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Perturbatively improving RI-MOM renormalization constants

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 نشر من قبل Holger Perlt
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The determination of renormalization factors is of crucial importance in lattice QCD. They relate the observables obtained on the lattice to their measured counterparts in the continuum in a suitable renormalization scheme. Therefore, they have to be computed as precisely as possible. A widely used approach is the nonperturbative Rome-Southampton method. It requires, however, a careful treatment of lattice artifacts. In this paper we investigate a method to suppress these artifacts by subtracting one-loop contributions to renormalization factors calculated in lattice perturbation theory. We compare results obtained from a complete one-loop subtraction with those calculated for a subtraction of contributions proportional to the square of the lattice spacing.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Renormalization factors relate the observables obtained on the lattice to their measured counterparts in the continuum in a suitable renormalization scheme. They have to be computed very precisely which requires a careful treatment of lattice artifac ts. In this work we present a method to suppress these artifacts by subtracting one-loop contributions proportional to the square of the lattice spacing calculated in lattice perturbation theory.
We analyze the lattice spacing dependence for the pion unpolarized matrix element of a quark bilinear operator with Wilson link (quasi-PDF operator) in the rest frame, using 13 lattice spacings ranging from 0.032 fm to 0.121 fm. We compare results fo r three different fermion actions with or without good chiral symmetry on dynamical gauge ensembles from three collaborations. This investigation is motivated by the fact that the gauge link generates an $1/a$ divergence, the cancelation of which in many ratios can be numerically tricky. Indeed, our results show that this cancelation deteriorates with decreasing lattice spacing, and that the RI/MOM method leaves a linearly divergent residue for quasi-PDFs. We also show that in the Landau gauge the interaction between the Wilson link and the external state results in a linear divergence which depends on the discretized fermion action.
73 - Yujiang Bi , Hao Cai , Ying Chen 2017
Renormalization constants (RCs) of overlap quark bilinear operators on 2+1-flavor domain wall fermion configurations are calculated by using the RI/MOM and RI/SMOM schemes. The scale independent RC for the axial vector current is computed by using a Ward identity. Then the RCs for the quark field and the vector, tensor, scalar and pseudoscalar operators are calculated in both the RI/MOM and RI/SMOM schemes. The RCs are converted to the $overline{rm MS}$ scheme and we compare the numerical results from using the two intermediate schemes. The lattice size is $48^3times96$ and the inverse spacing $1/a = 1.730(4) {rm~GeV}$.
We impose the axial and vector Ward identities on local fermion bilinear operators in the Sheikholesalami-Wohlert discretization of fermions. From this we obtain all the coefficients needed to improve the theory at O(a), as well as the scale and sche me independent renormalization constants, Z_A, Z_V and Z_S/Z_P.
The determination of renormalization factors is of crucial importance. They relate the observables obtained on finite, discrete lattices to their measured counterparts in the continuum in a suitable renormalization scheme. Therefore, they have to be computed as precisely as possible. A widely used approach is the nonperturbative Rome-Southampton method. It requires, however, a careful treatment of lattice artifacts. They are always present because simulations are done at lattice spacings $a$ and momenta $p$ with $ap$ not necessarily small. In this paper we try to suppress these artifacts by subtraction of one-loop contributions in lattice perturbation theory. We compare results obtained from a complete one-loop subtraction with those calculated for a subtraction of $O(a^2)$.
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