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Dispersion and its cancellation in entanglement-based nonlocal quantum measurements are of fundamental and practical interests. We report the first demonstration of cancellation of femtosecond-level dispersion by inverting the sign of the differential dispersion between the long and short paths in only one arm of a fiber-based Franson interferometer. We restore the otherwise limited quantum visibility to an unprecedented 99.6%, and put time-energy entanglement at the same level of quality as polarization entanglement for use in quantum information processing applications.
Even-order dispersion cancellation, an effect previously identified with frequency-entangled photons, is demonstrated experimentally for the first time with a linear, classical interferometer. A combination of a broad bandwidth laser and a high resol
We derive an inequality bounding the strength of temporal correlations for a pair of light beams prepared in a separable state and propagating through dispersive media with opposite signs of group velocity dispersion. The presented inequality can be
Franson interferometry is a well-known quantum measurement technique for probing photon-pair frequency correlations that is often used to certify time-energy entanglement. We demonstrate the complementary technique in the time basis, called conjugate
Energy-time entangled biphoton source plays a great role in quantum communication, quantum metrology and quantum cryptography due to its strong temporal correlation and capability of nonlocal dispersion cancellation. As a quantum effect, nonlocal dis
Recently the engineering of the entanglement for photon pairs generated during the spontaneous parametric down conversion process (SPDC) can be achieved via manipulation of pump wavelength behind a c{hi}(2)-based type II SPDC process [1]. Such effect