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Supersymmetry in quantum optics and in spin-orbit coupled systems

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 نشر من قبل Vladimir Gritsev
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Light-matter interaction is naturally described by coupled bosonic and fermionic subsystems. This suggests that a certain Bose-Fermi duality is naturally present in the fundamental quantum mechanical description of photons interacting with atoms. We reveal submanifolds in parameter space of a basic light-matter interacting system where this duality is promoted to a supersymmetry (SUSY) which remains unbroken. We show that SUSY is robust with respect to decoherence and dissipation. In particular, a stationary density matrix at the supersymmetric lines in the parameter space has a degenerate subspace. A dimension of this subspace is given by the Witten index and thus topologically protected. As a consequence of this SUSY, dissipative dynamics at the supersymmetric lines is constrained by an additional conserved quantity which translates some part of information about an initial state into the stationary state subspace. We also demonstrate a robustness of this additional conserved quantity away from the supersymmetric lines. In addition, we demonstrate that the same SUSY structures are present in condensed matter systems with spin-orbit couplings of Rashba and Dresselhaus types, and therefore spin-orbit coupled systems at the SUSY lines should be robust with respect to various types of disorder and decoherences. Our findings suggest that optical and condensed matter systems at the SUSY points can be used for quantum information technology and can open an avenue for quantum simulation of the SUSY field theories.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study the interplay between large-spin, spin-orbit coupling, and superfluidity for bosons in a two dimensional optical lattice, focusing on the spin-1 spin-orbit coupled system recently realized at the Joint Quantum Institute [Campbell et. al., ar Xiv:1501.05984]. We find a rich quantum phase diagram, where, in addition to the conventional phases ---superfluid and insulator--- contained in the spin-$1$ Bose-Hubbard model, there are new lattice symmetry breaking phases. For weak interactions, the interplay between two length scales, the lattice momentum and the spin-orbit wave-vector induce a phase transition from a uniform superfluid to a phase where bosons simultaneously condense at the center and edge of the Brillouin zone at a non-zero spin-orbit strength. This state is characterized by spin density wave order, which arises from the spin-$1$ nature of the system. Interactions suppress spin density wave order, and favor a superfluid textit{only} at the Brillouin zone edge. This state has spatially oscillating mean field order parameters, but a homogeneous density. We show that the spin density wave superfluid phase survives in a two dimensional harmonic trap, and thus establish that our results are directly applicable to experiments on $^{87}$Rb, $^7$Li, and $^{41}$K.
We study some general properties of coupled quantum systems. We consider simple interactions between two copies of identical Hamiltonians such as the SYK model, Pauli spin chains with random magnetic field and harmonic oscillators. Such couplings mak e the ground states close to the thermofield double states of the uncoupled Hamiltonians. For the coupled SYK model, we push the numerical computation further towards the thermodynamic limit so that an extrapolation in the size of the system is possible. We find good agreement between the extrapolated numerical result and the analytic result in the large-$q$ limit. We also consider the coupled gauged matrix model and vector model, and argue that the deconfinement is associated with the loss of the entanglement, similarly to the previous observation for the coupled SYK model. The understanding of the microscopic mechanism of the confinement/deconfinement transition enables us to estimate the quantum entanglement precisely, and backs up the dual gravity interpretation which relates the deconfinement to the disappearance of the wormhole. Our results demonstrate the importance of the entanglement between the color degrees of freedom in the emergence of the bulk geometry from quantum field theory via holography.
We study high-harmonic generation in two-dimensional electron systems with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling and derive harmonic generation selection rules with the help of group theory. Based on the bandstructures of these minimal models an d explicit simulations we reveal how the spin-orbit parameters control the cutoff energy in the high-harmonic spectrum. We also show that the magnetic field and polarization dependence of this spectrum provides information on the magnitude of the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling parameters. The shape of the Fermi surface can be deduced at least qualitatively and if only one type of spin-orbit coupling is present, the coupling strength can be determined.
We compute concurrence, a measure of bipartite entanglement, of the first excited state of the $1$-D Heisenberg frustrated $J_1$-$J_2$ spin-chain and observe a sudden change in the entanglement of the eigen state near the coupling strength $alpha=J_2 /J_1approx0.241$, where a quantum phase transition from spin-fluid phase to dimer phase has been previously reported. We numerically observe this phenomena for spin-chain with $8$ sites to $16$ sites, and the value of $alpha$ at which the change in entanglement is observed asymptotically tends to a value $alpha_capprox0.24116$. We have calculated the finite-size scaling exponents for spin chains with even and odd spins. It may be noted that bipartite as well as multipartite entanglement measures applied on the ground state of the system, fail to detect any quantum phase transition from the gapless to the gapped phase in the $1$-D Heisenberg frustrated $J_1$-$J_2$ spin-chain. Furthermore, we measure bipartite entanglement of first excited states for other spin models like $2$-D Heisenberg $J_1$-$J_2$ model and Shastry-Sutherland model and find similar indications of quantum phase transitions.
We discuss anomalous decoherence effects at zero and finite temperatures in driven coupled quantum spin systems. By numerical simulations of the quantum master equation, it is found that the entanglement of two coupled spin qubits exhibits a non-mono tonic behaviour as a function of the noise strength. The effects of noise strength, the detuning and finite temperature of independent environments on the steady state entanglement are addressed in detail. Pumped by an external field drive, non-trivial steady states can be found, the steady state entanglement increases monotonically up to a maximum at certain optimal noise strength and decreases steadily for higher values. Furthermore, increasing the detuning can not only induce but also suppress steady state entanglement, which depends on the value of noise strength. At last, we delimit the border between presence or absence of steady state entanglement and discuss the related experimental temperatures where typical biomolecular systems exhibit long-lived coherences and quantum entanglement in photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes.
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