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Anisotropic magnetic properties and giant magnetocaloric effect of PrSi single crystal

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 نشر من قبل Arumugam Thamizhavel
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Single crystal of PrSi was grown by Czochralski method in a tetra-arc furnace. Powder x-ray diffraction of the as grown crystal revealed that PrSi crystallizes in FeB$-$type structure with space group $Pnma$ (no. 62). PrSi undergoes a ferromagnetic transition at 52 K with [010] direction as the easy axis of magnetization. Heat capacity data confirm the bulk nature of the transition at 52 K and exhibit a huge anomaly at the transition. A sharp rise in the low temperature heat capacity has been observed (below 5 K) which is attributed to the $^{141}$Pr nuclear Schottky heat capacity arising from the hyperfine field of the Pr moment. The estimated Pr magnetic moment 2.88 $mu_{rm B}$/Pr from the hyperfine splitting is in agreement with the saturation magnetization value obtained from the magnetization data measured at 2 K. From the crystal electric field (CEF) analysis of the magnetic susceptibility, magnetization and the heat capacity data it is found that the degenerate $J = 4$ Hunds rule derived state of Pr$^{3+}$-ion splits into nine singlets with an overall splitting of 284 K, the first excited singlet state separated by just 9 K from the ground state. The magnetic ordering in PrGe appears to be due to the exchange generated admixture of low lying crystal field levels. Magnetocaloric effect (MCE) has been investigated from magnetization data along all the three principal crystallographic directions. Large magnetic entropy change, $-Delta S_M = $22.2 J/kg K, and the relative cooling power, RCP = $460$ J/kg, characteristic of giant magneto caloric effect are achieved near the transition temperature ($T_{rm C}$ = 52 K) for $H =$~70 kOe along $[010]$. Furthermore, the PrSi single crystal exhibits a giant MCE anisotropy.

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We present the results of a thorough study of the specific heat and magnetocaloric properties of a ludwigite crystal Cu2MnBO5 over a temperature range of 60 - 350 K and in magnetic fields up to 18 kOe. It is found that at temperatures below the Curie temperature (92 K), capacity possesses a linear temperature-dependent behavior, which is associated with the predominance of two-dimensional antiferromagnetic interactions of magnons. The temperature independence of capacity is observed in the temperature range of 95 - 160 K, which can be attributed to the excitation of the Wigner glass phase. The magnetocaloric effect (i.e. the adiabatic temperature change) was assessed through a direct measurement or an indirect method using the capacity data. Owing to its strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy, an anisotropic MCE or the rotating MCE is observed in Cu2MnBO5. A deep minimum in the rotating MCE near the TC is observed and may be associated with the anisotropy of the paramagnetic susceptibility.
Single crystals of CeGe and its non-magnetic analogue LaGe have been grown by Czochralski method. CeGe compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic FeB-type crystal structure with the space group textit{Pnma} (#62). The anisotropic magnetic properties h ave been investigated on well oriented single crystals by measuring the magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity and heat capacity. It has been found that CeGe orders antiferromagnetically at 10.5 K. Both transport and magnetic studies have revealed large anisotropy reflecting the orthorhombic crystal structure. The magnetization measurement measured at 2 K revealed metamagnetic transitions along the [010] direction at 4.8 and 6.4 T and along [100] direction at a critical field of 10.7 T, while the magnetiztaion along [001] direction was increasing linearly without any anomaly up to a field of 16 T. From the magnetic susceptibility and the magnetization measurements it has been found that [010] direction is the easy axis of magnetization. The electrical resistivity along the three crystallographic directions exhibited an upturn at $T_{rm N}$ indicating the superzone gap formation below $T_{rm N}$ in this compound. We have performed the crystalline electric field (CEF) analysis on the magnetic susceptibility and the heat capacity data and found that the ground state is doublet and the splitting energies from the ground state to the first and second excited doublet states were estimated to be 39 and 111 K, respectively.
We report the anisotropic magnetic properties of the ternary compound ErAl$_2$Ge$_2$. Single crystals of this compound were grown by high temperature solution growth technique,using Al:Ge eutectic composition as flux. From the powder x-ray diffractio n we confirmed that ErAl$_2$Ge$_2$ crystallizes in the trigonal CaAl$_2$Si$_2$-type crystal structure. The anisotropic magnetic properties of a single crystal were investigated by measuring the magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, heat capacity and electrical resistivity. A bulk magnetic ordering occurs around 4 K inferred from the magnetic susceptibility and the heat capacity. The magnetization measured along the $ab$-plane increases more rapidly than along the $c$-axis suggesting the basal $ab$-plane as the easy plane of magnetization. The magnetic susceptibility, magnetization and the $4f$-derived part of the heat capacity in the paramagnetic regime analysed based on the point charge model of the crystalline electric field (CEF) indicate a relatively low CEF energy level splitting.
The anisotropic magnetic properties of the antiferromagnetic compound CePd$_2$Ge$_2$, crystallizing in the tetragonal crystal structure have been investigated in detail on a single crystal grown by Czochralski method. From the electrical transport, m agnetization and heat capacity data, the N{e}el temperature is confirmed to be 5.1 K. Anisotropic behaviour of magnetization and resistivity is observed along the two principal crystallographic directions viz., [100] and [001]. The isothermal magnetization measured in the magnetically ordered state at 2 K exhibits a spin re-orientation at 13.5 T for field applied along [100] direction, whereas the magnetization was linear along the [001] direction attaining a value of 0.94 $mu_{rm B}$/Ce at 14 T. The reduced value of the magnetization is attributed to the crystalline electric field (CEF) effects. A sharp jump in the specific heat at the magnetic ordering temperature is observed. After subtracting the phononic contribution, the jump in the heat capacity amounts to 12.5 J/K mol which is the expected value for a spin ${1}{2}$ system. From the CEF analysis of the magnetization data the excited crystal field split energy levels were estimated to be at 120 K and 230 K respectively, which quantitatively explain the observed Schottky anomaly in the heat capacity. A magnetic phase diagram has been constructed based on the field dependence of magnetic susceptibility and the heat capacity data.
EuRhAl4Si2, crystallizes in tetragonal crystal structure and orders antiferromagnetically at ~12 K. The isothermal magnetization along the two principle directions is highly anisotropic despite Eu2+ being an S-state ion. The variation of entropy chan ge, which is a measure of MCE, with field and temperature, calculated from the isothermal magnetization data taken at various temperatures along the principal crystallographic directions present interesting behavior in EuRhAl4Si2. In the magnetically ordered state the entropy change is non-monotonic below spin flip fields; however, in the paramagnetic region, it is negative irrespective of the strength of applied magnetic field. For H || [001] the maximum entropy change at 7 T is -21 J/Kg K around TN, which is large and comparable to the largest known values in this temperature range. The variation of the MCE with field strongly depends upon the direction of the applied magnetic field. Magnetic phase diagram of EuRhAl4Si2 derived from M(H) data is also constructed.
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