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The Logarithmic Contributions to the O(alpha_s^3) Asymptotic Massive Wilson Coefficients and Operator Matrix Elements in Deeply Inelastic Scattering

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 نشر من قبل Johannes Bluemlein
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
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We calculate the logarithmic contributions to the massive Wilson coefficients for deep-inelastic scattering in the asymptotic region $Q^2 gg m^2$ to 3-loop order in the fixed-flavor number scheme and present the corresponding expressions for the massive operator matrix elements needed in the variable flavor number scheme. Explicit expressions are given both in Mellin-$N$ space and $z$-space.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

In the asymptotic limit $Q^2 gg m^2$, the heavy flavor Wilson coefficients for deep--inelastic scattering factorize into the massless Wilson coefficients and the universal heavy flavor operator matrix elements resulting from light--cone expansion. In this way, one can calculate all but the power corrections in $(m^2/Q^2)^k, k > 0$. The heavy flavor operator matrix elements are known to ${sf NLO}$. We present the last 2--loop result missing in the unpolarized case for the renormalization at 3--loops and first 3--loop results for terms proportional to the color factor $T_F^2$ in Mellin--space. In this calculation, the corresponding parts of the ${sf NNLO}$ anomalous dimensions cite{LARIN,MVVandim} are obtained as well.
The heavy quark effects in deep--inelastic scattering in the asymptotic regime $Q^2 gg m^2$ can be described by heavy flavor operator matrix elements. Complete analytic expressions for these objects are currently known to ${sf NLO}$. We present first results for fixed moments at ${sf NNLO}$. This involves a recalculation of fixed moments of the corresponding ${sf NNLO}$ anomalous dimensions, which we thereby confirm.
We study the use of deep learning techniques to reconstruct the kinematics of the deep inelastic scattering (DIS) process in electron-proton collisions. In particular, we use simulated data from the ZEUS experiment at the HERA accelerator facility, a nd train deep neural networks to reconstruct the kinematic variables $Q^2$ and $x$. Our approach is based on the information used in the classical construction methods, the measurements of the scattered lepton, and the hadronic final state in the detector, but is enhanced through correlations and patterns revealed with the simulated data sets. We show that, with the appropriate selection of a training set, the neural networks sufficiently surpass all classical reconstruction methods on most of the kinematic range considered. Rapid access to large samples of simulated data and the ability of neural networks to effectively extract information from large data sets, both suggest that deep learning techniques to reconstruct DIS kinematics can serve as a rigorous method to combine and outperform the classical reconstruction methods.
We report on results for the heavy flavor contributions to $F_2(x,Q^2)$ in the limit $Q^2gg m^2$ at {sf NNLO}. By calculating the massive $3$--loop operator matrix elements, we account for all but the power suppressed terms in $m^2/Q^2$. Recently, th e calculation of fixed Mellin moments of all $3$--loop massive operator matrix elements has been finished. We present new all--$N$ results for the $O(n_f)$--terms, thereby confirming the corresponding parts of the $3$--loop anomalous dimensions. Additionally, we report on first genuine $3$--loop results of the ladder--type diagrams for general values of the Mellin variable $N$.
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