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Controlled Growth of a Line Defect in Graphene and Implications for Gate-Tunable Valley Filtering

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 نشر من قبل Oleg Yazyev
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Atomically precise tailoring of graphene can enable unusual transport pathways and new nanometer-scale functional devices. Here we describe a recipe for the controlled production of highly regular 5-5-8 line defects in graphene by means of simultaneous electron irradiation and Joule heating by applied electric current. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy reveals individual steps of the growth process. Extending earlier theoretical work suggesting valley-discriminating capabilities of a graphene 5-5-8 line defect, we perform first-principles calculations of transport and find a strong energy dependence of valley polarization of the charge carriers across the defect. These findings inspire us to propose a compact electrostatically gated valley valve device, a critical component for valleytronics.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Valley pseudospin, the quantum degree of freedom characterizing the degenerate valleys in energy bands, is a distinct feature of two-dimensional Dirac materials. Similar to spin, the valley pseudospin is spanned by a time reversal pair of states, tho ugh the two valley pseudospin states transform to each other under spatial inversion. The breaking of inversion symmetry induces various valley-contrasted physical properties; for instance, valley-dependent topological transport is of both scientific and technological interests. Bilayer graphene (BLG) is a unique system whose intrinsic inversion symmetry can be controllably broken by a perpendicular electric field, offering a rare possibility for continuously tunable valley-topological transport. Here, we used a perpendicular gate electric field to break the inversion symmetry in BLG, and a giant nonlocal response was observed as a result of the topological transport of the valley pseudospin. We further showed that the valley transport is fully tunable by external gates, and that the nonlocal signal persists up to room temperature and over long distances. These observations challenge contemporary understanding of topological transport in a gapped system, and the robust topological transport may lead to future valleytronic applications.
We propose, for the first time, a valley Seebeck effect in gate tunable zigzag graphene nanoribbons as a result of the interplay between thermal gradient and valleytronics. A pure valley current is further generated by the thermal gradient as well as the external bias. In a broad temperature range, the pure valley current is found to be linearly dependent on the temperature gradient while it increases with the increasing temperature of one lead for a fixed thermal gradient. A valley field effect transistor (FET) driven by the temperature gradient is proposed that can turn on and off the pure valley current by gate voltage. The threshold gate voltage and on valley current are proportional to the temperature gradient. When the system switches on at positive gate voltage, the pure valley current is nearly independent of gate voltage. The valley transconductance is up to 30 {mu}S if we take Ampere as the unit of the valley current. This valley FET may find potential application in future valleytronics and valley caloritronics.
Using a tight-binding model, we study a line defect in graphene where a bulk energy gap is opened by sublattice symmetry breaking. It is found that sublattice symmetry breaking may induce many configurations that correspond to different band spectra. In particular, a gapless state is observed for a configuration which hold a mirror symmetry with respect to the line defect. We find that this gapless state originates from the line defect and is independent of the width of the graphene ribbon, the location of the line defect, and the potentials in the edges of the ribbon. In particular, the gapless state can be controlled by the gate voltage embedded below the line defect. Finally, this result is supported with conductance calculations. This study shows how a quantum channel could be constructed using a line defect, and how the quantum channel can be controlled by tuning the gate voltage embedded below the line defect.
We analyze the effect of screening provided by the additional graphene layer in double layer graphene heterostructures (DLGs) on transport characteristics of DLG devices in the metallic regime. The effect of gate-tunable charge density in the additio nal layer is two-fold: it provides screening of the long-range potential of charged defects in the system, and screens out Coulomb interactions between charge carriers. We find that the efficiency of defect charge screening is strongly dependent on the concentration and location of defects within the DLG. In particular, only a moderate suppression of electron-hole puddles around the Dirac point induced by the high concentration of remote impurities in the silicon oxide substrate could be achieved. A stronger effect is found on the elastic relaxation rate due to charged defects resulting in mobility strongly dependent on the electron denisty in the additional layer of DLG. We find that the quantum interference correction to the resistivity of graphene is also strongly affected by screening in DLG. In particular, the dephasing rate is strongly suppressed by the additional screening that supresses the amplitude of electron-electron interaction and reduces the diffusion time that electrons spend in proximity of each other. The latter effect combined with screening of elastic relaxation rates results in a peculiar gate tunable weak-localization magnetoresistance and quantum correction to resistivity. We propose suitable experiments to test our theory and discuss the possible relevance of our results to exisiting data.
In addition to electron charge and spin, novel materials host another degree of freedom, the valley. For a junction composed of valley filter sandwiched by two normal terminals, we focus on the valley efficiency under disorder with two valley filter models based on monolayer and bilayer graphene. Applying the transfer matrix method, valley resolved transmission coefficients are obtained. We find that: i) under weak disorder, when the line defect length is over about $15rm nm$, it functions as a perfect channel (quantized conductance) and valley filter (totally polarized); ii) in the diffusive regime, combination effects of backscattering and bulk states assisted intervalley transmission enhance the conductance and suppress the valley polarization; iii) for very long line defect, though the conductance is small, polarization is indifferent to length. Under perpendicular magnetics field, the characters of charge and valley transport are only slightly affected. Finally we discuss the efficiency of transport valley polarized current in a hybrid system.
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