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A study of state variable participation in limit-cycle of induction motor

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 نشر من قبل Krishnendu Chakrabarty Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The paper presents bifurcation behavior of a single phase induction motor. This paper also attempts to discuss the bifurcation behavior of the system based on the evolution of different state variables. The bifurcation diagrams drawn looking at different state variables are different in terms of periodicity and route to chaos. The knowledge of the dynamics of the system obtained from bifurcation diagrams give useful guidelines to control the operation of the induction motor depending on the need of an application for better performance.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The induction motor controlled by Indirect Field Oriented Control (IFOC) is known to have high performance and better stability. This paper reports the dynamical behavior of an indirect field oriented control (IFOC) induction motor drive in the light of bifurcation theory. The speed of high performance induction motor drive is controlled by IFOC method. The knowledge of qualitative change of the behavior of the motor such as equilibrium points, limit cycles and chaos with the change of motor parameters and load torque are essential for proper control of the motor. This paper provides a numerical approach to understand better the dynamical behavior of an indirect field oriented control of a current-fed induction motor. The focus is on bifurcation analysis of the IFOC motor, with a particular emphasis on the change that affects the dynamics and stability under small variations of Proportional Integral controller (PI) parameters, load torque and k, the ratio of the rotor time constant and its estimate etc. Bifurcation diagrams are computed. This paper also attempts to discuss various types of the transition to chaos in the induction motor. The results of the obtained bifurcation simulations give useful guidelines for adjusting both motor model and PI controller parameters. It is also important to ensure desired operation of the motor when the motor shows chaotic behavior. Infinite numbers of unstable periodic orbits are embedded in a chaotic attractor. Any unstable periodic orbit can be stabilized by proper control algorithm. The delayed feedback control method to control chaos has been implemented in this system.
The loss of stability of induction motor controlled by Indirect Field Oriented Control (IFOC) is a matter of great concern of operators and design engineers. This paper reports indices to detect and predict stability problem such as system oscillatio ns. Oscillations as a result of loss of stability, due to Hopf bifurcation, for different parameter values of IFOC motor are studied using the proposed indices.
175 - W. Kurebayashi , K. Fujiwara , 2014
Driven by various kinds of noise, ensembles of limit cycle oscillators can synchronize. In this letter, we propose a general formulation of synchronization of the oscillator ensembles driven by common colored noise with an arbitrary power spectrum. T o explore statistical properties of such colored noise-induced synchronization, we derive the stationary distribution of the phase difference between two oscillators in the ensemble. This analytical result theoretically predicts various synchronized and clustered states induced by colored noise and also clarifies that these phenomena have a different synchronization mechanism from the case of white noise.
The phase reduction method for a limit cycle oscillator subjected to a strong amplitude-modulated high-frequency force is developed. An equation for the phase dynamics is derived by introducing a new, effective phase response curve. We show that if t he effective phase response curve is everywhere positive (negative), then an entrainment of the oscillator to an envelope frequency is possible only when this frequency is higher (lower) than the natural frequency of the oscillator. Also, by using the Pontryagin maximum principle, we have derived an optimal waveform of the perturbation that ensures an entrainment of the oscillator with minimal power. The theoretical results are demonstrated with the Stuart-Landau oscillator and model neurons.
182 - Amir Shee , Subhadip Ghosh , 2020
We consider the dynamics of a rigid filament in a motor protein assay under external loading. The motor proteins are modeled as active harmonic linkers with tail ends immobilized on a substrate. Their heads attach to the filament stochastically to ex tend along it, resulting in a force on the filament, before detaching. The rate of extension and detachment are load dependent. Here we formulate and characterize the governing dynamics in the mean field approximation using linear stability analysis, and direct numerical simulations of the motor proteins and filament. Under constant loading, the system shows transition from a stable configuration to instability towards detachment of the filament from motor proteins. Under elastic loading, we find emergence of stable limit cycle oscillations via a supercritical Hopf bifurcation with change in activity and the number of motor proteins. Numerical simulations of the system for large number of motor proteins show good agreement with the mean field predictions.
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