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Localization and topology protected quantum coherence at the edge of hot matter

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 نشر من قبل Yasaman Bahri
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Topological phases are often characterized by special edge states confined near the boundaries by an energy gap in the bulk. On raising temperature, these edge states are lost in a clean system due to mobile thermal excitations. Recently however, it has been established that disorder can localize an isolated many body system, potentially allowing for a sharply defined topological phase even in a highly excited state. Here we show this to be the case for the topological phase of a one dimensional magnet with quenched disorder, which features spin one-half excitations at the edges. The time evolution of a simple, highly excited, initial state is used to reveal quantum coherent edge spins. In particular, we demonstrate, using theoretical arguments and numerical simulation, the coherent revival of an edge spin over a time scale that grows exponentially bigger with system size. This is in sharp contrast to the general expectation that quantum bits strongly coupled to a hot many body system will rapidly lose coherence.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Thermalization of random-field Heisenberg spin chain is probed by time evolution of density correlation functions. Studying the impacts of average energies of initial product states on dynamics of the system, we provide arguments in favor of the exis tence of a mobility edge in the large system-size limit.
We study the collective excitations, i.e., the Goldstone (phase) mode and the Higgs (amplitude) mode, near the superfluid--Mott glass quantum phase transition in a two-dimensional system of disordered bosons. Using Monte Carlo simulations as well as an inhomogeneous quantum mean-field theory with Gaussian fluctuations, we show that the Higgs mode is strongly localized for all energies, leading to a noncritical scalar response. In contrast, the lowest-energy Goldstone mode undergoes a striking delocalization transition as the system enters the superfluid phase. We discuss the generality of these findings and experimental consequences, and we point out potential relations to many-body localization.
Many-body localized (MBL) systems do not approach thermal equilibrium under their intrinsic dynamics; MBL and conventional thermalizing systems form distinct dynamical phases of matter, separated by a phase transition at which equilibrium statistical mechanics breaks down. True MBL is known to occur only under certain stringent conditions for perfectly isolated one-dimensional systems, with Hamiltonians that have strictly short-range interactions and lack any continuous non-Abelian symmetries. However, in practice, even systems that are not strictly MBL can be nearly MBL, with equilibration rates that are far slower than their other intrinsic timescales; thus, anomalously slow relaxation occurs in a much broader class of systems than strict MBL. In this review we address transport and dynamics in such nearly-MBL systems from a unified perspective. Our discussion covers various classes of such systems: (i) disordered and quasiperiodic systems on the thermal side of the MBL-thermal transition; (ii) systems that are strongly disordered, but obstructed from localizing because of symmetry, interaction range, or dimensionality; (iii) multiple-component systems, in which some components would in isolation be MBL but others are not; and finally (iv) driven systems whose dynamics lead to exponentially slow rates of heating to infinite temperature. A theme common to many of these problems is that they can be understood in terms of approximately localized degrees of freedom coupled to a heat bath (or baths) consisting of thermal degrees of freedom; however, this putative bath is itself nontrivial, being either small or very slowly relaxing. We discuss anomalous transport, diverging relaxation times, and other signatures of the proximity to MBL in these systems. We also survey recent theoretical and numerical methods that have been applied to study dynamics on either side of the MBL transition.
We investigate the transition induced by disorder in a periodically-driven one-dimensional model displaying quantized topological transport. We show that, while instantaneous eigenstates are necessarily Anderson localized, the periodic driving plays a fundamental role in delocalizing Floquet states over the whole system, henceforth allowing for a steady state nearly-quantized current. Remarkably, this is linked to a localization/delocalization transition in the Floquet states of a one dimensional driven Anderson insulator, which occurs for periodic driving corresponding to a nontrivial loop in the parameter space. As a consequence, the Floquet spectrum becomes continuous in the delocalized phase, in contrast with a pure-point instantaneous spectrum.
We study the dynamics of an interacting quantum spin chain under the application of a linearly increasing field. This model exhibits a type of localization known as Stark many-body localization. The dynamics shows a strong dependence on the initial c onditions, indicating that the system violates the conventional (strong) eigenstate thermalization hypothesis at any finite gradient of the field. This is contrary to reports of a numerically observed ergodic phase. Therefore, the localization is crucially distinct from disorder-driven many-body localization, in agreement with recent predictions on the basis of localization via Hilbert-space shattering.
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