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Pulse shaping with birefringent crystals: a tool for quantum metrology

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 نشر من قبل Nicolas Treps
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A method for time differentiation based on a Babinet-Soleil-Bravais compensator is introduced. The complex transfer function of the device is measured using polarization spectral interferometry. Time differentiation of both the pulse field and pulse envelope are demonstrated over a spectral width of about 100 THz with a measured overlap with the objective mode greater than 99.8%. This pulse shaping technique is shown to be perfectly suited to time metrology at the quantum limit.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Advances of quantum control technology have led to nearly perfect single-qubit control of nuclear spins and atomic hyperfine ground states. In contrast, quantum control of strong optical transitions, even for free atoms, are far from being perfect. D evelopments of such quantum control appears to be bottlenecked by available laser technology for generating isolated, sub-nanosecond optical waveforms with sub-THz programming bandwidth. Here we propose a simple and robust method for the desired pulse shaping, based on precisely stacking multiple delayed picosecond pulses. Our proof-of-principal demonstration leads to arbitrarily shapeable optical waveforms with 30~GHz bandwidth and $100~$ps duration. We confirm the stability of the waveforms by interfacing the pulses with laser-cooled atoms, resulting in ``super-resolved spectroscopic signals. This pulse shaping method may open exciting perspectives in quantum optics, and for fast laser cooling and atom interferometry with mode-locked lasers.
This paper describes the demonstration of linearly polarized picosecond pulse shaping with variable profiles including symmetric and non-symmetric intensity distributions. Important characteristics such as stability and transmission were studied, res ulting in highly reliable performance of this fan-type birefringent shaping system. This variable temporal shaping technique is applicable over a wide range of laser parameters and may lead to new opportunities for many potential applications. A new double-pass variable temporal shaping method that significantly reduces the required crystal quantity is also proposed in this paper.
The temporal-mode (TM) basis is a prime candidate to perform high-dimensional quantum encoding. Quantum frequency conversion has been employed as a tool to perform tomographic analysis and manipulation of ultrafast states of quantum light necessary t o implement a TM-based encoding protocol. While demultiplexing of such states of light has been demonstrated in the Quantum Pulse Gate (QPG), a multiplexing device is needed to complete an experimental framework for TM encoding. In this work we demonstrate the reverse process of the QPG. A dispersion-engineered difference frequency generation in non-linear optical waveguides is employed to imprint the pulse shape of the pump pulse onto the output. This transformation is unitary and can be more efficient than classical pulse shaping methods. We experimentally study the process by shaping the first five orders of Hermite-Gauss modes of various bandwidths. Finally, we establish and model the limits of practical, reliable shaping operation.
Quantum enhancements of precision in metrology can be compromised by system imperfections. These may be mitigated by appropriate optimization of the input state to render it robust, at the expense of making the state difficult to prepare. In this pap er, we identify the major sources of imperfection an optical sensor: input state preparation inefficiency, sensor losses, and detector inefficiency. The second of these has received much attention; we show that it is the least damaging to surpassing the standard quantum limit in a optical interferometric sensor. Further, we show that photonic states that can be prepared in the laboratory using feasible resources allow a measurement strategy using photon-number-resolving detectors that not only attains the Heisenberg limit for phase estimation in the absence of losses, but also deliver close to the maximum possible precision in realistic scenarios including losses and inefficiencies. In particular, we give bounds for the trade off between the three sources of imperfection that will allow true quantum-enhanced optical metrology.
Making use of coherence and entanglement as metrological quantum resources allows to improve the measurement precision from the shot-noise- or quantum limit to the Heisenberg limit. Quantum metrology then relies on the availability of quantum enginee red systems that involve controllable quantum degrees of freedom which are sensitive to the measured quantity. Sensors operating in the qubit mode and exploiting their coherence in a phase-sensitive measurement have been shown to approach the Heisenberg scaling in precision. Here, we show that this result can be further improved by operating the quantum sensor in the qudit mode, i.e., by exploiting $d$ rather than 2 levels. Specifically, we describe the metrological algorithm for using a superconducting transmon device operating in a qutrit mode as a magnetometer. The algorithm is based on the base-3 semi-quantum Fourier transformation and enhances the quantum theoretical performance of the sensor by a factor 2. Even more, the practical gain of our qutrit-implementation is found in a reduction of the number of iteration steps of the quantum Fourier transformation by a factor $log 2/log 3 approx 0.63$ as compared to the qubit mode. We show, that a two-tone capacitively coupled rf-signal is sufficient for the implementation of the algorithm.
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