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Comparison of HI and optical redshifts of galaxies - The impact of redshift uncertainties on spectral line stacking

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 نشر من قبل Natasha Maddox
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Natasha Maddox

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Accurate optical redshifts will be critical for spectral co-adding techniques used to extract detections from below the noise level in ongoing and upcoming surveys for HI, which will extend our current understanding of gas reservoirs in galaxies to lower column densities and higher redshifts. We have used existing, high quality optical and radio data from the SDSS and ALFALFA surveys to investigate the relationship between redshifts derived from optical spectroscopy and neutral hydrogen (HI) spectral line observations. We find that the two redshift measurements agree well, with a negligible systematic offset and a small distribution width. Employing simple simulations, we determine how the width of an ideal stacked HI profile depends on these redshift offsets, as well as larger redshift errors more appropriate for high redshift galaxy surveys. The width of the stacked profile is dominated by the width distribution of the input individual profiles when the redshift errors are less than the median width of the input profiles, and only when the redshift errors become large, ~150 km/s, do they significantly affect the width of the stacked profile. This redshift accuracy can be achieved with moderate resolution optical spectra. We provide guidelines for the number of spectra required for stacking to reach a specified mass sensitivity, given telescope and survey parameters, which will be useful for planning optical spectroscopy observing campaigns to supplement the radio data.

