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The Herschel-PEP survey: evidence for downsizing in the hosts of dusty star-forming systems

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 نشر من قبل Manuela Magliocchetti
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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By making use of Herschel-PEP observations of the COSMOS and Extended Groth Strip fields, we have estimated the dependence of the clustering properties of FIR-selected sources on their 100um fluxes. Our analysis shows a tendency for the clustering strength to decrease with limiting fluxes: r0(S100um >8 mJy)~4.3 Mpc and r0(S100um >5 mJy)~5.8 Mpc. These values convert into minimum halo masses Mmin~10^{11.6} Msun for sources brighter than 8 mJy and Mmin~10^{12.4} Msun for S100um > 5 mJy galaxies. We show such an increase of the clustering strength to be due to an intervening population of z~2 sources, which are very strongly clustered and whose relative contribution, equal to about 10% of the total counts at S100um > 2 mJy, rapidly decreases for brighter flux cuts. By removing such a contribution, we find that z <~ 1 FIR galaxies have approximately the same clustering properties, irrespective of their flux level. The above results were then used to investigate the intrinsic dependence on cosmic epoch of the clustering strength of dusty star-forming galaxies between z~0 and z~2.5. In order to remove any bias in the selection process, the adopted sample only includes galaxies observed at the same rest-frame wavelength, lambda~60 um, which have comparable luminosities and therefore star-formation rates (SFR>~100 Msun/yr). Our analysis shows that the same amount of (intense) star forming activity takes place in extremely different environments at the different cosmological epochs. For z<~1 the hosts of such star forming systems are small, Mmin~10^{11} Msun, isolated galaxies. High (z~2) redshift star formation instead seems to uniquely take place in extremely massive/cluster-like halos, Mmin~10^{13.5} Msun, which are associated with the highest peaks of the density fluctuation field at those epochs. (abridged)

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We compare the average star formation (SF) activity in X-ray selected AGN hosts with mass-matched control inactive galaxies,including star forming and quiescent sources, at 0.5<z<2.5. Recent observations carried out by PACS, the 60-210um Herschel pho tometric camera, in GOODS-S, GOODS-N and COSMOS allow us to unbiasedly estimate the far-IR luminosity, and hence the SF properties, of the two samples. Accurate AGN host stellar masses are measured by decomposing their total emission into the stellar and nuclear components. We find a higher average SF activity in AGN hosts with respect to non-AGNs. The level of SF enhancement is modest (~0.26dex at ~3sigma) at low X-ray luminosities (Lx<~10^43.5erg/s) and more pronounced (0.56dex at >10sigma) for bright AGNs. However, when comparing to star forming galaxies only, AGN hosts are broadly consistent with the locus of their `main sequence. We investigate the relative far-IR luminosity distributions of active and inactive galaxies, and find a higher fraction of PACS detected, hence normal and highly star forming systems among AGN hosts. Although different interpretations are possible, we explain our findings as a consequence of a twofold AGN growth path: faint AGNs evolve through secular processes, with instantaneous AGN accretion not tightly linked to the current total SF in the host, while luminous AGNs co-evolve with their hosts through periods of enhanced AGN activity and SF, possibly through major mergers. While an increased SF with respect to non-AGNs of similar mass is expected in the latter, we interpret the modest SF offsets measured in low-Lx AGN hosts as either a) generated by non-synchronous accretion and SF histories in a merger scenario or b) due to possible connections between instantaneous SF and accretion that can be induced by smaller scale (non-major merger) mechanisms. Far-IR luminosity distributions favour the latter scenario.
In order to investigate the FIR properties of radio-active AGN, we have considered three different fields where both radio and FIR observations are the deepest to-date: GOODS-South, GOODS-North and the Lockman Hole. Out of a total of 92 radio-selecte d AGN, ~64% are found to have a counterpart in Herschel maps. The percentage is maximum in the GOODS-North (72%) and minimum (~50%) in the Lockman Hole, where FIR observations are shallower. Our study shows that in all cases FIR emission is associated to star-forming activity within the host galaxy. Such an activity can even be extremely intense, with star-forming rates as high as ~10^3-10^4 Msun/yr. AGN activity does not inhibit star formation in the host galaxy, just as on-site star-formation does not seem to affect AGN properties, at least those detected at radio wavelengths and for z>~1. Furthermore, physical properties such as the mass and age distributions of the galaxies hosting a radio-active AGN do not seem to be affected by the presence of an ongoing star-forming event. Given the very high rate of FIR detections, we stress that this refers to the majority of the sample: most radio-active AGN are associated with intense episodes of star-formation. However, the two processes proceed independently within the same galaxy, at all redshifts but in the local universe, where powerful enough radio activity reaches the necessary strength to switch off the on-site star formation. Our data also show that for z>~1 the hosts of radio-selected star-forming galaxies and AGN are indistinguishable from each other both in terms of mass and IR luminosity distributions. The two populations only differentiate in the very local universe, whereby the few AGN which are still FIR-active are found in galaxies with much higher masses and luminosities.
