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Spontaneous emission in a silicon charge qubit

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 نشر من قبل N. Tobias Jacobson
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The interaction between a qubit and its environment provides a channel for energy relaxation which has an energy-dependent timescale governed by the specific coupling mechanism. We measure the rate of inelastic decay in a Si MOS double quantum dot (DQD) charge qubit through sensing the charge states response to non-adiabatic driving of its excited state population. The charge distribution is sensed remotely in the weak measurement regime. We extract emission rates down to kHz frequencies by measuring the variation of the non-equilibrium charge occupancy as a function of amplitude and dwell times between non-adiabatic pulses. Our measurement of the energy-dependent relaxation rate provides a fingerprint of the relaxation mechanism, indicating that relaxation rates for this Si MOS DQD are consistent with coupling to deformation acoustic phonons.

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Persistent control of a transmon qubit is performed by a feedback protocol based on continuous heterodyne measurement of its fluorescence. By driving the qubit and cavity with microwave signals whose amplitudes depend linearly on the instantaneous va lues of the quadratures of the measured fluorescence field, we show that it is possible to stabilize permanently the qubit in any targeted state. Using a Josephson mixer as a phase-preserving amplifier, it was possible to reach a total measurement efficiency $eta$=35%, leading to a maximum of 59% of excitation and 44% of coherence for the stabilized states. The experiment demonstrates multiple-input multiple-output analog Markovian feedback in the quantum regime.
Quantum emitters are an integral component for a broad range of quantum technologies including quantum communication, quantum repeaters, and linear optical quantum computation. Solid-state color centers are promising candidates for scalable quantum o ptics due to their long coherence time and small inhomogeneous broadening. However, once excited, color centers often decay through phonon-assisted processes, limiting the efficiency of single photon generation and photon mediated entanglement generation. Herein, we demonstrate strong enhancement of spontaneous emission rate of a single silicon-vacancy center in diamond embedded within a monolithic optical cavity, reaching a regime where the excited state lifetime is dominated by spontaneous emission into the cavity mode. We observe 10-fold lifetime reduction and 42-fold enhancement in emission intensity when the cavity is tuned into resonance with the optical transition of a single silicon-vacancy center, corresponding to 90% of the excited state energy decay occurring through spontaneous emission into the cavity mode. We also demonstrate the largest to date coupling strength ($g/2pi=4.9pm0.3 GHz$) and cooperativity ($C=1.4$) for color-center-based cavity quantum electrodynamics systems, bringing the system closer to the strong coupling regime.
We consider a one-dimensional chain of N equidistantly spaced noninteracting qubits embedded in an open waveguide. In the frame of single-excitation subspace, we systematically study the evolution of qubits amplitudes if the only qubit in the chain w as initially excited. We show that the temporal dynamics of qubits amplitudes crucially depend on the value of kd, where k is the wave vector, d is a distance between neighbor qubits. If kd is equal to an integer multiple of $pi$, then the qubits are excited to a stationary level which scales as SN^{-1}S. We show that in this case, it is the dark states which prevent qubits from decaying to zero even though they do not contribute to the output spectrum of photon emission. For other values of kd the excitations of qubits have the form of damping oscillations, which represent the vacuum Rabi oscillations in a multi-qubit system. In this case, the output spectrum of photon radiation is defined by a subradiant state with the smallest width.
We study the evolution of qubits amplitudes in a one-dimensional chain consisting of three equidistantly spaced noninteracting qubits embedded in an open waveguide. The study is performed in the frame of single-excitation subspace, where the only qub it in the chain is initially excited. We show that the dynamics of qubits amplitudes crucially depend on the value of $kd$, where $k$ is the wave vector, $d$ is a distance between neighbor qubits. If $kd$ is equal to an integer multiple of $pi$, then the qubits are excited to a stationary level. In this case, it is the dark states which prevent qubits from decaying to zero even though they do not contribute to the output spectrum of photon emission. For other values of $kd$ the excitations of qubits exhibit the damping oscillations which represent the vacuum Rabi oscillations in a three-qubit system. In this case, the output spectrum of photon radiation is determined by a subradiant state which has the lowest decay rate. We also investigated the case with the frequency of a central qubit being different from that of the edge qubits. In this case, the qibits decay rates can be controlled by the frequency detuning between the central and the edge qubits.
We present a detailed characterization of coherence in seven transmon qubits in a circuit QED architecture. We find that spontaneous emission rates are strongly influenced by far off-resonant modes of the cavity and can be understood within a semicla ssical circuit model. A careful analysis of the spontaneous qubit decay into a microwave transmission-line cavity can accurately predict the qubit lifetimes over two orders of magnitude in time and more than an octave in frequency. Coherence times $T_1$ and $T_2^*$ of more than a microsecond are reproducibly demonstrated.
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