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Strongly bound yet light bipolarons for double-well electron-phonon coupling

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 نشر من قبل Clemens P J Adolphs
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We use the Momentum Average approximation (MA) to study the ground-state properties of strongly bound bipolarons in the double-well electron-phonon (el-ph) coupling model, which describes certain intercalated lattices where the linear term in the el-ph coupling vanishes due tosymmetry. We show that this model predicts the existence of strongly bound yet lightweight bipolarons in some regions of the parameter space. This provides a novel mechanism for the appearance of such bipolarons, in addition to long-range el-ph coupling and special lattice geometries.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We show that in crystals where light ions are symmetrically intercalated between heavy ions, the electron-phonon coupling for carriers located at the light sites cannot be described by a Holstein model. We introduce the double-well electron-phonon co upling model to describe the most interesting parameter regime in such systems, and study it in the single carrier limit using the momentum average approximation. For sufficiently strong coupling, a small polaron with a robust phonon cloud appears at low energies. While some of its properties are similar to those of a Holstein polaron, we highlight some crucial differences. These prove that the physics of the double-well electron-phonon coupling model cannot be reproduced with a linear Holstein model.
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100 - Xun Cai , Zi-Xiang Li , Hong Yao 2021
Antiferromagnetism (AF) such as Neel ordering is often closely related to Coulomb interactions such as Hubbard repulsion in two-dimensional (2D) systems. Whether Neel AF ordering in 2D can be dominantly induced by electron-phonon couplings (EPC) has not been completely understood. Here, by employing numerically-exact sign-problem-free quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations, we show that optical Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) phonons with frequency $omega$ and EPC constant $lambda$ can induce AF ordering for a wide range of phonon frequency $omega>omega_c$. For $omega<omega_c$, a valence-bond-solid (VBS) order appears and there is a direct quantum phase transition between VBS and AF phases at $omega_c$. The phonon mechanism of the AF ordering is related to the fact that SSH phonons directly couple to electron hopping whose second-order process can induce an effective AF spin exchange. Our results shall shed new lights to understanding AF ordering in correlated quantum materials.
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