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Optical properties of single ZnTe nanowires grown at low temperature

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 نشر من قبل Joel Cibert
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Alberto Artioli

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Optically active gold-catalyzed ZnTe nanowires have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy, on a ZnTe(111) buffer layer, at low temperature 350degree under Te rich conditions, and at ultra-low density (from 1 to 5 nanowires per micrometer^{2}. The crystalline structure is zinc blende as identified by transmission electron microscopy. All nanowires are tapered and the majority of them are <111> oriented. Low temperature micro-photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence experiments have been performed on single nanowires. We observe a narrow emission line with a blue-shift of 2 or 3 meV with respect to the exciton energy in bulk ZnTe. This shift is attributed to the strain induced by a 5 nm-thick oxide layer covering the nanowires, and this assumption is supported by a quantitative estimation of the strain in the nanowires.

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We study the optical properties of a single core-shell GaAs-AlGaAs nanowire (grown by VLS method) using the technique of micro-photoluminescence and spatially-resolved photoluminescence imaging. We observe large linear polarization anisotropy in emission and excitation of nanowires.
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