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Spin force and intrinsic spin Hall effect in spintronics systems

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 نشر من قبل Cong Son Ho
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the spin Hall effect (SHE) in a wide class of spin-orbit coupling systems by using spin force picture. We derive the general relation equation between spin force and spin current and show that the longitudinal force component can induce a spin Hall current, from which we reproduce the spin Hall conductivity obtained previously using Kubos formula. This simple spin force picture gives a clear and intuitive explanation for SHE.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The Rashba spin-orbit coupling arising from structure inversion asymmetry couples spin and momentum degrees of freedom providing a suitable (and very intensively investigated) environment for spintronic effects and devices. Here we show that in the p resence of strong disorder, non-homogeneity in the spin-orbit coupling gives rise to a finite spin Hall conductivity in contrast with the corresponding case of a homogeneous linear spin-orbit coupling. In particular, we examine the inhomogeneity arising from a striped structure for a two-dimensional electron gas, affecting both density and Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We suggest that this situation can be realized at oxide interfaces with periodic top gating.
319 - C. Bruene 2008
We report the first electrical manipulation and detection of the mesoscopic intrinsic spin-Hall effect (ISHE) in semiconductors through non-local electrical measurement in nano-scale H-shaped structures built on high mobility HgTe/HgCdTe quantum well s. By controlling the strength of the spin-orbit splittings and the n-type to p-type transition by a top-gate, we observe a large non-local resistance signal due to the ISHE in the p-regime, of the order of kOhms, which is several orders of magnitude larger than in metals. In the n-regime, as predicted by theory, the signal is at least an order of magnitude smaller. We verify our experimental observation by quantum transport calculations which show quantitative agreement with the experiments.
230 - A.W. Cummings , R. Akis , 2014
We use numerical simulations to investigate the spin Hall effect in quantum wires in the presence of both Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. We find that the intrinsic spin Hall effect is highly anisotropic with respect to the orientation of the wire, and that the nature of this anisotropy depends strongly on the electron density and the relative strengths of the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. In particular, at low densities when only one subband of the quantum wire is occupied, the spin Hall effect is strongest for electron momentum along the $[bar{1}10]$ axis, which is opposite than what is expected for the purely 2D case. In addition, when more than one subband is occupied, the strength and anisotropy of the spin Hall effect can vary greatly over relatively small changes in electron density, which makes it difficult to predict which wire orientation will maximize the strength of the spin Hall effect. These results help to illuminate the role of quantum confinement in spin-orbit-coupled systems, and can serve as a guide for future experimental work on the use of quantum wires for spin-Hall-based spintronic applications.
Spin Hall effects interconvert spin- and charge currents due to spin-orbit interaction, which enables convenient electrical generation and detection of diffusive spin currents and even collective spin excitations in magnetic solids. Here, we review r ecent experimental efforts exploring efficient spin Hall detector materials as well as new approaches to drive collective magnetization dynamics and to manipulate spin textures by spin Hall effects. These studies are also expected to impact practical spintronics applications beyond their significance in fundamental research.
We theoretically study the crossover between spin Hall effect and spin swapping, a recently predicted phenomenon that consists in the interchange between the current flow and its spin polarization directions [Lifshits and Dyakonov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 1 03, 186601 (2009)]. Using a tight-binding model with spin-orbit coupled disorder, spin Hall effect, spin relaxation and spin swapping are treated on equal footing. We demonstrate that spin Hall effect and spin swapping present very different dependences as a function of the spin-orbit coupling and disorder strengths. As a consequence, we show that spin swapping may even exceed spin Hall effect. Three set-ups are proposed for the experimental observation of the spin swapping effect in metals.
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