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CLASH: Photometric redshifts with 16 HST bands in galaxy cluster fields

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 نشر من قبل Stephanie Jouvel
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The Cluster Lensing And Supernovae survey with Hubble (CLASH) is an Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Multi-Cycle Treasury program observing 25 massive galaxy clusters. CLASH observations are carried out in 16 bands from UV to NIR to derive accurate and reliable estimates of photometric redshifts. We present the CLASH photometric redshifts and study the photometric redshift accuracy of the arcs in more detail for the case of MACS1206.2-0847. We use the publicly available Le Phare and BPZ photometric redshift codes on 17 CLASH galaxy clusters. Using Le Phare code for objects with StoN>=10, we reach a precision of 3%(1+z) for the strong lensing arcs, which is reduced to 2.4%(1+z) after removing outliers. For galaxies in the cluster field the corresponding values are 4%(1+z) and 3%(1+z). Using mock galaxy catalogues, we show that 3%(1+z) precision is what one would expect from the CLASH photometry when taking into account extinction from dust, emission lines and the finite range of SEDs included in the photo-z template library. We study photo-z results for different aperture photometry and find that the SExtractor isophotal photometry works best. Le Phare and BPZ give similar photo-z results for the strong lensing arcs as well as galaxies of the cluster field. Results are improved when optimizing the photometric aperture shape showing an optimal aperture size around 1 radius giving results which are equivalent to isophotal photometry. Tailored photometry of the arcs improve the photo-z results.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present accurate photometric redshifts for galaxies observed by the Cluster Lensing and Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH). CLASH observed 25 massive galaxy cluster cores with the Hubble Space Telescope in 16 filters spanning 0.2 - 1.7 $mu$m. Ph otometry in such crowded fields is challenging. Compared to our previously released catalogs, we make several improvements to the photometry, including smaller apertures, ICL subtraction, PSF matching, and empirically measured uncertainties. We further improve the Bayesian Photometric Redshift (BPZ) estimates by adding a redder elliptical template and by inflating the photometric uncertainties of the brightest galaxies. The resulting photometric redshift accuracies are dz/(1+z) $sim$ 0.8%, 1.0%, and 2.0% for galaxies with I-band F814W AB magnitudes $<$ 18, 20, and 23, respectively. These results are consistent with our expectations. They improve on our previously reported accuracies by a factor of 4 at the bright end and a factor of 2 at the faint end. Our new catalog includes 1257 spectroscopic redshifts, including 382 confirmed cluster members. We also provide stellar mass estimates. Finally, we include lensing magnification estimates of background galaxies based on our public lens models. Our new catalog of all 25 CLASH clusters is available via MAST. The analysis techniques developed here will be useful in other surveys of crowded fields, including the Frontier Fields and surveys carried out with J-PAS and JWST.
269 - C. Adami , F. Durret , C. Benoist 2009
In order to enlarge publicly available optical cluster catalogs, in particular at high redshift, we have performed a systematic search for clusters of galaxies in the CFHTLS. We used the Le Phare photometric redshifts for the galaxies detected with m agnitude limits of i=25 and 23 for the Deep and Wide fields respectively. We then constructed galaxy density maps in photometric redshift bins of 0.1 based on an adaptive kernel technique and detected structures with SExtractor. In order to assess the validity of our cluster detection rates, we applied a similar procedure to galaxies in Millennium simulations. We measured the correlation function of our cluster candidates. We analyzed large scale properties and substructures by applying a minimal spanning tree algorithm both to our data and to the Millennium simulations. We have detected 1200 candidate clusters with various masses (minimal masses between 1.0 10$^{13}$ and 5.5 10$^{13}$ and mean masses between 1.3 10$^{14}$ and 12.6 10$^{14}$ M$_odot$), thus notably increasing the number of known high redshift cluster candidates. We found a correlation function for these objects comparable to that obtained for high redshift cluster surveys. We also show that the CFHTLS deep survey is able to trace the large scale structure of the universe up to z$geq$1. Our detections are fully consistent with those made in various CFHTLS analyses with other methods. We now need accurate mass determinations of these structures to constrain cosmological parameters.
