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Multiperiodicity, modulations and flip-flops in variable star light curves III. Carrier fit analysis of LQ Hya photometry for 1982-2014

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 نشر من قبل Maarit Mantere
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Nigul Olspert

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We study LQ Hya photometry for 1982-2014 with the carrier fit (CF) -method and compare our results to earlier photometric analysis and recent Doppler imaging maps. We first utilize different types of statistical methods to estimate various candidates for the carrier period for the CF method. Secondly, a global fit to the whole data set and local fits to shorter segments are computed with the period that is found to be the optimal one. The harmonic least-squares analysis of all the available data reveals a short period close to 1.6 days as a limiting value for a set of significant frequencies. We interpret this as the rotation period of the spots near the equatorial region. In addition, the distribution of the significant periods is found to be bimodal, hinting of a longer-term modulating period, which we set out to study with a two-harmonic CF model. Weak modulation signal is, indeed retrieved, with a period of roughly 6.9 years. The phase dispersion analysis gives a clear symmetric minimum for coherence times lower than and around 100 days. We interpret this as the mean rotation period of the spots (1.60514 days), and this value is chosen to be used as the carrier period for the CF analysis. With the CF method we seek for any systematic trends in the spot distribution in the global time frame, and locally look for abrupt phase changes earlier reported in rapidly rotating objects. During 2005-2008 the global CF reveals a coherent structure rotating with a period of 1.6037 days, while during most other times the spot distribution appears rather random in phase. The evolution of the spot distribution of the object is found to be very chaotic, with no clear signs of an azimuthal dynamo wave that would persist over longer time scales, although the short-lived coherent structures observed occasionally do not rotate with the same speed as the mean spot distribution.

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According to earlier Doppler images of the magnetically active primary giant component of the RS CVn binary II Peg, the surface of the star was dominated by one single active longitude that was clearly drifting in the rotational frame of the binary s ystem during 1994-2002; later imaging for 2004-2010, however, showed decreased and chaotic spot activity, with no signs of the drift pattern. Here we set out to investigate from a more extensive photometric dataset whether such a drift is a persistent phenomenon, in which case it could be due to either an azimuthal dynamo wave or an indication of the binary system orbital synchronization still being incomplete. We analyse the datasets using the Carrier Fit method (hereafter CF), especially suitable for analyzing time series in which a fast clocking frequency (such as the rotation of the star) is modulated with a slower process (such as the stellar activity cycle). We combine all collected photometric data into one single data set, and analyze it with the CF method. As a result, we confirm the earlier results of the spot activity having been dominated by one primary spotted region almost through the entire data set, and the existence of a persistent, nearly linear drift. Disruptions of the linear trend and complicated phase behavior are also seen, but the period analysis reveals a rather stable periodicity with P(spot)=6.71054d plus/minus 0.00005d. After the linear trend is removed from the data, we identify several abrupt phase jumps, three of which are analyzed in more detail with the CF method. These phase jumps closely resemble what is called flip-flop event, but the new spot configurations do not, in most cases, persist for longer than a few months.
We investigate the spot activity of the young chromospherically active main sequence star LQ Hya. Our aims are to identify possible active longitudes, estimate the differential rotation and study long and short term changes in the activity. Our analy sis is based on 24 years of Johnson V-band photometry. We use the previously published Continuous Period Search (CPS) method to model the evolution of the light curve of LQ Hya. The CPS fits a Fourier series model to short overlapping subsets of data. This enables us to monitor the spot configuration of the star with a higher time resolution. We find seasonal variability in the mean level and amplitude of the light curve of LQ Hya. The variability of the light curve amplitude seems not to be cyclic, but the long-term variations in the mean magnitude could be explained by an approximately 13 year cycle. Because of the limited length of the observed time series, it is not yet possible to determine whether this structure really is periodic and represents an activity cycle. We estimate the differential rotation of the star to be small, and the star is potentially very close to a rigid rotator. We search for active longitudes and find that on time scales up to six months there are typically one or two relatively stable active areas on the star with limited phase migration. On time scales longer than one year, no stable active longitudes have been present except for the period between 2003 and 2009 and possibly also some time before 1995. We find any signs of flip-flops with a regular period. The mean time scale of change of the light curve during the observation period is determined to be of the same order of magnitude as the predicted convective turnover time for the star.
FK Comae is a rapidly rotating magnetically active star, the light curve of which is modulated by cool spots on its surface. It was the first star where the flip-flop phenomenon was discovered. Since then, flip-flops in the spot activity have been re ported in many other stars. Therefore, it is of interest to perform a more thorough study of the evolution of the spot activity in FK Com. In this study, we analyse 15 years of photometric observations with two different time series analysis methods, with a special emphasis on detecting flip-flop type events from the data. We apply the continuous period search and carrier fit methods on long-term standard Johnson-Cousins V-observations from the years 1995--2010. The observations were carried out with two automated photometric telescopes, Phoenix-10 and Amadeus T7 located in Arizona. We identify complex phase behaviour in 6 of the 15 analysed data segments. We identify five flip-flop events and two cases of phase jumps, where the phase shift is Delta phi < 0.4. In addition we see two mergers of spot regions and two cases where the apparent phase shifts are caused by spot regions drifting with respect to each other. Furthermore we detect variations in the rotation period corresponding to a differential rotation coefficient of |k|>0.031. The flip-flop cannot be interpreted as a single phenomenon, where the main activity jumps from one active longitude to another. In some of our cases the phase shifts can be explained by differential rotation: Two spot regions move with different angular velocity and even pass each other. Comparison between the methods show that the carrier fit utility is better in retrieving slow evolution especially from a low amplitude light curve, while the continuous period search is more sensitive in case of rapid changes.
We discuss ROSAT, ASCA, {it Beppo}SAX and optical observations of the young active star Gl 355. During the ROSAT observation a strong flare was detected with a peak flux more than an order of magnitude larger than the quiescent level. Spectral analys is of the data allows us to study the temperature and emission measure distribution, and the coronal metal abundance, for the quiescent phase and, in the case of ROSAT, also during the evolution of the flare. We have modeled the flare and derived a loop semi--length of the order of $sim 1.5$ stellar radii. ROSAT, ASCA and {it Beppo}SAX data suggest that the coronal abundance of Gl 355 is subsolar, in the range $0.1 div 0.3 Z/Z_odot$. A preliminary analysis of optical spectra allows us to compare the photospheric and coronal metal abundances.
We discuss moderate resolution spectra, multicolor photometry, and light curves of thirty-one of the most luminous stars and variables in the giant spiral M101. The majority are intermediate A to F-type supergiants. We present new photometry and ligh t curves for three known irregular blue variables V2, V4 and V9) and identify a new candidate. Their spectra and variability confirm that they are LBV candidates and V9 may be in an LBV-like maximum light state or eruption.
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