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Discovering Sequential Patterns in a UK General Practice Database

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 نشر من قبل Uwe Aickelin
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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The wealth of computerised medical information becoming readily available presents the opportunity to examine patterns of illnesses, therapies and responses. These patterns may be able to predict illnesses that a patient is likely to develop, allowing the implementation of preventative actions. In this paper sequential rule mining is applied to a General Practice database to find rules involving a patients age, gender and medical history. By incorporating these rules into current health-care a patient can be highlighted as susceptible to a future illness based on past or current illnesses, gender and year of birth. This knowledge has the ability to greatly improve health-care and reduce health-care costs.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Data-mining techniques have frequently been developed for Spontaneous reporting databases. These techniques aim to find adverse drug events accurately and efficiently. Spontaneous reporting databases are prone to missing information, under reporting and incorrect entries. This often results in a detection lag or prevents the detection of some adverse drug events. These limitations do not occur in electronic health-care databases. In this paper, existing methods developed for spontaneous reporting databases are implemented on both a spontaneous reporting database and a general practice electronic health-care database and compared. The results suggests that the application of existing methods to the general practice database may help find signals that have gone undetected when using the spontaneous reporting system database. In addition the general practice database provides far more supplementary information, that if incorporated in analysis could provide a wealth of information for identifying adverse events more accurately.
We are interested in understanding the underlying generation process for long sequences of symbolic events. To do so, we propose COSSU, an algorithm to mine small and meaningful sets of sequential rules. The rules are selected using an MDL-inspired c riterion that favors compactness and relies on a novel rule-based encoding scheme for sequences. Our evaluation shows that COSSU can successfully retrieve relevant sets of closed sequential rules from a long sequence. Such rules constitute an interpretable model that exhibits competitive accuracy for the tasks of next-element prediction and classification.
Bayesian optimization (BO) is an approach to globally optimizing black-box objective functions that are expensive to evaluate. BO-powered experimental design has found wide application in materials science, chemistry, experimental physics, drug devel opment, etc. This work aims to bring attention to the benefits of applying BO in designing experiments and to provide a BO manual, covering both methodology and software, for the convenience of anyone who wants to apply or learn BO. In particular, we briefly explain the BO technique, review all the applications of BO in additive manufacturing, compare and exemplify the features of different open BO libraries, unlock new potential applications of BO to other types of data (e.g., preferential output). This article is aimed at readers with some understanding of Bayesian methods, but not necessarily with knowledge of additive manufacturing; the software performance overview and implementation instructions are instrumental for any experimental-design practitioner. Moreover, our review in the field of additive manufacturing highlights the current knowledge and technological trends of BO.
Supervised learning models often make systematic errors on rare subsets of the data. However, such systematic errors can be difficult to identify, as model performance can only be broken down across sensitive groups when these groups are known and ex plicitly labelled. This paper introduces a method for discovering systematic errors, which we call the spotlight. The key idea is that similar inputs tend to have similar representations in the final hidden layer of a neural network. We leverage this structure by shining a spotlight on this representation space to find contiguous regions where the model performs poorly. We show that the spotlight surfaces semantically meaningful areas of weakness in a wide variety of model architectures, including image classifiers, language models, and recommender systems.
Web log data is usually diverse and voluminous. This data must be assembled into a consistent, integrated and comprehensive view, in order to be used for pattern discovery. Without properly cleaning, transforming and structuring the data prior to the analysis, one cannot expect to find meaningful patterns. As in most data mining applications, data preprocessing involves removing and filtering redundant and irrelevant data, removing noise, transforming and resolving any inconsistencies. In this paper, a complete preprocessing methodology having merging, data cleaning, user/session identification and data formatting and summarization activities to improve the quality of data by reducing the quantity of data has been proposed. To validate the efficiency of the proposed preprocessing methodology, several experiments are conducted and the results show that the proposed methodology reduces the size of Web access log files down to 73-82% of the initial size and offers richer logs that are structured for further stages of Web Usage Mining (WUM). So preprocessing of raw data in this WUM process is the central theme of this paper.

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