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Effect of Memory on the Dynamics of Random Walks on Networks

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 نشر من قبل Renaud Lambiotte
 تاريخ النشر 2014
والبحث باللغة English

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Pathways of diffusion observed in real-world systems often require stochastic processes going beyond first-order Markov models, as implicitly assumed in network theory. In this work, we focus on second-order Markov models, and derive an analytical expression for the effect of memory on the spectral gap and thus, equivalently, on the characteristic time needed for the stochastic process to asymptotically reach equilibrium. Perturbation analysis shows that standard first-order Markov models can either overestimate or underestimate the diffusion rate of flows across the modular structure of a system captured by a second-order Markov network. We test the theoretical predictions on a toy example and on numerical data, and discuss their implications for network theory, in particular in the case of temporal or multiplex networks.

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273 - Lingqi Meng , Naoki Masuda 2020
Random walks have been proven to be useful for constructing various algorithms to gain information on networks. Algorithm node2vec employs biased random walks to realize embeddings of nodes into low-dimensional spaces, which can then be used for task s such as multi-label classification and link prediction. The usefulness of node2vec in these applications is considered to be contingent upon properties of random walks that the node2vec algorithm uses. In the present study, we theoretically and numerically analyze random walks used by the node2vec. The node2vec random walk is a second-order Markov chain. We exploit the mapping of its transition rule to a transition probability matrix among directed edges to analyze the stationary probability, relaxation times, and coalescence time. In particular, we provide a multitude of evidence that node2vec random walk accelerates diffusion when its parameters are tuned such that walkers avoid both back-tracking and visiting a neighbor of the previously visited node, but not excessively.
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390 - Liubov Tupikina 2017
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