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Pulsed Sagnac polarization-entangled photon source with a PPKTP crystal at telecom wavelength

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 نشر من قبل Rui-Bo Jin
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We demonstrate pulsed polarization-entangled photons generated from a periodically poled $mathrm{KTiOPO_4}$ (PPKTP) crystal in a Sagnac interferometer configuration at telecom wavelength. Since the group-velocity-matching (GVM) condition is satisfied, the intrinsic spectral purity of the photons is much higher than in the previous scheme at around 800 nm wavelength. The combination of a Sagnac interferometer and the GVM-PPKTP crystal makes our entangled source compact, stable, highly entangled, spectrally pure and ultra-bright. The photons were detected by two superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) with detection efficiencies of 70% and 68% at dark counts of less than 1 kcps. We achieved fidelities of 0.981 $pm$ 0.0002 for $left| {psi ^ -} rightrangle$ and 0.980 $pm$ 0.001 for $left| {psi ^ +} rightrangle$ respectively. This GVM-PPKTP-Sagnac scheme is directly applicable to quantum communication experiments at telecom wavelength, especially in free space.

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109 - Neng Cai , Wu-Hao Cai , Shun Wang 2021
We experimentally demonstrate a polarization-entangled photon source at 810 nm using a type-II phase-matched PPKTP crystal pumped by a low-cost, broadband laser diode with a central wavelength of 405 nm and a typical bandwidth of 0.53 nm. The PPKTP c rystal is placed in a Sagnac-loop to realize the compact size and high stability. The downconverted biphotons, the signal and the idler, have typical bandwidths of 5.57 nm and 7.32 nm. We prepare two Bell states |Psi+> and |Psi-> with the fidelities of 0.948+-0.004 and 0.963+-0.002. In polarization correlation measurement, the visibilities are all higher than 96.2%, and in the Bell inequality test, the S value can achieve 2.78+-0.01. To our knowledge, this experiment is the first to combine a multi-mode pump laser with a Sagnac-loop configuration. This high-quality and low-cost entangled photon source may have many practical applications in quantum information processing.
We report the realization of a fiber coupled polarization entangled photon-pair source at 1310 nm based on a birefringent titanium in-diffused waveguide integrated on periodically poled lithium niobate. By taking advantage of a dedicated and high-per formance setup, we characterized the quantum properties of the pairs by measuring two-photon interference in both Hong-Ou-Mandel and standard Bell inequality configurations. We obtained, for the two sets of measurements, interference net visibilities reaching nearly 100%, which represent important and competitive results compared to similar waveguide-based configurations already reported. These results prove the relevance of our approach as an enabling technology for long-distance quantum communication.
366 - Youn Seok Lee 2020
We designed and implemented a novel combination of a Sagnac-interferometer with a Mach-Zehnder interferometer for a source of polarization-entangled photons. The new versatile configuration does not require multi-wavelength polarization optics, yet i t performs with a good polarization quality and phase-stability over a wide wavelength range. We demonstrate the interferometer using only standard commercial optics to experimentally realize the pulsed generation of polarization-entangled photon-pairs at wavelengths of 764nm and 1221nm via type-I spontaneous four-wave mixing in a polarization-maintaining fiber. Polarization entanglement was verified by a polarization-correlation measurement with a visibility of 95.5% from raw coincidence counts and the violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality with $S=2.70pm0.04$. The long-term phase-stability was characterized by an Allan deviation of 8$^circ$ over an integration time of about 1 hour with no active phase-stabilization.
Spectrally correlated photon pairs can be used to improve performance of long range fiber based quantum communication protocols. We present a source based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion producing polarization entangled photons without spec tral filtering. In addition, the spectral correlation within the photon pair can be controlled by changing the pump pulse duration or coupled spatial modes characteristics. The spectral and polarization correlations were characterized. The generated photon pairs feature both positive spectral correlations, no correlations, or negative correlations and polarization entanglement with the fidelity as high as 0.97 (no background subtraction) with the expected Bell state.
High-fidelity polarization-entangled photons are a powerful resource for quantum communication, distributing entanglement and quantum teleportation. The Bell-CHSH inequality $Sleq2$ is violated by bipartite entanglement and only maximally entangled s tates can achieve $S=2sqrt{2}$, the Tsirelson bound. Spontaneous parametric down-conversion sources can produce entangled photons with correlations close to the Tsirelson bound. Sagnac configurations offer intrinsic stability, compact footprint and high collection efficiency, however, there is often a trade off between source brightness and entanglement visibility. Here, we present a Sagnac polarization-entangled source with $2sqrt{2}-S=(5.65pm0.57)times10^{-3}$, on-par with the highest values recorded, while generating and detecting $(4660pm70)$ pairs/s/mW, which is a substantially higher brightness than previously reported for Sagnac sources and around two orders of magnitude brighter than for traditional cone sources with the highest $S$ parameter. Our source records $0.9953pm0.0003$ concurrence and $0.99743pm0.00014$ fidelity to an ideal Bell state. By studying systematic errors in Sagnac sources, we identify that the precision of the collection focal point inside the crystal plays the largest role in reducing the $S$ parameter in our experiment. We provide a pathway that could enable the highest $S$ parameter recorded with a Sagnac source to-date while maintaining very high brightness.
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