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Imaging and registration of buried atomic-precision donor devices using scanning capacitance microscopy

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 نشر من قبل Ezra Bussmann
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We show that a scanning capacitance microscope (SCM) can image buried delta-doped donor nanostructures fabricated in Si via a recently developed atomic-precision scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) lithography technique. A critical challenge in completing atomic-precision nanoelectronic devices is to accurately align mesoscopic metal contacts to the STM defined nanostructures. Utilizing the SCMs ability to image buried dopant nanostructures, we have developed a technique by which we are able to position metal electrodes on the surface to form contacts to underlying STM fabricated donor nanostructures with a measured accuracy of 300 nm. Low temperature (T=4K) transport measurements confirm successful placement of the contacts to the donor nanostructures.

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As a first step to porting scanning tunneling microscopy methods of atomic-precision fabrication to a strained-Si/SiGe platform, we demonstrate post-growth P atomic-layer doping of SiGe heterostructures. To preserve the substrate structure and elasti c state, we use a T $leq 800^circ$C process to prepare clean Si$_{0.86}$Ge$_{0.14}$ surfaces suitable for atomic-precision fabrication. P-saturated atomic-layer doping is incorporated and capped with epitaxial Si under a thermal budget compatible with atomic-precision fabrication. Hall measurements at T$=0.3$ K show that the doped heterostructure has R$_{square}=570pm30$ $Omega$, yielding an electron density $n_{e}=2.1pm0.1times10^{14}$cm$^{-2}$ and mobility $mu_e=52pm3$ cm$^{2}$ V$^{-1}$ s$^{-1}$, similar to saturated atomic-layer doping in pure Si and Ge. The magnitude of $mu_e$ and the complete absence of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in magnetotransport measurements indicate that electrons are overwhelmingly localized in the donor layer, and not within a nearby buried Si well. This conclusion is supported by self-consistent Schrodinger-Poisson calculations that predict electron occupation primarily in the donor layer.
Following the intense studies on topological insulators, significant efforts have recently been devoted to the search for gapless topological systems. These materials not only broaden the topological classification of matter but also provide a conden sed matter realization of various relativistic particles and phenomena previously discussed mainly in high energy physics. Weyl semimetals host massless, chiral, low-energy excitations in the bulk electronic band structure, whereas a symmetry protected pair of Weyl fermions gives rise to massless Dirac fermions. We employed scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy to explore the behavior of electronic states both on the surface and in the bulk of topological semimetal phases. By mapping the quasiparticle interference and emerging Landau levels at high magnetic field in Dirac semimetals Cd$_3$As$_2$ and Na$_3$Bi, we observed extended Dirac-like bulk electronic bands. Quasiparticle interference imaged on Weyl semimetal TaAs demonstrated the predicted momentum dependent delocalization of Fermi arc surface states in the vicinity of the surface-projected Weyl nodes.
Atomic precision advanced manufacturing (APAM) offers creation of donor devices in an atomically thin layer doped beyond the solid solubility limit, enabling unique device physics. This presents an opportunity to use APAM as a pathfinding platform to investigate digital electronics at the atomic limit. Scaling to smaller transistors is increasingly difficult and expensive, necessitating the investigation of alternative fabrication paths that extend to the atomic scale. APAM donor devices can be created using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). However, these devices are not currently compatible with industry standard fabrication processes. There exists a tradeoff between low thermal budget (LT) processes to limit dopant diffusion and high thermal budget (HT) processes to grow defect-free layers of epitaxial Si and gate oxide. To this end, we have developed an LT epitaxial Si cap and LT deposited Al2O3 gate oxide integrated with an atomically precise single-electron transistor (SET) that we use as an electrometer to characterize the quality of the gate stack. The surface-gated SET exhibits the expected Coulomb blockade behavior. However, the leverage of the gate over the SET is limited by defects in the layers above the SET, including interfaces between the Si and oxide, and structural and chemical defects in the Si cap. We propose a more sophisticated gate stack and process flow that is predicted to improve performance in future atomic precision devices.
In this study, we have used a Zr-Nb alloy containing well-defined nano-precipitates as a model material in which to study imaging contrast
Moire superlattices in van der Waals heterostructures are gaining increasing attention because they offer new opportunities to tailor and explore unique electronic phenomena when stacking 2D materials with small twist angles. Here, we reveal local su rface potentials associated with stacking domains in twisted double bilayer graphene (TDBG) moire superlattices. Using a combination of both lateral Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (LPFM) and Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy (SKPM), we distinguish between Bernal (ABAB) and rhombohedral (ABCA) stacked graphene and directly correlate these stacking configurations with local surface potential. We find that the surface potential of the ABCA domains is ~15 mV higher (smaller work function) than that of the ABAB domains. First-principles calculations based on density functional theory further show that the different work functions between ABCA and ABAB domains arise from the stacking dependent electronic structure. We show that, while the moire superlattice visualized by LPFM can change with time, imaging the surface potential distribution via SKPM appears more stable, enabling the mapping of ABAB and ABCA domains without tip-sample contact-induced effects. Our results provide a new means to visualize and probe local domain stacking in moire superlattices along with its impact on electronic properties.
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