197 - R. Nordon , D. Lutz , L. Shao 2010
The star formation rate (SFR) is a key parameter in the study of galaxy evolution. The accuracy of SFR measurements at z~2 has been questioned following a disagreement between observations and theoretical models. The latter predict SFRs at this redsh ift that are typically a factor 4 or more lower than the measurements. We present star-formation rates based on calorimetric measurements of the far-infrared (FIR) luminosities for massive 1.5<z<2.5, normal star-forming galaxies (SFGs), which do not depend on extinction corrections and/or extrapolations of spectral energy distributions. The measurements are based on observations in GOODS-N with the Photodetector Array Camera & Spectrometer (PACS) onboard Herschel, as part of the PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP) project, that resolve for the first time individual SFGs at these redshifts at FIR wavelengths. We compare FIR-based SFRs to the more commonly used 24 micron and UV SFRs. We find that SFRs from 24 micron alone are higher by a factor of ~4-7.5 than the true SFRs. This overestimation depends on luminosity: gradually increasing for log L(24um)>12.2 L_sun. The SFGs and AGNs tend to exhibit the same 24 micron excess. The UV SFRs are in closer agreement with the FIR-based SFRs. Using a Calzetti UV extinction correction results in a mean excess of up to 0.3 dex and a scatter of 0.35 dex from the FIR SFRs. The previous UV SFRs are thus confirmed and the mean excess, while narrowing the gap, is insufficient to explain the discrepancy between the observed SFRs and simulation predictions.
This paper presents a compilation of clustering results taken from the literature for galaxies with highly enhanced (SFR [30-10^3] Msun/yr) star formation activity observed in the redshift range z=[0-3]. We show that, irrespective of the selection te chnique and only very mildly depending on the star forming rate, the clustering lengths of these objects present a sharp increase of about a factor 3 between z~1 and z~2, going from values of ~5 Mpc to about 15 Mpc and higher. This behaviour is reflected in the trend of the masses of the dark matter hosts of star-forming galaxies which increase from ~10^11.5 Msun to ~10^13.5 Msun between z~1 and z~2. Our analysis shows that galaxies which actively form stars at high redshifts are not the same population of sources we observe in the more local universe. In fact, vigorous star formation in the early universe is hosted by very massive structures, while for z~1 a comparable activity is encountered in much smaller systems, consistent with the down-sizing scenario. The available clustering data can hardly be reconciled with merging as the main trigger for intense star formation activity at high redshifts. We further argue that, after a characteristic time-scale of ~1 Gyr, massive star-forming galaxies at z>~2 evolve into z<~1.5 passive galaxies with large (Mstellar=[10^11 - 10^12] Msun) stellar masses.
Dusty galaxies at z ~ 2 span a wide range of relative brightness between rest-frame mid-infrared (8um) and ultraviolet wavelengths. We attempt to determine the physical mechanism responsible for this diversity. Dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs), which ha ve rest-frame mid-IR to UV flux density ratios > 1000, might be abnormally bright in the mid-IR, perhaps due to prominent AGN and/or PAH emission, or abnormally faint in the UV. We use far-infrared data from the GOODS-Herschel survey to show that most DOGs with 10^12 L_Sun < L_IR < 10^13 L_Sun are not abnormally bright in the mid-IR when compared to other dusty galaxies with similar IR (8--1000um) luminosities. We observe a relation between the median IR to UV luminosity ratios and the median UV continuum power-law indices for these galaxies, and we find that only 24% have specific star formation rates which indicate the dominance of compact star-forming regions. This circumstantial evidence supports the idea that the UV- and IR-emitting regions in these galaxies are spatially coincident, which implies a connection between the abnormal UV faintness of DOGs and dust obscuration. We conclude that the range in rest-frame mid-IR to UV flux density ratios spanned by dusty galaxies at z ~ 2 is due to differing amounts of UV obscuration. Of galaxies with these IR luminosities, DOGs are the most obscured. We attribute differences in UV obscuration to either: 1) differences in the degree of alignment between the spatial distributions of dust and massive stars, or 2) differences in the total dust content.
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