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Relative free splitting and free factor complexes I: Hyperbolicity

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 نشر من قبل Lee Mosher
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the large scale geometry of the relative free splitting complex and the relative complex of free factor systems of the rank $n$ free group $F_n$, relative to the choice of a free factor system of $F_n$, proving that these complexes are hyperbolic. Furthermore we present the proof in a general context, obtaining hyperbolicity of the relative free splitting complex and of the relative complex of free factor systems of a general group $Gamma$, relative to the choice of a free factor system of $Gamma$. The proof yields information about coarsely transitive families of quasigeodesics in each of these complexes, expressed in terms of fold paths of free splittings.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We develop the geometry of folding paths in Outer space and, as an application, prove that the complex of free factors of a free group of finite rank is hyperbolic.
We lay the foundations for the study of relatively quasiconvex subgroups of relatively hyperbolic groups. These foundations require that we first work out a coherent theory of countable relatively hyperbolic groups (not necessarily finitely generated ). We prove the equivalence of Gromov, Osin, and Bowditchs definitions of relative hyperbolicity for countable groups. We then give several equivalent definitions of relatively quasiconvex subgroups in terms of various natural geometries on a relatively hyperbolic group. We show that each relatively quasiconvex subgroup is itself relatively hyperbolic, and that the intersection of two relatively quasiconvex subgroups is again relatively quasiconvex. In the finitely generated case, we prove that every undistorted subgroup is relatively quasiconvex, and we compute the distortion of a finitely generated relatively quasiconvex subgroup.
265 - Michael Handel , Lee Mosher 2014
We study the loxodromic elements for the action of $Out(F_n)$ on the free splitting complex of the rank $n$ free group $F_n$. We prove that each outer automorphism is either loxodromic, or has bounded orbits without any periodic point, or has a perio dic point; and we prove that all three possibilities can occur. We also prove that two loxodromic elements are either co-axial or independent, meaning that their attracting/repelling fixed point pairs on the Gromov boundary of the free splitting complex are either equal or disjoint as sets. Each of the alternatives in these results is also characterized in terms of the attracting/repelling lamination pairs of an outer automorphism. As an application, each attracting lamination determines its corresponding repelling lamination independent of the outer automorphism. As part of this study we describe the structure of the subgroup of $Out(F_n)$ that stabilizes the fixed point pair of a given loxodromic outer automorphism, and we give examples which show that this subgroup need not be virtually cyclic. As an application, the action of $Out(F_n)$ on the free splitting complex is not acylindrical, and its loxodromic elements do not all satisfy the WPD property of Bestvina and Fujiwara.
This paper is devoted to the computation of the space $H_b^2(Gamma,H;mathbb{R})$, where $Gamma$ is a free group of finite rank $ngeq 2$ and $H$ is a subgroup of finite rank. More precisely we prove that $H$ has infinite index in $Gamma$ if and only i f $H_b^2(Gamma,H;mathbb{R})$ is not trivial, and furthermore, if and only if there is an isometric embedding $oplus_infty^nmathcal{D}(mathbb{Z})hookrightarrow H_b^2(Gamma,H;mathbb{R})$, where $mathcal{D}(mathbb{Z})$ is the space of bounded alternating functions on $mathbb{Z}$ equipped with the defect norm.
120 - Anthony Genevois 2021
It is known that a cocompact special group $G$ does not contain $mathbb{Z} times mathbb{Z}$ if and only if it is hyperbolic; and it does not contain $mathbb{F}_2 times mathbb{Z}$ if and only if it is toric relatively hyperbolic. Pursuing in this dire ction, we show that $G$ does not contain $mathbb{F}_2 times mathbb{F}_2$ if and only if it is weakly hyperbolic relative to cyclic subgroups, or cyclically hyperbolic for short. This observation motivates the study of cyclically hyperbolic groups, which we initiate in the class of groups acting geometrically on CAT(0) cube complexes. Given such a group $G$, we first prove a structure theorem: $G$ virtually splits as the direct sum of a free abelian group and an acylindrically hyperbolic cubulable group. Next, we prove a strong Tits alternative: every subgroup $H leq G$ either is virtually abelian or it admits a series $H=H_0 rhd H_1 rhd cdots rhd H_k$ where $H_k$ is acylindrically hyperbolic and where $H_i/H_{i+1}$ is finite or free abelian. As a consequence, $G$ is SQ-universal and it cannot contain subgroups such that products of free groups and virtually simple groups.
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