We introduce a new effective strategy to assign group and cluster membership probabilities $P_{mem}$ to galaxies using photometric redshift information. Large dynamical ranges both in halo mass and cosmic time are considered. The method takes the mag nitude distribution of both cluster and field galaxies as well as the radial distribution of galaxies in clusters into account using a non-parametric formalism and relies on Bayesian inference to take photometric redshift uncertainties into account. We successfully test the method against 1,208 galaxy clusters within redshifts $z=0.05-2.58$ and masses $10^{13.29-14.80}~M_odot$ drawn from wide field simulated galaxy mock catalogs developed for the Euclid mission. Median purity $(55^{+17}_{-15})%$ and completeness $(95^{+5}_{-10})%$ are reached for galaxies brighter than 0.25$L_ast$ within $r_{200}$ of each simulated halo and for a statistical photometric redshift accuracy $sigma((z_s-z_p)/(1+z_s))=0.03$. The mean values $p=56%$ and $c=93%$ have sub-percent uncertainties. Accurate photometric redshifts ($sigma((z_s-z_p)/(1+z_s))lesssim0.05$) and robust estimates for the cluster redshift and the center coordinates are required. The method is applied to derive accurate richness estimates. A statistical comparison between the true ($N_{rm true}$) vs estimated richness ($lambda=sum P_{mem}$) yields on average to unbiased results, $Log(lambda/N_{rm true})=-0.0051pm0.15$. The scatter around the mean of the logarithmic difference between $lambda$ and the halo mass is 0.10~dex, for massive halos $gtrsim10^{14.5}~M_odot$. Our estimates could be useful to calibrate independent cluster mass estimates from weak lensing, SZ, and X-ray studies. Our method can be applied to any list of galaxy clusters or groups in both present and forthcoming surveys such as SDSS, CFHTLS, DES, LSST, and Euclid.
The 3D-HST and CANDELS programs have provided WFC3 and ACS spectroscopy and photometry over ~900 square arcminutes in five fields: AEGIS, COSMOS, GOODS-North, GOODS-South, and the UKIDSS UDS field. All these fields have a wealth of publicly available imaging datasets in addition to the HST data, which makes it possible to construct the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of objects over a wide wavelength range. In this paper we describe a photometric analysis of the CANDELS and 3D-HST HST imaging and the ancillary imaging data at wavelengths 0.3um to 8um. Objects were selected in the WFC3 near-IR bands, and their SEDs were determined by carefully taking the effects of the point spread function in each observation into account. A total of 147 distinct imaging datasets were used in the analysis. The photometry is made available in the form of six catalogs: one for each field, as well as a master catalog containing all objects in the entire survey. We also provide derived data products: photometric redshifts, determined with the EAZY code, and stellar population parameters determined with the FAST code. We make all the imaging data that were used in the analysis available, including our reductions of the WFC3 imaging in all five fields. 3D-HST is a spectroscopic survey with the WFC3 and ACS grisms, and the photometric catalogs presented here constitute a necessary first step in the analysis of these grism data. All the data presented in this paper are available through the 3D-HST website.
267 - A. Zitrin , T. Broadhurst , D. Coe 2011
We examine the inner mass distribution of the relaxed galaxy cluster Abell 383 in deep 16-band HST/ACS+WFC3 imaging taken as part of the CLASH multi-cycle treasury program. Our program is designed to study the dark matter distribution in 25 massive c lusters, and balances depth with a wide wavelength coverage to better identify lensed systems and generate precise photometric redshifts. This information together with the predictive strength of our strong-lensing analysis method identifies 13 new multiply-lensed images and candidates, so that a total of 27 multiple-images of 9 systems are used to tightly constrain the inner mass profile, $dlog Sigma/dlog rsimeq -0.6pm 0.1$ (r<160 kpc). We find consistency with the standard distance-redshift relation for the full range spanned by the lensed images, 1.01<z<6.03, with the higher redshift sources deflected through larger angles as expected. The inner mass profile derived here is consistent with the results of our independent weak-lensing analysis of wide-field Subaru images, with good agreement in the region of overlap. The overall mass profile is well fitted by an NFW profile with M_{vir}=(5.37^{+0.70}_{-0.63}pm 0.26) x 10^{14}M_{odot}/h and a relatively high concentration, c_{vir}=8.77^{+0.44}_{-0.42}pm 0.23, which lies above the standard c-M relation similar to other well-studied clusters. The critical radius of Abell 383 is modest by the standards of other lensing clusters, r_{E}simeq16pm2arcsec (for z_s=2.55), so the relatively large number of lensed images uncovered here with precise photometric redshifts validates our imaging strategy for the CLASH survey. In total we aim to provide similarly high-quality lensing data for 25 clusters, 20 of which are X-ray selected relaxed clusters, enabling a precise determination of the representative mass profile free from lensing bias. (ABRIDGED)
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