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Competing exchange interactions on the verge of a metal-insulator transition in the two-dimensional spiral magnet Sr$_3$Fe$_2$O$_7$

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 نشر من قبل Bernhard Keimer
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report a neutron scattering study of the magnetic order and dynamics of the bilayer perovskite Sr$_3$Fe$_2$O$_7$, which exhibits a temperature-driven metal-insulator transition at 340 K. We show that the Fe$^{4+}$ moments adopt incommensurate spiral order below $T_text{N}=115$ K and provide a comprehensive description of the corresponding spin wave excitations. The observed magnetic order and excitation spectra can be well understood in terms of an effective spin Hamiltonian with interactions ranging up to third nearest-neighbor pairs. The results indicate that the helical magnetism in Sr$_3$Fe$_2$O$_7$ results from competition between ferromagnetic double-exchange and antiferromagnetic superexchange interactions whose strengths become comparable near the metal-insulator transition. They thus confirm a decades-old theoretical prediction and provide a firm experimental basis for models of magnetic correlations in strongly correlated metals.

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149 - A. Putatunda , G. Qin , W. Ren 2020
We investigated Sr$_3$Ru$_2$O$_7$, a quantum critical metal that shows a metamagnetic quantum phase transition and electronic nematicity, through density functional calculations. These predict a ferromagnetic ground state in contrast to the experimen tally observed paramagnetism, raising the question of competing magnetic states and associated fluctuations that may suppress magnetic order. We did a search to identify such low energy antiferromagnetically ordered metastable states. We find that the lowest energy antiferromagnetic state has a striped order. This corresponds to the E-type order that has been shown to be induced by Mn alloying. We also note significant transport anisotropy in this E-type ordered state. These results are discussed in relation to experimental observations.
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252 - M. Zhu , Y. Wang , P. G. Li 2018
We report the magnetic and electronic properties of the bilayer ruthenate Sr$_3$Ru$_2$O$_7$ upon Fe substitution for Ru. We find that Sr$_3$(Ru$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$)$_2$O$_7$ shows a spin-glass-like phase below 4 K for $x$ = 0.01 and commensurate E-type ant iferromagnetically ordered insulating ground state characterized by the propagation vector $q_c$ = (0.25 0.25 0) for $x$ $geq$ 0.03, respectively, in contrast to the paramagnetic metallic state in the parent compound with strong spin fluctuations occurring at wave vectors $q$ = (0.09 0 0) and (0.25 0 0). The observed antiferromagnetic ordering is quasi-two-dimensional with very short correlation length along the $c$ axis, a feature similar to the Mn-doped Sr$_3$Ru$_2$O$_7$. Our results suggest that this ordered ground state is associated with the intrinsic magnetic instability in the pristine compound, which can be readily tipped by the local magnetic coupling between the 3$d$ orbitals of the magnetic dopants and Ru 4$d$ orbitals.
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