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Experimental results and analysis from the 11 T Nb3Sn DS dipole

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 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
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FNAL and CERN are developing a 5.5-m-long twin-aperture Nb3Sn dipole suitable for installation in the LHC. A 2-m-long single-aperture demonstrator dipole with 60 mm bore, a nominal field of 11 T at the LHC nominal current of 11.85 kA and 20% margin has been developed and tested. This paper presents the results of quench protection analysis and protection heater study for the Nb3Sn demonstrator dipole. Extrapolations of the results for long magnet and operation in LHC are also presented.

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The EuCARD project aims on construction of a 19 T hybrid dipole; it will be made of a 6 T HTS dipole associated to a 13 T outsert Nb3Sn dipole [1]. This paper reviews the quench analysis and protection of the 13 T Nb3Sn dipole.
The $Tbar T$ deformation of a conformal field theory has a dual description as a cutoff $AdS_3$ spacetime, at least at the level of pure 3d gravity. We generalize this deformation in such a way that it builds up a patch of bulk $dS_3$ spacetime inste ad. At each step along the trajectory in the space of $2d$ theories, the theory is deformed by a specific combination of $Tbar T$ and the two-dimensional cosmological constant. This provides a concrete holographic dual for the warped throat on the gravity side of the dS/dS duality, at leading order in large central charge. We also analyze a sequence of excitations of this throat on both sides of the duality, as well as the entanglement entropy. Our results point toward a mechanism for obtaining de Sitter solutions starting from seed conformal field theories with AdS duals.
299 - G. Kirby , B. Auchmann , M. Bajko 2014
MQXC is a Nb-Ti quadrupole designed to meet the accelerator quality requirements needed for the phase-1 LHC upgrade, now superseded by the high luminosity upgrade foreseen in 2021. The 2-m-long model magnet was tested at room temperature and 1.9 K. T he technology developed for this magnet is relevant for other magnets currently under development for the high-luminosity upgrade, namely D1 (at KEK) and the large aperture twin quadrupole Q4 (at CEA). In this paper we present MQXC test results, some of the specialized heat extraction features, spot heaters, temperature sensor mounting and voltage tap development for the special open cable insulation. We look at some problem solving with noisy signals, give an overview of electrical testing, look at how we calculate the coil resistance during at quench and show that the heaters are not working We describe the quench signals and its timing, the development of the quench heaters and give an explanation of an Excel quench calculation and its comparison including the good agreement with the MQXC test results. We propose an improvement to the magnet circuit design to reduce voltage to ground values by factor 2. The program is then used to predict quench Hot-Spot and Voltages values for the D1 dipole and the Q4 quadrupole.
92 - Mikhail Zobov 2017
DAFNE is the electron-positron collider operating at the energy of Phi-resonance, 1 GeV in the center of mass. The presently achieved luminosity is by about two orders of magnitude higher than that obtained at other colliders ever operated at this en ergy. Careful beam dynamic studies such as the vacuum chamber design with low beam coupling impedance, suppression of different kinds of beam instabilities, investigation of beam-beam interaction, optimization of the beam nonlinear motion have been the key ingredients that have helped to reach this impressive result. Many novel ideas in accelerator physics have been proposed and/or tested experimentally at DAFNE for the first time. In this paper we discuss the advanced accelerator physics studies performed at DAFNE.
We describe the construction of a prototype hybrid permanent magnet dipole and quadruple. The magnet consists of two concentric rings of SmCo magnetic material 5 cm in length. The outer ring is made of 16 uniformly magnetized blocks assembled as a Ha lbach dipole and the inner ring has 32 blocks oriented in a similar fashion so as to generate a quadruple field. The resultant superimposed field is an offset quadruple field which allows us to center the field on the high-energy beam in the interaction region of the PEPII B factory. The dipole blocks are glued to the inside surface of an outer support collar and the quadruple blocks are held in a fixture that allows radial adjustment of the blocks prior to potting the entire assembly with epoxy. An extensive computer model of the magnet has been made and from this model we developed a tuning algorithm that allowed us to greatly reduce the n=3-17 harmonics of the magnet.
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