قيم البحث

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We use a stacking technique to measure the average HI content of a volume-limited sample of 1871 AGN host galaxies from a parent sample of galaxies selected from the SDSS and GALEX imaging surveys with stellar masses greater than 10^10 M_sun and reds hifts in the range 0.025<z<0.05. HI data are available from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) survey. In previous work, we found that the HI gas fraction in galaxies correlates most strongly with the combination of optical/UV colour and stellar surface mass density. We therefore build a control sample of non-AGN matched to the AGN hosts in these two properties. We study trends in HI gas mass fraction (M(HI)/M_*), where M_* is the stellar mass) as a function of black hole accretion rate indicator L[OIII]/M(BH). We find no significant difference in HI content between AGN and control samples at all values of black hole accretion rate probed by the galaxies in our sample. This indicates that AGN do not influence the large-scale gaseous properties of galaxies in the local Universe. We have studied the variation in HI mass fraction with black hole accretion rate in the blue and red galaxy populations. In the blue population, the HI gas fraction is independent of accretion rate, indicating that accretion is not sensitive to the properties of the interstellar medium of the galaxy on large scales. However, in the red population accretion rate and gas fraction do correlate. The measured gas fractions in this population are not too different from the ones expected from a stellar mass loss origin, implying that the fuel supply in the red AGN population could be a mixture of mass loss from stars and gas present in disks.
It is well known that both the star formation rate and the cold gas content of a galaxy depend on the local density out to distances of a few Megaparsecs. In this paper, we compare the environmental density dependence of the atomic gas mass fractions of nearby galaxies with the density dependence of their central and global specific star formation rates. We stack HI line spectra extracted from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA survey centered on galaxies with UV imaging from GALEX and optical imaging/spectroscopy from SDSS. We use these stacked spectra to evaluate the mean atomic gas mass fraction of galaxies in bins of stellar mass and local density. For galaxies with stellar masses less than 10^10.5 M_sun, the decline in mean atomic gas mass fraction with density is stronger than the decline in mean global and central specific star formation rate. The same conclusion does not hold for more massive galaxies. We interpret our results as evidence for ram-pressure stripping of atomic gas from the outer disks of low mass satellite galaxies. We compare our results with the semi-analytic recipes of Guo et al. (2011) implemented on the Millennium II simulation. These models assume that only the diffuse gas surrounding satellite galaxies is stripped, a process that is often termed strangulation. We show that these models predict relative trends in atomic gas and star formation that are in disagreement with observations. We use mock catalogues generated from the simulation to predict the halo masses of the HI-deficient galaxies in our sample. We conclude that ram-pressure stripping is likely to become effective in dark matter halos with masses greater than 10^13 M_sun.
Redshifts used in current cosmological supernova samples are measured using two primary techniques, one based on well-measured host galaxy spectral lines and the other based on supernova-dominated spectra. Here, we construct an updated Pantheon catal og with revised redshifts, redshift sources and estimated uncertainties for the entire sample to investigate whether these two techniques yield consistent results. The best-fit cosmological parameters using these two measurement techniques disagree, with a supernova-only sample producing $Omega_m$ 3.2$sigma$ higher and $H_0$ 2.5$sigma$ lower than a hostz-only sample, and we explore several possible sources of bias which could result from using the lower-precision supernova-dominated redshifts. In a pilot study, we show that using a host redshift-only subsample will generically produce lower $Omega_m$ and matter density $Omega_m h^2$ and slightly higher $H_0$ than previous analysis which, for the Pantheon dataset, could result in supernova and CMB measurements agreeing on $Omega_m h^2$ despite tension in $H_0$. To obtain rigorous results, though, the Pantheon catalog should be improved by obtaining host spectra for supernova that have faded and future surveys should be designed to use host galaxy redshifts rather than lower-precision methods.
100 - Alexandre Barreira 2020
We study the impact that uncertainties on assumed relations between galaxy bias parameters have on constraints of the local PNG $f_{rm NL}$ parameter. We focus on the relation between the linear density galaxy bias $b_1$ and local PNG bias $b_phi$ in an idealized forecast setup with multitracer galaxy power spectrum and bispectrum data. We consider two parametrizations of galaxy bias: 1) one inspired by the universality relation where $b_phi = 2delta_cleft(b_1 - pright)$ and $p$ is a free parameter; and 2) another in which the product of bias parameters and $f_{rm NL}$, like $f_{rm NL} b_phi$, is directly fitted for. The constraints on the $f_{rm NL}-p$ plane are markedly bimodal, and both the central value and width of marginalized constraints on $f_{rm NL}$ depend sensitively on the priors on $p$. Assuming fixed $p=1$ in the constraints with a fiducial value of $p=0.55$ can bias the inferred $f_{rm NL}$ by $0.5sigma$ to $1sigma$; priors $Delta p approx 0.5$ around this fiducial value are however sufficient in our setup to return unbiased constraints. In power spectrum analyses, parametrization 2, that makes no assumptions on $b_phi$, can distinguish $f_{rm NL} eq 0$ with the same significance as parametrization 1 assuming perfect knowledge of $b_phi$ (the value of $f_{rm NL}$ is however left unknown). A drawback of parametrization 2 is that the addition of the bispectrum information is not as beneficial as in parametrization 1. Our results motivate strongly the incorporation of mitigation strategies for bias uncertainties in PNG constraint analyses, as well as further theoretical studies on the relations between bias parameters to better inform those strategies.
In a companion paper we have presented many products derived from the application of the spectral synthesis code STARLIGHT to datacubes from the CALIFA survey, including 2D maps of stellar population properties and 1D averages in the temporal and spa tial dimensions. Here we evaluate the uncertainties in these products. Uncertainties due to noise and spectral shape calibration errors and to the synthesis method are investigated by means of a suite of simulations based on 1638 CALIFA spectra for NGC 2916, with perturbations amplitudes gauged in terms of the expected errors. A separate study was conducted to assess uncertainties related to the choice of evolutionary synthesis models. We compare results obtained with the Bruzual & Charlot models, a preliminary update of them, and a combination of spectra derived from the Granada and MILES models. About 100k CALIFA spectra are used in this comparison. Noise and shape-related errors at the level expected for CALIFA propagate to 0.10-0.15 dex uncertainties in stellar masses, mean ages and metallicities. Uncertainties in A_V increase from 0.06 mag in the case of random noise to 0.16 mag for shape errors. Higher order products such as SFHs are more uncertain, but still relatively stable. Due to the large number statistics of datacubes, spatial averaging reduces uncertainties while preserving information on the history and structure of stellar populations. Radial profiles of global properties, as well as SFHs averaged over different regions are much more stable than for individual spaxels. Uncertainties related to the choice of base models are larger than those associated with data and method. Differences in mean age, mass and metallicity are ~ 0.15 to 0.25 dex, and 0.1 mag in A_V. Spectral residuals are ~ 1% on average, but with systematic features of up to 4%. The origin of these features is discussed. (Abridged)
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