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Constraining the Higgs-Dilaton with LHC and Dark Matter Searches

126   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Eric Kuflik
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study a scenario in which the dilaton, a pseudo-Goldstone boson of the spontaneous breaking of conformal symmetry, provides a portal between dark matter and the visible sector. We consider the low-energy description of the theory in which the dilaton mixes with the Standard Model Higgs boson, thereby predicting a second scalar at or above the weak scale. We derive the collider and dark matter constraints on the corresponding parameter space and find that existing experimental data point towards the decoupling limit in which the CFT scale is well above the electroweak scale. Moreover, the thermal production of dark matter implies its mass is likely above the TeV scale. Upcoming direct detection experiments may allow for the discovery of the dilaton-mediated thermal dark matter while future collider studies will also be sensitive to the available parameter space.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Searches for invisible Higgs decays at the Large Hadron Collider constrain dark matter Higgs-portal models, where dark matter interacts with the Standard Model fields via the Higgs boson. While these searches complement dark matter direct-detection e xperiments, a comparison of the two limits depends on the coupling of the Higgs boson to the nucleons forming the direct-detection nuclear target, typically parameterized in a single quantity $f_N$. We evaluate $f_N$ using recent phenomenological and lattice-QCD calculations, and include for the first time the coupling of the Higgs boson to two nucleons via pion-exchange currents. We observe a partial cancellation for Higgs-portal models that makes the two-nucleon contribution anomalously small. Our results, summarized as $f_N=0.308(18)$, show that the uncertainty of the Higgs-nucleon coupling has been vastly overestimated in the past. The improved limits highlight that state-of-the-art nuclear physics input is key to fully exploiting experimental searches.
The ATLAS and CMS experiments did not find evidence for Supersymmetry using close to 5/fb of published LHC data at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. We combine these LHC data with data on B_s -> mu mu (LHCb experiment), the relic density (WMAP and ot her cosmological data) and upper limits on the dark matter scattering cross sections on nuclei (XENON100 data). The excluded regions in the constrained Minimal Supersymmetric SM (CMSSM) lead to gluinos excluded below 1270 GeV and dark matter candidates below 220 GeV for values of the scalar masses (m_0) below 1500 GeV. For large m_0 values the limits of the gluinos and the dark matter candidate are reduced to 970 GeV and 130 GeV, respectively. If a Higgs mass of 125 GeV is imposed in the fit, the preferred SUSY region is above this excluded region, but the size of the preferred region is strongly dependent on the assumed theoretical error.
In the event that R-Parity conserving supersymmetry (SUSY) is discovered at the LHC, a key issue which will need to be addressed will be the consistency of that signal with astrophysical and non-accelerator constraints on SUSY Dark Matter. This issue is studied for the SPA benchmark model based on measurements of end-points and thresholds in the invariant mass spectra of various combinations of leptons and jets. These measurements are used to constrain the soft SUSY breaking parameters at the electroweak scale in a general MSSM model. Based on these constraints, we assess the accuracy with which the Dark Matter relic density can be measured.
The ATLAS collaboration has recently reported a 2.6 sigma excess in the search for a heavy resonance decaying into a pair of weak gauge bosons. Only fully hadronic final states are being looked for in the analysis. If the observed excess really origi nates from the gauge bosons decays, other decay modes of the gauge bosons would inevitably leave a trace on other exotic searches. In this paper, we propose the use of the Z boson decay into a pair of neutrinos to test the excess. This decay leads to a very large missing energy and can be probed with conventional dark matter searches at the LHC. We discuss the current constraints from the dark matter searches and the prospects. We find that optimizing these searches may give a very robust probe of the resonance, even with the currently available data of the 8 TeV LHC.
230 - Yuchao Gu , Maxim Khlopov , Lei Wu 2020
The recent measurements of the cosmological parameter $H_0$ from the direct local observations and the inferred value from the Cosmic Microwave Background show $sim 4 sigma$ discrepancy. This may indicate new physics beyond the standard $Lambda$CDM. We investigate the keV gravitino dark matter that has a small fraction of non-thermal component (e.g. from the late decay of NLSP bino) under various cosmological constraints. We find such a scenario is highly predictive and can be tested by searching for the dilepton plus missing energy events at the LHC. Besides, we also discuss its implication for Hubble tension, however, which can be reduced to $3sigma$ level marginally.
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