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Extraordinary Solar Modulation Effects On Galactic Cosmic Rays Observed By V1 Near The Heliopause

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 نشر من قبل John Quenby PROF
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We discuss two extraordinary increases of cosmic ray intensity observed by Voyager 1 in the last 1.1 AU before heliopause crossing, Aug 2012 at 121.7 AU. The two increases are roughly similar in amplitude and result in a total increase of cosmic ray nuclei around 1 GV of over 50 percent and of 0.01 GV electrons of a factor about 2. During the first increase, the changes in the magnetic, B, field are small. After the first increase, the B field variations and cosmic ray changes become large and during the second increase the B field variations and the cosmic ray changes are correlated to within a day. The intensity variations of H and He nuclei during these time intervals are measured from 0.1 to over 1 GV. The total GCR increse over the two events resemble those expected from a simple force-field like solar modulation model with a modulation potential of about 80MV. This is nearly one third of the total modulation potential of about 250 GV required to produce the modulation of these particles observed at the earth at the 2009 sunspot minimum and adds a new aspect to ideas about heliospheric modulation.

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Both the Cosmic Ray Flux (CRF) and Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) have left an imprint on SOHO technical systems. While the solar array efficiency degraded irreversibly down to ~77% of its original level over roughly 1 1/2 solar cycles, Single Even t Upsets (SEUs) in the solid state recorder (SSR) have been reversed by the memory protection mechanism. We compare the daily CRF observed by the Oulu station with the daily SOHO SEU rate and with the Degradation curve of the solar arrays. The Oulu CRF and the SOHO SSR SEU rate are both modulated by the solar cycle and are highly correlated, except for sharp spikes in the SEU rate, caused by isolated SEP events, which also show up as discontinuities in the otherwise slowly decreasing solar ray efficiency. This allows to discriminate between effects with solar and non-solar origin and to compare the relative strength of both. We find that during solar cycle 23 (1996 Apr 1 -- 2008 Aug 31) only 6% of the total number of SSR SEUs were caused by SEPs; the remaining 94% were due to galactic cosmic rays. During the maximum period of cycle 23 (2000 Jan 1 -- 2003 Dec 31), the SEP contribution increased to 22%, and during 2001, the year with the highest SEP rate, to 30%. About 40% of the total solar array degradation during the 17 years from Jan 1996 through Feb 2013 can be attributed to proton events, i.e. the effect of a series of short-lived, violent SEP events is comparable to the cycle-integrated damage by cosmic rays.
Transport equation of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) is numerically solved for qA>0 and qA<0 based on the stochastic differential equation (SDE) method. We have developed a fully time-dependent and three-dimensional code adapted for the wavy heliosphe ric current sheet (HCS). Results anticipated by the drift pattern are obtained for sample trajectories and distributions of arrival points at the heliospheric boundary for GCR protons. Our simulation reproduced a 22-year cycle of solar modulation which is qualitatively consistent with observations. Energy spectra of protons at 1 AU are calculated and compared with the observation by BESS.
We present near-infrared (0.8-1.8 $mu$m) spectra of 105 bright (${m_{J}}$ $<$ 10) stars observed with the low resolution spectrometer on the rocket-borne Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER). As our observations are performed above the earth s atmosphere, our spectra are free from telluric contamination, which makes them a unique resource for near-infrared spectral calibration. Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry information is used to identify cross-matched stars after reduction and extraction of the spectra. We identify the spectral types of the observed stars by comparing them with spectral templates from the Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) library. All the observed spectra are consistent with late F to M stellar spectral types, and we identify various infrared absorption lines.
69 - Z.-N. Shen , G. Qin 2017
The 11-year and 22-year modulation of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) in the inner heliosphere are studied using a numerical model developed by Qin and Shen in 2017. Based on the numerical solutions of Parkers transport equations, the model incorporates a modified Parker heliospheric magnetic field, a locally static time delayed heliosphere, and a time-dependent diffusion coefficients model in which an analytical expression of the variation of magnetic turbulence magnitude throughout the inner heliosphere is applied. Furthermore, during solar maximum, the solar magnetic polarity is determined randomly with the possibility of $A>0$ decided by the percentage of the north solar polar magnetic field being outward and the south solar polar magnetic field being inward. The computed results are compared with several GCR observations, e.g., IMP 8, SOHO/EPHIN, Ulysses, Voyager 1 & 2, at various energies and show good agreement. It is shown that our model has successfully reproduced the 11-year and 22-year modulation cycles.
We study the time-dependent modulation effect and derive the local interstellar spectra (LIS) for the cosmic ray (CR) proton, helium, boron and carbon. A two-dimensional modulation model including the variation of the interplanetary environment with time is adopted to describe modulation process. The propagation equation of CRs in the heliosphere is numerically solved by the package Solarprop. We derive the LIS by fitting the latest results of several experiments, including Voyager 1, PAMELA, BESS-POLARII and ACE, during low solar activity periods. We further study the modulation in the polarity reversal periods with the PAMELA proton data. We find that the rigidity dependence of the diffusion coefficient is critical to explain the modulation effect during reversal periods. Our results also indicate a power law relation between the diffusion coefficient and the magnitude of the heliospheric magnetic field (HMF) at the Earth.
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