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Ptychography by changing the area of probe light and scaled ptychography

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 نشر من قبل Tomoyoshi Shimobaba Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Ptychography is a promising phase retrieval technique for visible light, X-ray and electron beams. Conventional ptychography reconstructs the amplitude and phase of an object light from a set of the diffraction intensity patterns obtained by the X-Y moving of the probe light. The X-Y moving of the probe light requires two control parameters and accuracy of the locations. We propose ptychography by changing the area of the probe light using only one control parameter, instead of the X-Y moving of the probe light. The proposed method has faster convergence speed. In addition, we propose scaled ptychography using scaled diffraction calculation in order to magnify retrieved object lights clearly.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Coherent ptychographic imaging experiments often discard over 99.9 % of the flux from a light source to define the coherence of an illumination. Even when coherent flux is sufficient, the stability required during an exposure is another important lim iting factor. Partial coherence analysis can considerably reduce these limitations. A partially coherent illumination can often be written as the superposition of a single coherent illumination convolved with a separable translational kernel. In this paper we propose the Gradient Decomposition of the Probe (GDP), a model that exploits translational kernel separability, coupling the variances of the kernel with the transverse coherence. We describe an efficient first-order splitting algorithm GDP-ADMM to solve the proposed nonlinear optimization problem. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method with Gaussian and binary kernel functions in fly-scan measurements. Remarkably, GDP-ADMM produces satisfactory results even when the ratio between kernel width and beam size is more than one, or when the distance between successive acquisitions is twice as large as the beam width.
Linear-dichroism is an important tool to characterize the transmission matrix and determine the crystal or orbital orientation in a material. In order to gain high resolution mapping of the transmission properties of such materials, we introduce the linear-dichroism scattering model in ptychographic imaging, and then develop an efficient two-stage reconstruction algorithm. Using proposed algorithm, the dichroic transmission matrix without an analyzer can be recovered by using ptychography measurements with as few as three different polarization angles, with the help of an empty region to remove phase ambiguities.
212 - Yuchen He , Yuan Yuan , Hui Chen 2021
As a promising lensless imaging method for distance objects, intensity interferometry imaging (III) had been suffering from the unreliable phase retrieval process, hindering the development of III for decades. Recently, the introduction of the ptycho graphic detection in III overcame this challenge, and a method called ptychographic III (PIII) was proposed. We here experimentally demonstrate that PIII can image a dynamic distance object. A reasonable image for the moving object can be retrieved with only two speckle patterns for each probe, and only 10 to 20 iterations are needed. Meanwhile, PIII exhibits robust to the inaccurate information of the probe. Furthermore, PIII successfully recovers the image through a fog obfuscating the imaging light path, under which a conventional camera relying on lenses fails to provide a recognizable image.
157 - D. Dzhigaev , U. Lorenz , R. Kurta 2013
We present the ptychography reconstruction of the x-ray beam formed by nanofocusing lenses (NFLs) containing a number of phase singularities (vortices) in the vicinity of the focal plane. As a test object Siemens star pattern was used with the finest features of 50 nm for ptychography measurements. The extended ptychography iterative engine (ePIE) algorithm was applied to retrieve both complex illumination and object functions from the set of diffraction patterns. The reconstruction revealed the focus size of 91.4$pm$1.1 nm in horizontal and 70$pm$0.3 nm in vertical direction at full width at half maximum (FWHM). The complex probe function was propagated along the optical axis of the beam revealing the evolution of the phase singularities.
191 - Wentao Wang , Qi Han , Hui Chen 2017
Intensity interferometry (II) exploits the second-order correlation to acquire the spatial frequency information of an object, which has been used to observe distant stars since 1950s. However, due to unreliability of employed imaging reconstruction algorithms, II can only image simple and sparse objects such as double stars. We here develop a method that overcomes this unreliability problem and enables imaging complex objects by combing II and a ptychography iterative algorithm. Different from previous ptychography iterative-type algorithms that work only for diffractive objects using coherence light sources, our method obtains the objects spatial spectrum from the second-order correlation of intensity fluctuation by using an incoherent source, which therefore largely simplifies the imaging process. Furthermore, by introducing loose supports in the ptychography algorithm, a high-quality image can be recovered without knowing the precise size and position of the scanning illumination, which is a strong requirement for traditional ptychography iterative algorithm.
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