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Same sign diboson signature from supersymmetry models with light higgsinos at the LHC

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 نشر من قبل Howard Baer
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث
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In supersymmetric models with light higgsinos (which are motivated by electroweak naturalness arguments), the direct production of higgsino pairs may be difficult to search for at LHC due to the low visible energy release from their decays. However, the wino pair production reaction tw_2^pmtz_4to (W^pmtz_{1,2})+(W^pmtw_1^mp) also occurs at substantial rates and leads to final states including equally opposite-sign (OS) and same-sign (SS) diboson production. We propose a novel search channel for LHC14 based on the SS diboson plus missing E_T final state which contains only modest jet activity. Assuming gaugino mass unification, and an integrated luminosity > 100 fb^{-1}, this search channel provides a reach for SUSY well beyond that from usual gluino pair production.

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Naturalness arguments applied to simple supersymmetric (SUSY) theories require a set of light higgsinos with mass $sim |mu|$ not too far from $m_h$. These models have an inverted electroweakino spectrum with $|mu| ll M_2$ which leads to a rather clea n, hadronically quiet, same-sign diboson (SSdB) signature at hadron colliders arising from neutral-plus-charged wino pair production. We improve and expand our earlier studies of this signature for discovering SUSY in natural SUSY models by (i) including backgrounds which were not previously considered and which turn out to be significant, (ii) devising more efficient cuts to successfully contend with these larger backgrounds and determining the discovery reach and exclusion ranges for winos with these cuts, emphasizing projections for the updated integrated luminosity target for HL-LHC of 3 ab$^{-1}$, and (iii) emphasizing the utility of this channel for natural models without gaugino mass unification. We display the kinematic characteristics of the relatively jet-free same sign dilepton+$ ot!!!{E_T}$ events (from leptonic decays of both $W$s) and find that these are only weakly sensitive to the parent wino mass. We also examine the charge asymmetry in these events and show that its measurement can be used to check the consistency of the wino origin of the signal. Finally, we show that -- because the wino branching fractions in natural SUSY are essentially independent of details of the underlying model -- a determination of the rate for clean, same-sign dilepton events yields a better than 10% determination of the wino mass over the entire mass range where experiments at the HL-LHC can discover the wino signal.
We investigate the prospect of searching for new physics via the novel signature of same-sign diboson + ${E!!!!/}_{T}$ at current and future LHC. We study three new physics models: (i) natural SUSY models, (ii) type-III seesaw model and (iii) type-II seesaw/Georgi-Machacek model. In the first two class of models, this signature arises due to the presence of a singly-charged particle which has lifetime long enough to escape detection, while in the third model this signature originates resonantly from a doubly-charged particle produced along with two forward jets that, most likely, would escape detection. We analyze in great detail the discovery prospects of the signal in these three classes of models in the current as well as the upcoming runs of the LHC (such as HL-LHC and HE-LHC) by showing a distinction among these scenarios.
We study the polarization of positively charged $W$s in the scattering of massive electroweak bosons at hadron colliders. We rely on the separation of weak boson polarizations in the gauge-invariant, doubly-resonant part of the amplitude in Monte Car lo simulations. Polarizations depend on the reference frame in which they are defined. We discuss the change in polarization fractions and in kinematic distributions arising from defining polarization vectors in two different reference frames which have been employed in recent experimental analyses.
In models of maximal flavor violation (MxFV) there is at least one new scalar $Phi_{FV}$ which couples to the quarks via $Phi_{FV} q_i q_j propto xi_{ij}$ where $xi_{i3},xi_{3i} sim V_{tb}$ for $i = 1,2$ and $xi_{33} sim V_{td}$ and $V$ is the CKM ma trix. In this article, we explore the potential phenomenological implications of MxFV for collider experiments. We study MxFV signals of same-sign leptons from same-sign top-quark pair production at the Tevatron and at the LHC. We show that the current Tevatron dataset has strong sensitivity to this signature, for which there are no current limits. For example, if $m_{Phi_{FV}} sim 200$ GeV and the MxFV coupling $xi$ has a natural value of $sim 1$, we expect $sim 12$ MxFV events to survive a selection requiring a pair of same-sign leptons, a tagged $b$-jet and missing transverse energy, over a background of approximately 4-5 events.
We use the current CMS and ATLAS data for the leptonic $pp to WW, WZ$ channels to show that diboson production is, for a broad class of flavour models, already competitive with LEP-1 measurements for setting bounds on the dimension six operators para metrising the anomalous couplings between the quarks and the electroweak gauge bosons, at least under the assumption that any new particle is heavier than a few TeV. We also make an estimate of the HL-LHC reach with $3$ ab$^{-1}$. We comment on possible BSM interpretations of the bounds, and show the interplay with other searches for a simplified model with vector triplets. We further study the effect of modified $Z$-quark-quark couplings on the anomalous triple gauge coupling bounds. We find that their impact is already significant and that it could modify the constraints on $delta g_{1z}$ and $delta kappa_gamma$ by as much as a factor two at the end of HL-LHC ($lambda_gamma$ is only marginally affected), requiring a global fit to extract robust bounds. We stress the role of flavour assumptions and study explicitly flavour universal and minimal flavour violation scenarios, illustrating the differences with results obtained for universal theories.
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