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The magnitude of the magnetic exchange interaction in the heavy fermion antiferromagnet CeRhIn$_5$

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 نشر من قبل Marc Janoschek
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Pinaki Das

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We have used high-resolution neutron spectroscopy experiments to determine the complete spin wave spectrum of the heavy fermion antiferromagnet CeRhIn$_5$. The spin wave dispersion can be quantitatively reproduced with a simple $J_1$-$J_2$ model that also naturally explains the magnetic spin-spiral ground state of CeRhIn$_5$ and yields a dominant in-plane nearest-neighbor magnetic exchange constant $J_0$ = 0.74 meV. Our results pave the way to a quantitative understanding of the rich low-temperature phase diagram of the prominent Ce$T$In$_5$ ($T$ = Co, Rh, Ir) class of heavy fermion materials.

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We report a study on the interplay between antiferromagnetism (AFM) and superconductivity (SC) in a heavy-fermion compound CeRhIn$_5$ under pressure $P=1.75$ GPa. The onset of the magnetic order is evidenced from a clear split of $^{115}$In-NQR spect rum due to the spontaneous internal field below the Neel temperature $T_N=2.5$ K. Simultaneously, bulk SC below $T_c=2.0$ K is demonstrated by the observation of the Meissner diamagnetism signal whose size is the same as in the exclusively superconducting phase. These results indicate that the AFM coexists homogeneously with the SC at a microscopic level.
238 - L. Jiao , Y. Chen , Y. Kohama 2015
Conventional, thermally-driven continuous phase transitions are described by universal critical behaviour that is independent of the specific microscopic details of a material. However, many current studies focus on materials that exhibit quantum-dri ven continuous phase transitions (quantum critical points, or QCPs) at absolute zero temperature. The classification of such QCPs and the question of whether they show universal behaviour remain open issues. Here we report measurements of heat capacity and de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations at low temperatures across a field-induced antiferromagnetic QCP (B$_{c0}simeq$ 50 T) in the heavy-fermion metal CeRhIn$_5$. A sharp, magnetic-field-induced change in Fermi surface is detected both in the dHvA effect and Hall resistivity at B$_0^*simeq$ 30 T, well inside the antiferromagnetic phase. Comparisons with band-structure calculations and properties of isostructural CeCoIn$_5$ suggest that the Fermi-surface change at B$_0^*$ is associated with a localized to itinerant transition of the Ce-4f electrons in CeRhIn$_5$. Taken in conjunction with pressure data, our results demonstrate that at least two distinct classes of QCP are observable in CeRhIn$_5$, a significant step towards the derivation of a universal phase diagram for QCPs.
90 - L. Jiao , M. Smidman , Y. Kohama 2017
The Kondo-lattice compound CeRhIn$_5$ displays a field-induced Fermi surface reconstruction at $B^*approx30$ T, which occurs within the antiferromagnetic state, prior to the quantum critical point at $B_{c0}approx50$ T. Here, in order to investigate the nature of the Fermi surface change, we measured the magnetostriction, specific heat, and magnetic torque of CeRhIn$_5$ across a wide range of magnetic fields. Our observations uncover the field-induced itineracy of the $4f$ electrons, where above $B_{rm onset}approx17$ T there is a significant enhancement of the Sommerfeld coefficient, and spin-dependent effective cyclotron masses determined from quantum oscillations. Upon crossing $B_{rm onset}$, the temperature dependence of the specific heat also shows distinctly different behavior from that at low fields. Our results indicate that the Kondo coupling is remarkably robust upon increasing the magnetic field. This is ascribed to the delocalization of the $4f$ electrons at the Fermi surface reconstruction at $B^*$.
We report a systematic study of temperature- and field-dependent charge ($boldsymbol{rho}$) and entropy ($mathbf{S}$) transport in the heavy-fermion superconductor CeIrIn$_5$. Its large positive thermopower $S_{xx}$ is typical of Ce-based Kondo latti ce systems, and strong electronic correlations play an important role in enhancing the Nernst signal $S_{xy}$. By separating the off-diagonal Peltier coefficient $alpha_{xy}$ from $S_{xy}$, we find that $alpha_{xy}$ becomes positive and greatly enhanced at temperatures well above the bulk $T_c$. Compared with the non-magnetic analog LaIrIn$_5$, these results suggest vortexlike excitations in a precursor state to unconventional superconductivity in CeIrIn$_5$. This study sheds new light on the similarity of heavy-fermion and cuprate superconductors and on the possibility of states not characterized by the amplitude of an order parameter.
It is a long-standing important issue in heavy fermion physics whether $f$-electrons are itinerant or localized when the magnetic order occurs. Here we report the {it in situ} scanning tunneling microscopy observation of the electronic structure in e pitaxial thin films of CeRhIn$_5$, a prototypical heavy fermion compound with antiferromagnetic ground state. The conductance spectra above the Neel temperature $T_N$ clearly resolve the energy gap due to the hybridization between local 4$f$ electrons and conduction bands as well as the crystal electric field excitations. These structures persist even below $T_N$. Moreover, an additional dip in the conductance spectra develops due to the antiferromagnetic order. These results provide direct evidence for the presence of itinerant heavy $f$-electrons participating in the Fermi surface even in the magnetically ordered state of CeRhIn$_5$.
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