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String tension from smearing and Wilson flow methods

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 نشر من قبل Masanori Okawa
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Recently, we proposed a new method to extract the string tension from 4-dimensionally smeared Wilson loops. In this talk, we first show that the results obtained using this smearing method are identical to those obtained by Wilson flow, once the time step is sufficiently small. We then demonstrate the practical advantage of our method by applying it to the calculation of string tension in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory.

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From continuum studies it is known that the Coulomb string tension $sigma_C$ gives an upper bound for the physical (Wilson) string tension $sigma_W$ [D. Zwanziger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 102001 (2003)]. How does however such relationship translate to t he lattice? In this paper we give evidence that there, while the two string tensions are related at zero temperature, they decouple at finite temperature. More precisely, we show that on the lattice the Coulomb gauge confinement scenario is always tied to the spatial string tension, which is known to survive the deconfinement phase transition and to cause screening effects in the quark-gluon plasma. Our analysis is based on the identification and elimination of center vortices which allows to control the physical string tension and study its effect on the Coulomb gauge observables. We also show how alternative definitions of the Coulomb potential may sense the deconfinement transition; however a true static Coulomb gauge order parameter for the phase transition is still elusive on the lattice.
We give a determination of the phenomenological value of the Wilson (or gradient) flow scales t0 and w0 for 2+1 flavours of dynamical quarks. The simulations are performed keeping the average quark mass constant, which allows the approach to the phys ical point to be made in a controlled manner. O(a) improved clover fermions are used and together with four lattice spacings this allows the continuum extrapolation to be taken.
An uncontroversial observation of adjoint string breaking is proposed, while measuring the static potential from Wilson loops only. The overlap of the Wilson loop with the broken-string state is small, but non-vanishing, so that the broken-string gro undstate can be seen if the Wilson loop is long enough. We demonstrate this in the context of the (2+1)d SU(2) adjoint static potential, using an improved version of the Luscher-Weisz exponential variance reduction. To complete the picture we perform the more usual multichannel analysis with two basis states, the unbroken-string state and the broken-string state (two so-called gluelumps). As by-products, we obtain the temperature-dependent static potential measured from Polyakov loop correlations, and the fundamental SU(2) static potential with improved accuracy. Comparing the latter with the adjoint potential, we see clear deviations from Casimir scaling.
We present results of our ongoing determination of string breaking in full QCD with N_f=2 Wilson fermions. Our investigation of the fission of the static quark-antiquark string into a static-light meson-antimeson system is based on dynamical configur ations of size 24^3 x 40 produced by the TxL collaboration. Combining various optimization methods we determine the matrix elements of the two-by-two system with so far unprecedented accuracy. The all-to-all light quark propagators occurring in the transition element are computed from eigenmodes of the Hermitian Wilson-Dirac matrix complemented by stochastic estimates in the orthogonal subspace. We observe a clear signature for level-splitting between ground state and excited potential. Thus, for the first time, string breaking induced by sea quarks is observed in a simulation of 4-dimensional lattice-QCD.
A nonperturbative determination of the energy-momentum tensor is essential for understanding the physics of strongly coupled systems. The ability of the Wilson flow to eliminate divergent contact terms makes it a practical method for renormalizing th e energy-momentum tensor on the lattice. In this paper, we utilize the Wilson flow to define a procedure to renormalize the energy-momentum tensor for a three-dimensional massless scalar field in the adjoint of $SU(N)$ with a $varphi^4$ interaction on the lattice. In this theory the energy-momentum tensor can mix with $varphi^2$ and we present numerical results for the mixing coefficient for the $N=2$ theory.
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