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Mean square of the error term in the asymmetric many dimensional divisor problem

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 نشر من قبل Xiaodong Cao
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Let $ba=(a_1,a_2,ldots,a_k)$, where $a_j (j=1,ldots,k)$ are positive integers such that $a_1 leq a_2 leq cdots leq a_k$. Let $d(ba;n)=sum_{n_1^{a_1}cdots n_k^{a_k}=n}1$ and $Delta(ba;x)$ be the error term of the summatory function of $d(ba;n)$. In this paper we show an asymptotic formula of the mean square of $Delta(ba;x)$ under a certain condition. Furthermore, in the cases $k=2$ and 3, we give unconditional asymptotic formulas for these mean squares.

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In 1956, Tong established an asymptotic formula for the mean square of the error term in the summatory function of the Piltz divisor function $d_3(n).$ The aim of this paper is to generalize Tongs method to a class of Dirichlet series that satisfy a functional equation. As an application, we can establish the asymptotic formulas for the mean square of the error terms for a class of functions in the well-known Selberg class. The Tong-type identity and formula established in this paper can be viewed as an analogue of the well-known Voronois formula.
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We show that there are infinitely many primes $p$ such that $p-1$ is divisible by a square $d^2 geq p^theta$ for $theta=1/2+1/2000.$ This improves the work of Matomaki (2009) who obtained the result for $theta=1/2-varepsilon$ (with the added constrai nt that $d$ is also a prime), which improved the result of Baier and Zhao (2006) with $theta=4/9-varepsilon.$ Similarly as in the work of Matomaki, we apply Harmans sieve method to detect primes $p equiv 1 , (d^2)$. To break the $theta=1/2$ barrier we prove a new bilinear equidistribution estimate modulo smooth square moduli $d^2$ by using a similar argument as Zhang (2014) used to obtain equidistribution beyond the Bombieri-Vinogradov range for primes with respect to smooth moduli. To optimize the argument we incorporate technical refinements from the Polymath project (2014). Since the moduli are squares, the method produces complete exponential sums modulo squares of primes which are estimated using the results of Cochrane and Zheng (2000).
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