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Pairing gaps near ferromagnetic quantum critical points

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 نشر من قبل Matthias Einenkel
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We address the quantum-critical behavior of a two-dimensional itinerant ferromagnetic systems described by a spin-fermion model in which fermions interact with close to critical bosonic modes. We consider Heisenberg ferromagnets, Ising ferromagnets, and the Ising nematic transition. Mean-field theory close to the quantum critical point predicts a superconducting gap with spin-triplet symmetry for the ferromagnetic systems and a singlet gap for the nematic scenario. Studying fluctuations in this ordered phase using a nonlinear sigma model, we find that these fluctuations are not suppressed by any small parameter. As a result, we find that a superconducting quasi-long-range order is still possible in the Ising-like models but long-range order is destroyed in Heisenberg ferromagnets.

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One of the most exciting discoveries in strongly correlated systems has been the existence of a superconducting dome on heavy fermions close to the quantum critical point where antiferromagnetic order disappears. It is hard even for the most skeptica l not to admit that the excitations which bind the electrons in the Cooper pairs have a magnetic origin. As a system moves away from an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point, (AFQCP) the correlation length of the fluctuations decreases and the system goes into a local quantum critical regime. The attractive interaction mediated by the non-local part of these excitations vanishes and this allows to obtain an upper bound to the superconducting dome around an AFQCP.
We study high frequency response functions, notably the optical conductivity, in the vicinity of quantum critical points (QCPs) by allowing for both detuning from the critical coupling and finite temperature. We consider general dimensions and dynami cal exponents. This leads to a unified understanding of sum rules. In systems with emergent Lorentz invariance, powerful methods from conformal field theory allow us to fix the high frequency response in terms of universal coefficients. We test our predictions analytically in the large-N O(N) model and using the gauge-gravity duality, and numerically via Quantum Monte Carlo simulations on a lattice model hosting the interacting superfluid-insulator QCP. In superfluid phases, interacting Goldstone bosons qualitatively change the high frequency optical conductivity, and the corresponding sum rule.
Spontaneous phase separation instabilities with the formation of various types of charge and spin pairing (pseudo)gaps in $U>0$ Hubbard model including the {it next nearest neighbor coupling} are calculated with the emphasis on the two-dimensional (s quare) lattices generated by 8- and 10-site Betts unit cells. The exact theory yields insights into the nature of quantum critical points, continuous transitions, dramatic phase separation instabilities and electron condensation in spatially inhomogeneous systems. The picture of coupled anti-parallel (singlet) spins and paired charged holes suggests full Bose condensation and coherent pairing in real space at zero temperature of electrons complied with the Bose-Einstein statistics. Separate pairing of charge and spin degrees at distinct condensation temperatures offers a new route to superconductivity different from the BCS scenario. The conditions for spin liquid behavior coexisting with unsaturated and saturated Nagaoka ferromagnetism due to spin-charge separation are established. The phase separation critical points and classical criticality found at zero and finite temperatures resemble a number of inhomogeneous, coherent and incoherent nanoscale phases seen near optimally doped high-$T_c$ cuprates, pnictides and CMR nanomaterials.
We study the impurity entanglement entropy $S_e$ in quantum impurity models that feature a Kondo-destruction quantum critical point (QCP) arising from a pseudogap in the conduction-band density of states or from coupling to a bosonic bath. On the loc al-moment (Kondo-destroyed) side of the QCP, the entanglement entropy contains a critical component that can be related to the order parameter characterizing the quantum phase transition. In Kondo models describing a spin-$Simp$, $S_e$ assumes its maximal value of $ln(2Simp+1)$ at the QCP and throughout the Kondo phase, independent of features such as particle-hole symmetry and under- or over-screening. In Anderson models, $S_e$ is nonuniversal at the QCP, and at particle-hole symmetry, rises monotonically on passage from the local-moment phase to the Kondo phase; breaking this symmetry can lead to a cusp peak in $S_e$ due to a divergent charge susceptibility at the QCP. Implications of these results for quantum critical systems and quantum dots are discussed.
For a system near a quantum critical point (QCP), above its lower critical dimension $d_L$, there is in general a critical line of second order phase transitions that separates the broken symmetry phase at finite temperatures from the disordered phas e. The phase transitions along this line are governed by thermal critical exponents that are different from those associated with the quantum critical point. We point out that, if the effective dimension of the QCP, $d_{eff}=d+z$ ($d$ is the Euclidean dimension of the system and $z$ the dynamic quantum critical exponent) is above its upper critical dimension $d_C$, there is an intermingle of classical (thermal) and quantum critical fluctuations near the QCP. This is due to the breakdown of the generalized scaling relation $psi= u z$ between the shift exponent $psi$ of the critical line and the crossover exponent $ u z$, for $d+z>d_C$ by a textit{dangerous irrelevant interaction}. This phenomenon has clear experimental consequences, like the suppression of the amplitude of classical critical fluctuations near the line of finite temperature phase transitions as the critical temperature is reduced approaching the QCP.
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