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An unusual, non-metallic resistivity of the 111 iron-pnictide compound FeCrAs is shown to be relatively unchanged under pressures of up to 17 GPa. Combined with our previous finding that this non-metallic behaviour persists from at least 80 mK to 800 K, this shows that the non-metallic phase is exceptionally robust. Antiferromagnetic order, with a Neel temperature T_N ~ 125 K at ambient pressure, is suppressed at a rate of 7.1 +/- 0.1 K/GPa, falling to below 50 K at 10 GPa. We conclude that formation of a spin-density wave gap at T_N does not play an important role in the non-metallic resistivity of FeCrAs at low temperatures.
Non-Fermi liquid behaviour in single-crystalline U2Pt2In has been studied by means of resistivity experiments (I||c) under hydrostatic pressure (P<1.5 GPa). At ambient pressure the resistivity rho(T) follows a power law rho~T^alpha with alpha~0.5. Up
We report transport and thermodynamic properties of stoichiometric single crystals of the hexagonal iron-pnictide FeCrAs. The in-plane resistivity shows an unusual non-metallic dependence on temperature T, rising continuously with decreasing T from ~
We have investigated hexagonal YbAgGe down to 70 mK by measuring the magnetic-field and temperature dependence of the resistivity rho of single crystals in fields up to 14 T. Our results extend the H-T phase diagram to the lowest temperatures for H a
FeCrAs displays an unusual electrical response that is neither metallic in character nor divergent at low temperatures, as expected for an insulating response, and therefore it has been termed a nonmetal-metal. We carried out neutron scattering exper
We report transport and thermodynamic properties of single-crystal SrIrO3 as a function of temperature T and applied magnetic field H. We find that SrIrO3 is a non-Fermi-liquid metal near a ferromagnetic instability, as characterized by the following