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Wide band Fresnel super-resolution applied to capillary break up of viscoelastic fluids

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 نشر من قبل Christian Wagner
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report a technique based on Fresnel diffraction with white illumination that permits the resolution of capillary surface patterns of less than 100 nanometers. We investigate Rayleigh Plateaux like instability on a viscoelastic capillary bridge and show that we can overcome the resolution limit of optical microscopy. The viscoelastic filaments are approximately 20 microns thick at the end of the thinning process when the instability sets in. The wavy distortions grow exponentially in time and the pattern is resolved by an image treatment that is based on an approximation of the measured rising flank of the first Fresnel peak.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The effects of elasticity on the break-up of liquid threads in microfluidic cross-junctions is investigated using numerical simulations based on the lattice Boltzmann models (LBM). Working at small Capillary numbers, we investigate the effects of non -Newtonian phases in the transition from droplet formation at the cross-junction (DCJ) and droplet formation downstream of the cross-junction (DC) (Liu & Zhang, ${it Phys. Fluids.}$ ${bf 23}$, 082101 (2011)). Viscoelasticity is found to influence the break-up point of the threads, which moves closer to the cross-junction and stabilizes. This is attributed to an increase of the polymer feedback stress forming in the corner flows, where the side channels of the device meet the main channel.
Most biological fluids are viscoelastic, meaning that they have elastic properties in addition to the dissipative properties found in Newtonian fluids. Computational models can help us understand viscoelastic flow, but are often limited in how they d eal with complex flow geometries and suspended particles. Here, we present a lattice Boltzmann solver for Oldroyd-B fluids that can handle arbitrarily-shaped fixed and moving boundary conditions, which makes it ideally suited for the simulation of confined colloidal suspensions. We validate our method using several standard rheological setups, and additionally study a single sedimenting colloid, also finding good agreement with literature. Our approach can readily be extended to constitutive equations other than Oldroyd-B. This flexibility and the handling of complex boundaries holds promise for the study of microswimmers in viscoelastic fluids.
We analyze transient dynamics during shear start-up in viscoelastic flows between two parallel plates, with a specific focus on the signatures for the onset of transient shear banding using the Johnson-Segalman, non-stretching Rolie-Poly and Giesekus models. We explore the dynamics of shear start-up in monotonic regions of the constitutive curves using two different methodologies: (i) the oft-used `frozen-time linear stability (eigenvalue) analysis, wherein we examine whether infinitesimal perturbations imposed on instantaneous stress components (treated as quasi steady states) exhibit exponential growth, and (ii) the more mathematically rigorous fundamental-matrix approach that characterizes the transient growth via a numerical solution of the time-dependent linearized governing equations, wherein the linearized perturbations co-evolve with the start-up shear flow. Our results reinforce the hitherto understated point that there is no universal connection between the overshoot and subsequent decay of shear stress in the base state and the unstable eigenvalues obtained from the frozen-time stability analysis. It may therefore be difficult to subsume the occurrence of transient shear banding during shear start-up within the ambit of a single model-independent criterion. Our work also suggests that the strong transients during shear start-up seen in earlier work could well be a consequence of consideration of the limit of small solvent viscosity in the absence of otherwise negligible terms such as fluid inertia.
Viscoelastic fluids are non-Newtonian fluids that exhibit both viscous and elastic characteristics in virtue of mechanisms to store energy and produce entropy. Usually the energy storage properties of such fluids are modelled using the same concepts as in the classical theory of nonlinear solids. Recently new models for elastic solids have been successfully developed by appealing to implicit constitutive relations, and these new models offer a different perspective to the old topic of elastic response of materials. In particular, a sub-class of implicit constitutive relations, namely relations wherein the left Cauchy-Green tensor is expressed as a function of stress is of interest. We show how to use this new perspective it the development of mathematical models for viscoelastic fluids, and we provide a discussion of the thermodynamic underpinnings of such models. We focus on the use of Gibbs free energy instead of the Helmholtz free energy, and using the standard Giesekus/Oldroyd-B models, we show how the alternative approach works in the case of well-known models. The proposed approach is straightforward to generalise to more complex setting wherein the classical approach might be impractical of even inapplicable.
The effects of viscoelasticity on the dynamics and break-up of fluid threads in microfluidic T-junctions are investigated using numerical simulations of dilute polymer solutions at changing the Capillary number ($mbox {Ca}$), i.e. at changing the bal ance between the viscous forces and the surface tension at the interface, up to $mbox{Ca} approx 3 times 10^{-2}$. A Navier-Stokes (NS) description of the solvent based on the lattice Boltzmann models (LBM) is here coupled to constitutive equations for finite extensible non-linear elastic dumbbells with the closure proposed by Peterlin (FENE-P model). We present the results of three-dimensional simulations in a range of $mbox{Ca}$ which is broad enough to characterize all the three characteristic mechanisms of breakup in the confined T-junction, i.e. ${it squeezing}$, ${it dripping}$ and ${it jetting}$ regimes. The various model parameters of the FENE-P constitutive equations, including the polymer relaxation time $tau_P$ and the finite extensibility parameter $L^2$, are changed to provide quantitative details on how the dynamics and break-up properties are affected by viscoelasticity. We will analyze cases with ${it Droplet ~Viscoelasticity}$ (DV), where viscoelastic properties are confined in the dispersed (d) phase, as well as cases with ${it Matrix ~Viscoelasticity}$ (MV), where viscoelastic properties are confined in the continuous (c) phase. Moderate flow-rate ratios $Q approx {cal O}(1)$ of the two phases are considered in the present study. Overall, we find that the effects are more pronounced in the case with MV, as the flow driving the break-up process upstream of the emerging thread can be sensibly perturbed by the polymer stresses.
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