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Non-equilibrium steady state and induced currents of a mesoscopically-glassy system: interplay of resistor-network theory and Sinai physics

267   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Doron Cohen
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We introduce an explicit solution for the non-equilibrium steady state (NESS) of a ring that is coupled to a thermal bath, and is driven by an external hot source with log-wide distribution of couplings. Having time scales that stretch over several decades is similar to glassy systems. Consequently there is a wide range of driving intensities where the NESS is like that of a random walker in a biased Brownian landscape. We investigate the resulting statistics of the induced current $I$. For a single ring we discuss how $sign(I)$ fluctuates as the intensity of the driving is increased, while for an ensemble of rings we highlight the fingerprints of Sinai physics on the $abs(I)$ distribution.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We examine how systems in non-equilibrium steady states close to a continuous phase transition can still be described by a Landau potential if one forgoes the assumption of analyticity. In a system simultaneously coupled to several baths at different temperatures, the non-analytic potential arises from the different density of states of the baths. In periodically driven-dissipative systems, the role of multiple baths is played by a single bath transferring energy at different harmonics of the driving frequency. The mean-field critical exponents become dependent on the low-energy features of the two most singular baths. We propose an extension beyond mean field.
We report the results of our numerical simulation of classical-dissipative dynamics of a charged particle subjected to a non-markovian stochastic forcing. We find that the system develops a steady-state orbital magnetic moment in the presence of a st atic magnetic field. Very significantly, the sign of the orbital magnetic moment turns out to be {it paramagnetic} for our choice of parameters, varied over a wide range. This is shown specifically for the case of classical dynamics driven by a Kubo-Anderson type non-markovian noise. Natural spatial boundary condition was imposed through (1) a soft (harmonic) confining potential, and (2) a hard potential, approximating a reflecting wall. There was no noticeable qualitative difference. What appears to be crucial to the orbital magnetic effect noticed here is the non-markovian property of the driving noise chosen. Experimental realization of this effect on the laboratory scale, and its possible implications are briefly discussed. We would like to emphasize that the above steady-state classical orbital paramagnetic moment complements, rather than contradicts the Bohr-van Leeuwen (BvL) theorem on the absence of classical orbital diamagnetism in thermodynamic equilibrium.
We extend the notion of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH) to Open Quantum Systems governed by the Gorini-Kossakowski-Lindblad-Sudarshan (GKLS) Master Equation. We present evidence that the eigenstates of non-equilibrium steady state (NES S) density matrices obey a generalization of ETH in boundary-driven systems when the bulk Hamiltonian is non-integrable, just as eigenstates of Gibbs density matrices are conjectured to do in equilibrium. This generalized ETH, which we call NESS-ETH, can be used to obtain representative pure states that reproduce the expectation values of few-body operators in the NESS. The density matrices of these representative pure states can be further interpreted as weak solutions of the GKLS Master Equation. Additionally, we explore the validity and breakdown of NESS-ETH in the presence of symmetries, integrability and many-body localization in the bulk Hamiltonian.
While studying systems driven out of equilibrium, one usually employs a drive that is not directly coupled to the degrees of freedom of the system. In contrast to such a case, we here unveil a hitherto unexplored situation of state-dependent driving, whereby a direct coupling exists between the two. We demonstrate the ubiquity of such a driving, and establish that it leads to a nontrivial steady-state that is qualitatively opposite to what is observed in other driven systems. Further, we show how state-dependent driving in a many-body system can be effectively captured in terms of a single-particle model. The origin of this description may ultimately be traced to the fact that state-dependent driving results in a force that undergoes repeated resetting in time.
143 - Spyros Sotiriadis 2020
Aiming at studying the emergence of Non-Equilibrium Steady States (NESS) in quantum integrable models by means of an exact analytical method, we focus on the Tonks-Girardeau or hard-core boson limit of the Lieb-Liniger model. We consider the abrupt e xpansion of a gas from one half to the entire confining box, a prototypical case of inhomogeneous quench, also known as geometric quench. Based on the exact calculation of quench overlaps, we develop an analytical method for the derivation of the NESS by rigorously treating the thermodynamic and large time and distance limit. Our method is based on complex analysis tools for the derivation of the asymptotics of the many-body wavefunction, does not make essential use of the effectively non-interacting character of the hard-core boson gas and is sufficiently robust for generalisation to the genuinely interacting case.
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