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The Physics and End-Products of Merging CO WD Binaries

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 نشر من قبل Chenchong Zhu
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Chenchong Zhu

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The merger of two carbon-oxygen white dwarfs has long been theorized to lead to a massive carbon-oxygen or oxygen-neon white dwarf, accretion-induced collapse to a neutron star, or a type Ia supernova. Determining which mergers lead to a particular outcome requires hydrodynamic simulations of the merging process. I give a brief overview of the current understanding of mergers and their end-products derived from simulations, and show how temperature, rather than density or mass, most strongly determines a merging binarys subsequent evolution. I then describe recent simulations that show mergers generate strong magnetic fields that could help drive a merger remnant to ignition.

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Most subdwarf B (sdB) + Helium white dwarf (He WD) binaries are believed to be formed from a particular channel. In this channel, the He WDs are produced first from red giants (RGs) with degenerate cores via stable mass transfer and sdB stars are pro duced from RGs with degenerate cores via common envelope (CE) ejection. They are important for the studies of CE evolution, binary evolution, and binary population synthesis. However, the relation between WD mass and orbital period of sdB + He WD binaries has not been specifically studied. In this paper, we first use a semi-analytic method to follow their formation and find a WD mass and orbital period relation. Then we use a detailed stellar evolution code to model their formation from main-sequence binaries. We find a similar relation between the WD mass and orbital period, which is in broad agreement with observations. For most sdB + He WD systems, if the WD mass (orbital period) can be determined, the orbital period (WD mass) can be inferred with this relation and then the inclination angle can be constrained with the binary mass function. In addition, we can also use this relation to constrain the CE ejection efficiency and find that a relative large CE ejection efficiency is favoured. If both the WD and sdB star masses can be determined, the critical mass ratios of dynamically unstable mass transfer for RG binaries can also be constrained.
Binary and multiple stellar systems are numerous in our solar neighborhood with 80 per cent of the solar-type stars being members of systems with high order multiplicity. The Contact Binaries Towards Merging (CoBiToM) Project is a programme that focu ses on contact binaries and multiple stellar systems, as a key for understanding stellar nature. The goal is to investigate stellar coalescence and merging processes, as the final state of stellar evolution of low-mass contact binary systems. Obtaining observational data of approximately 100 eclipsing binaries and multiple systems and more than 400 archival systems, the programme aspires to give insights for their physical and orbital parameters and their temporal variations, e.g. the orbital period modulation, spot activity etc. Gravitational phenomena in multiple-star environments will be linked with stellar evolution. A comprehensive analysis will be conducted, in order to investigate the possibility of contact binaries to host planets, as well as the link between inflated hot Jupiters and stellar mergers. The innovation of CoBiToM Project is based on a multi-method approach and a detailed investigation, that will shed light for the first time on the origin of stellar mergers and rapidly rotating stars. In this work we describe the scientific rationale, the observing facilities to be used and the methods that will be followed to achieve the goals of CoBiToM Project and we present the first results as an example of the current research on evolution of contact binary systems.
138 - Warren R. Brown 2013
We present the discovery of 17 low mass white dwarfs (WDs) in short-period P<1 day binaries. Our sample includes four objects with remarkable log(g)~5 surface gravities and orbital solutions that require them to be double degenerate binaries. All of the lowest surface gravity WDs have metal lines in their spectra implying long gravitational settling times or on-going accretion. Notably, six of the WDs in our sample have binary merger times <10 Gyr. Four have >=0.9 Msun companions. If the companions are massive WDs, these four binaries will evolve into stable mass transfer AM CVn systems and possibly explode as underluminous supernovae. If the companions are neutron stars, then these may be milli-second pulsar binaries. These discoveries increase the number of detached, double degenerate binaries in the ELM Survey to 54; 31 of these binaries will merge within a Hubble time.
67 - P. Izquierdo 2018
WD 1145+017 is currently the only white dwarf known to exhibit periodic transits of planetary debris as well as absorption lines from circumstellar gas. We present the first simultaneous fast optical spectrophotometry and broad-band photometry of the system, obtained with the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) and the Liverpool Telescope (LT), respectively. The observations spanned $5.5$ h, somewhat longer than the $4.5$-h orbital period of the debris. Dividing the GTC spectrophotometry into five wavelength bands reveals no significant colour differences, confirming grey transits in the optical. We argue that absorption by an optically thick structure is a plausible alternative explanation for the achromatic nature of the transits that can allow the presence of small-sized ($simmu$m) particles. The longest ($87$ min) and deepest ($50$ per cent attenuation) transit recorded in our data exhibits a complex structure around minimum light that can be well modelled by multiple overlapping dust clouds. The strongest circumstellar absorption line, Fe II $lambda$5169, significantly weakens during this transit, with its equivalent width reducing from a mean out-of-transit value of $2$ AA to $1$ AA in-transit, supporting spatial correlation between the circumstellar gas and dust. Finally, we made use of the Gaia Data Release 2 and archival photometry to determine the white dwarf parameters. Adopting a helium-dominated atmosphere containing traces of hydrogen and metals, and a reddening $E(B-V)=0.01$ we find $T_mathrm{eff}=15,020 pm 520$ K, $log g=8.07pm0.07$, corresponding to $M_mathrm{WD}=0.63pm0.05 mbox{$mathrm{M}_{odot}$}$ and a cooling age of $224pm30$ Myr.
PHOEBE 2 is a Python package for modeling the observables of eclipsing star systems, but until now has focused entirely on the forward-model -- that is, generating a synthetic model given fixed values of a large number of parameters describing the sy stem and the observations. The inverse problem, obtaining orbital and stellar parameters given observational data, is more complicated and computationally expensive as it requires generating a large set of forward-models to determine which set of parameters and uncertainties best represent the available observational data. The process of determining the best solution and also of obtaining reliable and robust uncertainties on those parameters often requires the use of multiple algorithms, including both optimizers and samplers. Furthermore, the forward-model of PHOEBE has been designed to be as physically robust as possible, but is computationally expensive compared to other codes. It is useful, therefore, to use whichever code is most efficient given the reasonable assumptions for a specific system, but learning the intricacies of multiple codes presents a barrier to doing this in practice. Here we present the 2.3 release of PHOEBE (publicly available from http://phoebe-project.org) which introduces a general framework for defining and handling distributions on parameters, and utilizing multiple different estimation, optimization, and sampling algorithms. The presented framework supports multiple forward-models, including the robust model built into PHOEBE itself.
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