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CO J = 2 - 1 Emission from Evolved Stars in the Galactic Bulge

147   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Benjamin Sargent
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We observe a sample of 8 evolved stars in the Galactic Bulge in the CO J = 2 - 1 line using the Submillimeter Array (SMA) with angular resolution of 1 - 4 arcseconds. These stars have been detected previously at infrared wavelengths, and several of them have OH maser emission. We detect CO J = 2 - 1 emission from three of the sources in the sample: OH 359.943 +0.260, [SLO2003] A12, and [SLO2003] A51. We do not detect the remaining 5 stars in the sample because of heavy contamination from the galactic foreground CO emission. Combining CO data with observations at infrared wavelengths constraining dust mass loss from these stars, we determine the gas-to-dust ratios of the Galactic Bulge stars for which CO emission is detected. For OH 359.943 +0.260, we determine a gas mass-loss rate of 7.9 (+/- 2.2) x 10^-5 M_Sun/year and a gas-to-dust ratio of 310 (+/- 89). For [SLO2003] A12, we find a gas mass-loss rate of 5.4 (+/- 2.8) x 10^-5 M_Sun/year and a gas-to-dust ratio of 220 (+/- 110). For [SLO2003] A51, we find a gas mass-loss rate of 3.4 (+/- 3.0) x 10^-5 M_Sun/year and a gas-to-dust ratio of 160 (+/- 140), reflecting the low quality of our tentative detection of the CO J = 2 - 1 emission from A51. We find the CO J = 2 - 1 detections of OH/IR stars in the Galactic Bulge require lower average CO J = 2 - 1 backgrounds.

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اقرأ أيضاً

84 - P. de Vicente 2016
Observations of 28SiO v=0 J=1-0 line emission (7-mm wavelength) from AGB stars show in some cases peculiar profiles, composed of a central intense component plus a wider plateau. Very similar profiles have been observed in CO lines from some AGB star s and most post-AGB nebulae and, in these cases, they are clearly associated with the presence of conspicuous axial symmetry and bipolar dynamics. We present systematic observations of 28SiO v=0 J=1-0 emission in 28 evolved stars, performed with the 40~m radio telescope of the IGN in Yebes, Spain. We find that the composite core plus plateau profiles are almost always present in O-rich Miras, OH/IR stars, and red supergiants. They are also found in one S-type Mira ($chi$ Cyg), as well as in two semiregular variables (X Her and RS Cnc) that are known to show axial symmetry. In the other objects, the profiles are simpler and similar to those of other molecular lines. The composite structure appears in the objects in which SiO emission is thought to come from the very inner circumstellar layers, prior to dust formation. The central spectral feature is found to be systematically composed of a number of narrow spikes, except for X Her and RS Cnc, in which it shows a smooth shape that is very similar to that observed in CO emission. These spikes show a significant (and mostly chaotic) time variation, while in all cases the smooth components remain constant within the uncertainties. The profile shape could come from the superposition of standard wide profiles and a group of weak maser spikes. Alternatively, we speculate that the very similar profiles detected in objects that are axisymmetric may be indicative of the systematic presence of a significant axial symmetry in the very inner circumstellar shells around AGB stars; the presence of such symmetry would be independent of the probable weak maser effects in the central spikes.
103 - P.N. Diep , D.T. Hoai , P.T. Nhung 2015
Studies of the CO and HI radio emission of some evolved stars are presented using data collected by the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer and Pico Veleta telescope, the Nanc{c}ay Radio Telescope and the JVLA and ALMA arrays. Approximate axial symme try of the physical and kinematic properties of the circumstellar envelope (CSE) are observed in CO emission, in particular, from RS Cnc, EP Aqr and the Red Rectangle. A common feature is the presence of a bipolar outflow causing an enhanced wind velocity in the polar directions. HI emission extends to larger radial distances than probed by CO emission and displays features related to the interaction between the stellar outflow and interstellar matter. With its unprecedented sensitivity, FAST will open a new window on such studies. Its potential in this domain is briefly illustrated.
144 - Hiroshi Imai 2012
In this Letter, we report detections of SiO v=3 J=1--0 maser emission in very long baseline interferometric (VLBI) observations towards 4 out of 12 long-period variable stars: WX Psc, R Leo, W Hya, and T Cep. The detections towards WX Psc and T Cep a re new ones. We also present successful astrometric observations of SiO v=2 and v=3 J=1--0 maser emissions associated with two stars: WX Psc and W Hya and their position-reference continuum sources: J010746.0+131205 and J135146.8-291218 with the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA). The relative coordinates of the position-reference continuum source and SiO v=3 maser spots were measured with respect to those of an SiO v=2 maser spot adopted as fringe-phase reference. Thus the faint continuum sources were inversely phase-referenced to the bright maser sources. It implies possible registration of multiple SiO maser line maps onto a common coordinate system with 10 microarcsecond-level accuracy.
Determining the Galactic distribution and numbers of massive stars, such as Wolf-Rayet stars (WRs), is hampered by intervening Galactic or local circumstellar dust obscuration. In order to probe such regions of the Galaxy we can use infrared observat ions, which provide a means for finding such hidden populations through the dust. The availability of both 2MASS and Spitzer/GLIMPSE large-scale survey data provides infrared colours from 1.25 to 8$mu$m for a large fraction of the inner Galactic plane. In 2005 we initiated a pilot study of the combined set of infrared colours for two GLIMPSE fields and showed that WRs typically occupy a sparsely populated region of the colour space. We followed up 42 of our WR candidates spectroscopically in the near-infrared, and with limited additional observations of some of these candidates in the optical. Six new WRs, four late-type WN and two late-type WC stars, were discovered as a result. Of the remaining $sim$86% of the sample, five appear to be O-type stars. 21 stars are likely of type Be, and 10 stars appear to be of late-type, or possibly young stellar objects, which have contaminated the infrared color space. The survey is generally unbiased towards clusters or field stars, and the new WRs found are in both the field and in and around the RCW 49 region (including cluster Westerlund 2). In this work, and in our other recent work, we show that the infrared broad-band colours to be the most efficient means of identifying (particularly, dust-obscured) candidate massive stars, notably WRs.
We present JCMT SCUBA-2 $450mu$m and $850mu$m observations of 14 Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars (9 O--rich, 4 C-rich and 1 S--type) and one Red Supergiant (RSG) in the Solar Neighbourhood. We combine these observations with emph{Herschel}/PACS o bservations at $70mu$m and $160mu$m and obtain azimuthally-averaged surface-brightness profiles and their PSF subtracted residuals. The extent of the SCUBA-2 850 $mu$m emission ranges from 0.01 to 0.16 pc with an average of $sim40%$ of the total flux being emitted from the extended component. By fitting a modified black-body to the four-point SED at each point along the radial profile we derive the temperature ($T$), spectral index of dust emissivity ($beta$) and dust column density ($Sigma$) as a function of radius. For all the sources, the density profile deviates significantly from what is expected for a constant mass-loss rate, showing that all the sources have undergone variations in mass-loss during this evolutionary phase. In combination with results from CO line emission, we determined the dust-to-gas mass ratio for all the sources in our sample. We find that, when sources are grouped according to their chemistry, the resulting average dust-to-gas ratios are consistent with the respective canonical values. However we see a range of values with significant scatter which indicate the importance of including spatial information when deriving these numbers.
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