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Effect of quenched disorder in the entropy-jump at the first-order vortex phase transition of Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{2}$CaCu$_{2}$O$_{8 + delta}$

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 نشر من قبل Yanina Fasano Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the effect of quenched disorder in the thermodynamic magnitudes entailed in the first-order vortex phase transition of the extremely layered Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{2}$CaCu$_{2}$O$_{8 + delta}$ compound. We track the temperature-evolution of the enthalpy and the entropy-jump at the vortex solidification transition by means of AC local magnetic measurements. Quenched disorder is introduced to the pristine samples by means of heavy-ion irradiation with Pb and Xe producing a random columnar-track pins distribution with different densities (matching field $B_{Phi}$). In contrast with previous magneto-optical reports, we find that the first-order phase transition persists for samples with $B_{Phi}$ up to 100,Gauss. For very low densities of quenched disorder (pristine samples), the evolution of the thermodynamic properties can be satisfactorily explained considering a negligible effect of pinning and only electromagnetic coupling between pancake vortices lying in adjacent CuO planes. This description is not satisfactory on increasing magnitude of quenched disorder.

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We report a fine tuned doping study of strongly overdoped Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+delta}$ single crystals using electronic Raman scattering. Combined with theoretical calculations, we show that the doping, at which the normal state pseudogap closes , coincides with a Lifshitz quantum phase transition where the active hole-like Fermi surface becomes electron-like. This conclusion suggests that the microscopic cause of the pseudogap is sensitive to the Fermi surface topology. Furthermore, we find that the superconducting transition temperature is unaffected by this transition, demonstrating that their origins are different on the overdoped side.
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We report intrinsic tunnelling data for mesa structures fabricated on three over- and optimally-doped $rm{Bi_{2.15}Sr_{1.85}CaCu_{2}O_{8+delta}}$ crystals with transition temperatures of 86-78~K and 0.16-0.19~holes per CuO$_2$ unit, for a wide range of temperature ($T$) and applied magnetic field ($H$), primarily focusing on one over-doped crystal(OD80). The differential conductance above the gap edge shows clear dip structure which is highly suggestive of strong coupling to a narrow boson mode. Data below the gap edge suggest that tunnelling is weaker near the nodes of the d-wave gap and give clear evidence for strong $T$-dependent pair breaking. These findings could help theorists make a detailed Eliashberg analysis and thereby contribute towards understanding the pairing mechanism. We show that for our OD80 crystal the gap above $T_c$ although large, is reasonably consistent with the theory of superconducting fluctuations.
Scanning Hall probe and local Hall magnetometry measurements have been used to investigate flux distributions in large mesoscopic superconducting disks with sizes that lie near the crossover between the bulk and mesoscopic vortex regimes. Results obt ained by directly mapping the magnetic induction profiles of the disks at different applied fields can be quite successfully fitted to analytic models which assume a continuous distribution of flux in the sample. At low fields, however, we do observe clear signatures of the underlying discrete vortex structure and can resolve the characteristic mesoscopic compression of vortex clusters in increasing magnetic fields. Even at higher fields, where single vortex resolution is lost, we are still able to track configurational changes in the vortex patterns, since competing vortex orders impose unmistakable signatures on local magnetisation curves as a function of the applied field. Our observations are in excellent agreement with molecular dynamics numerical simulations which lead us to a natural definition of the lengthscale for the crossover between discrete and continuum behaviours in our system.
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