ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
We study high-harmonic generation in two-dimensional electron systems with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling and derive harmonic generation selection rules with the help of group theory. Based on the bandstructures of these minimal models and explicit simulations we reveal how the spin-orbit parameters control the cutoff energy in the high-harmonic spectrum. We also show that the magnetic field and polarization dependence of this spectrum provides information on the magnitude of the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling parameters. The shape of the Fermi surface can be deduced at least qualitatively and if only one type of spin-orbit coupling is present, the coupling strength can be determined.
The quantum correction to electrical conductivity is studied on the basis of two-dimensional Wolff Hamiltonian, which is an effective model for a spin-orbit coupled (SOC) lattice system. It is shown that weak anti-localization (WAL) arises in SOC lat
Using response theory, we calculate the charge-current vortex generated by spin pumping at a point-like contact in a system with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We discuss the spatial profile of the current density for finite temperature and for the zero
Current-induced spin polarization (CISP) is rederived in ballistic spin-orbit-coupled electron systems, based on equilibrium statistical mechanics. A simple and useful picture is correspondingly proposed to help understand the CISP and predict the po
Motivated by the importance of understanding competing mechanisms to current-induced spin-orbit torque in complex magnets, we develop a unified theory of current-induced spin-orbital coupled dynamics. The theory describes angular momentum transfer be
We explore the roles of electronic band structure and Coulomb interactions in solid-state HHG by studying the optical response of linear atomic chains and carbon nanotubes to intense ultrashort pulses. Specifically, we simulate electron dynamics by s