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Giant Secondary Grain Growth in Cu Films on Sapphire

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 نشر من قبل Mark Keller
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Single crystal metal films on insulating substrates are attractive for microelectronics and other applications, but they are difficult to achieve on macroscopic length scales. The conventional approach to obtaining such films is epitaxial growth at high temperature using slow deposition in ultrahigh vacuum conditions. Here we describe a different approach: sputter deposition at modest temperatures followed by annealing to induce secondary grain growth. We show that polycrystalline as-deposited Cu on alpha-Al2O3(0001) can be transformed into Cu(111) with centimeter-sized grains. Employing optical microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and electron backscatter diffraction to characterize the films before and after annealing, we find a particular as-deposited grain structure that promotes the growth of giant grains upon annealing. To demonstrate one potential application of such films, we grow graphene by chemical vapor deposition on wafers of annealed Cu and obtain epitaxial graphene grains of 0.2 mm diameter.

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95 - Lai Wang , Xiao Meng , Di Yang 2016
In metal organic vapor phase epitaxy of GaN, the growth mode is sensitive to reactor temperature. In this study, V-pit-shaped GaN has been grown on normal c-plane cone-patterned sapphire substrate by decreasing the growth temperature of high-temperat ure-GaN to around 950 oC, which leads to the 3-dimensional growth of GaN. The so-called WM well describes the shape that the bottom of GaN V-pit is just right over the top of sapphire cone, and the regular arrangement of V-pits follows the patterns of sapphire substrate strictly. Two types of semipolar facets (1101) and (1122) expose on sidewalls of V-pits. Furthermore, by raising the growth temperature to 1000 oC, the growth mode of GaN can be transferred to 2-demonsional growth. Accordingly, the size of V-pits becomes smaller and the area of c-plane GaN becomes larger, while the total thickness of GaN keeps almost unchanged during this process. As long as the 2-demonsional growth lasts, the V-pits will disappear and only flat c-plane GaN remains. This means the area ratio of c-plane and semipolar plane GaN can be controlled by the duration time of 2-demonsional growth.
We report the results of x-ray scattering studies of AlN on c-plane sapphire during reactive radiofrequency magnetron sputtering. The sensitivity of in situ x-ray measurements allowed us to follow the structural evolution of strain and roughness from initial nucleation layers to fullyrelaxed AlN films. A growth rate transient was observed, consistent with the initial formation of non-coalesced islands with significant oxygen incorporation from the substrate. Following island coalescence, a steady state growth rate was seen with a continuous shift of the c and a lattice parameters towards the relaxed bulk values as growth progressed, with films reaching a fully relaxed state at thicknesses of about 30 nm.
We demonstrate a facile method to produce crystallographically textured, macroporous materials using a combination of modified ice templating and templated grain growth (TGG). The process is demonstrated on alumina and the lead-free piezoelectric mat erial sodium potassium niobate. The method provides macroporous materials with aligned, lamellar ceramic walls which are made up of crystallographically aligned grains. Each method showed that the ceramic walls present a long-range order over the entire sample dimensions and have crystallographic texture as a result of the TGG process. We also present a modification of the March-Dollase equation to better characterize the overall texture of materials with textured but slightly misaligned walls. The controlled crystallographic and morphologic orientation at two different length scales demonstrated here can be the basis of multifunctional materials.
218 - Gintare Statkute 2015
GaAs nanowires were grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy on evaporated metal films (Au, Au / Pd, Ag, Ni, Ga, Cu, Al, Ti). The samples were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). SEM images reveal that nanowires grow directly on the metals. TEM characterization shows crystalline nanowire (nw) structure originating from Au. Article presents state of the art about nanowire-metal interface growth and enumerates nanowire contacting methods with metals.
251 - R. K. Koju , Y. Mishin 2020
While it is known that alloy components can segregate to grain boundaries (GBs), and that the atomic mobility in GBs greatly exceeds the atomic mobility in the lattice, little is known about the effect of GB segregation on GB diffusion. Atomistic com puter simulations offer a means of gaining insights into the segregation-diffusion relationship by computing the GB diffusion coefficients of the alloy components as a function of their segregated amounts. In such simulations, thermodynamically equilibrium GB segregation is prepared by a semi-grand canonical Monte Carlo method, followed by calculation of the diffusion coefficients of all alloy components by molecular dynamics. As a demonstration, the proposed methodology is applied to a GB is the Cu-Ag system. The GB diffusivities obtained exhibit non-trivial composition dependencies that can be explained by site blocking, site competition, and the onset of GB disordering due to the premelting effect.
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