $n$. Over other fields of characteristic zero and finite fields of large characteristic, our algorithms compute the multilinear factors having at least three monomials of multivariate polynomials. Lower bounds are provided to explain the limitations of our algorithm. As a by-product, we also design polynomial-time deterministic polynomial identity tests for families of polynomials which were not known to admit any. Our results are based on so-called Gap Theorem which reduce high-degree factorization to repeated low-degree factorizations. While previous algorithms used Gap Theorems expressed in terms of the heights of the coefficients, our Gap Theorems only depend on the exponents of the polynomials. This makes our algorithms more elementary and general, and faster in most cases.
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