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Mott transition in granular aluminum

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 نشر من قبل Nimrod Bachar
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The presence of free spins in granular Al films is directly demonstrated by $mu$SR measurements. A Mott transition is observed by probing the increase of the spin-flip scattering rate of conduction electrons as the nano-size metallic grains are being progressively decoupled. Analysis of the magneto-resistance in terms of an effective Fermi energy shows that it becomes of the order of the grains electrostatic charging energy at a room temperature resistivity $rho approx 50,000~muOmega~cm$, at which a metal to insulator transition is known to exist. As this transition is approached the magneto-resistance exhibits a Heavy-Fermion like behavior, consistent with an increased electron effective mass.

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The phase diagram of the layered organic superconductor $kappa$-(ET)$_{2}$Cu[N(CN)$_{2}$]Cl has been accurately measured from a combination of $^{1}$H NMR and AC susceptibility techniques under helium gas pressure. The domains of stability of antifer romagnetic and superconducting long-range orders in the pressure {it vs} temperature plane have been determined. Both phases overlap through a first-order boundary that separates two regions of inhomogeneous phase coexistence. The boundary curve is found to merge with another first order line related to the metal-insulator transition in the paramagnetic region. This transition is found to evolve into a crossover regime above a critical point at higher temperature. The whole phase diagram features a point-like region where metallic, insulating, antiferromagnetic and non s-wave superconducting phases all meet.
We outline a general mechanism for Orbital-selective Mott transition (OSMT), the coexistence of both itinerant and localized conduction electrons, and show how it can take place in a wide range of realistic situations, even for bands of identical wid th and correlation, provided a crystal field splits the energy levels in manifolds with different degeneracies and the exchange coupling is large enough to reduce orbital fluctuations. The mechanism relies on the different kinetic energy in manifolds with different degeneracy. This phase has Curie-Weiss susceptibility and non Fermi-liquid behavior, which disappear at a critical doping, all of which is reminiscent of the physics of the pnictides.
We consider the one-band Hubbard model on the square lattice by using variational and Greens function Monte Carlo methods, where the variational states contain Jastrow and backflow correlations on top of an uncorrelated wave function that includes BC S pairing and magnetic order. At half filling, where the ground state is antiferromagnetically ordered for any value of the on-site interaction $U$, we can identify a hidden critical point $U_{rm Mott}$, above which a finite BCS pairing is stabilized in the wave function. The existence of this point is reminiscent of the Mott transition in the paramagnetic sector and determines a separation between a Slater insulator (at small values of $U$), where magnetism induces a potential energy gain, and a Mott insulator (at large values of $U$), where magnetic correlations drive a kinetic energy gain. Most importantly, the existence of $U_{rm Mott}$ has crucial consequences when doping the system: We observe a tendency to phase separation into a hole-rich and a hole-poor region only when doping the Slater insulator, while the system is uniform by doping the Mott insulator. Superconducting correlations are clearly observed above $U_{rm Mott}$, leading to the characteristic dome structure in doping. Furthermore, we show that the energy gain due to the presence of a finite BCS pairing above $U_{rm Mott}$ shifts from the potential to the kinetic sector by increasing the value of the Coulomb repulsion.
Here we present experimental and computational evidences to support that rock-salt cubic VO is a strongly correlated metal with Non-Fermi-Liquid thermodynamics and an unusually strong spin-lattice coupling. An unexpected change of sign of metallic th ermopower with composition is tentatively ascribed to the presence of a pseudogap in the density of states. These properties are discussed as signatures of the proximity to a magnetic quantum phase transition. The results are summarized in a new electronic phase diagram for the 3d monoxides, which resembles that of other strongly correlated systems. The structural and electronic simplicity of 3d monoxides make them ideal candidates to progress in the understanding of highly correlated electron systems.
We present an approach to the normal state of cuprate superconductors which is based on a minimal cluster extension of dynamical mean-field theory. Our approach is based on an effective two-impurity model embedded in a self-consistent bath. The two d egrees of freedom of this effective model can be associated to the nodal and antinodal regions of momentum space. We find a metal-insulator transition which is selective in momentum space: At low doping quasiparticles are destroyed in the antinodal region, while they remain protected in the nodal region, leading to the formation of apparent Fermi arcs. We compare our results to tunneling and angular-resolved photoemission experiments on cuprates. At very low energy, a simple description of this transition can be given using rotationally invariant slave bosons.
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